new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

Hee hee .....I got a bit confused last week....I thought I had midwife on monday the 18th..........wasnt until I looked at my calendar I saw it is next monday.......I had organised the boys to meet me at drs so they can meet the midwife and listen to the heartbeat etc.......what a wally.

Hannah has changed postion too now she has started to kick under the ribs now ........
Must say I have some nice cravings.......none of them have been weird.
It started off with orange juice with the bits in, then went onto eggs and now I am getting through so much milk I could do with my own cow in the garden.......I just cant get enough of it......and I could only ever have it with cereal........!!!!
Though I really had to have some semolina last week though that is milky too.

Has anyone else had any cravings ?????? and what were they ?
Heya Sonja.. My craving at the beginning was OJ too - very rich in folic acid so that's probably why it's so common! I've been going through a BIG craving for chilli for about 8 weeks now, have been eating it about 4 times a week!!!!! It's starting to ease off now though!

Have been seen by my mw today - I'm measuring 5cm ahead of my dates now.. :eek: Looks like he or she is going to be quite a good size!! Blood pressure is super low - which is great as we have a very strong history of full blown eclamptic fits in our family (as in fit into a coma, not good) so the asprin is doing its stuff! I've also got to be at least reviewed by a consultant now with a view to discussing options for birth - homebirth is definitely out (fair enough) but she's still happy for me to at least try for a normal delievery if I can.. It was lovely to see my mw again and seeing her again in 3 weeks! I also had my supervisor of midwives come round to sign my intention to practice form (form which lets me practice), she's a very senior community midwife so it was nice to see her too.. I meant to ask my mw earlier about whether I need another scan, my placenta is very low lying (although it JUST doesn't reach the cervix, phew!) but I forgot, was concerned I was being a typical "midwife" and thinking about things too much so asked my SOM whether I was being daft for asking - answer is nope, I need another scan at 32 weeksish! Woo, we might get to see whether we're having a pink or a blue bean after all!!

Am absolutely shattered now, hubby gone to the clinic he runs on a thursday evening so I am going to have a quick bite to eat (yup, I know it's only 4.30!) and go to bed, I can bearely keep my eyes open!

Hope everyone else is good..

Hmmm cravings.....OJ but didnt see it as a craving until you guys mentioned it....going through litres a week at moment.

Also eating tonnes of grapes.....bagels and cream cheese....yummy!
its funny how all of you mentioned OJ -- old wives tales say: OJ, fruits and sweets in general were related to carrying a girl! dont know how accurate that is... but I HAD to have OJ everyday in the beginning of my pregnancy -- even went for the expensive stuff TROPICANA (at least its 'expensive here in the UK when compared to the price in the US).

i also had the chili craving -- and made big heaping pots of it for weeks...

now i need a toasted bagel with cream cheese and jam -- off to make one now -- anyone else want one?:eatdrink051:
I wonder is that where the old nursery poem comes from....."sugar and spice and all things nice".....dont agree about the poems - LOL my son is sooo sweet.....

Hope all of you have a nice to make a cheese toastie with OJ for breakfast!!
I also have 2 more scans before Hannahis born, just to check on her growth seeing she may be fighting for space, my next one is in april at 32 weeks then another at 36 weeks.......will be nice to see how she has progressed though.
At the next scan the boys will be off school so they will come and see there sister on screen.

I still have the fleeting need for OJ, but im definately still hung up on milk.

Helen I hope you come to a decision on the birth that will be best for you and baby, do you think you will be ok to labour and deliver normally.....? How likely is it to hurt yourself more in delivering normally......? I would be worried about being worse after the birth and not being able to care for baby.......god its so hard to know what to do for the best.......hope things work out for you.
I think having scans is next one is on 7th March when we will be 6 months.

In one way- having the choice of whether to have a natural birth or CSection taken away is sometime better well it was for me....cos I was in the same dilemna(sp?) for ages and the consultant just decided...CS it is!

Group hugs!!
I almost feel quite envious you're all getting extra scans, we'd love to know what flavour we're having!! Hopefully I'll get a scan at 32 weeks ish to see whether my placenta is still lowlying and hopefully we'll find out then...

Having a couple of bad days again, I didn't get to sleep until nearly 5am this morning (and quite genuinely didn't sleep, hubby on nights and I watch tv/read/mooched on the internet all the while TRYING (but failing) to even get a little bit comfortable.. Finally managed to drop off about 5ish only to wake up by 7.. Have managed to doze for a couple of hours today... Spoke to my mw this morning who said to take a one off double dose of pethidine to get on top of it and to then take it more regularly, am going to take some more in a minute as the codeine I tool an hour ago has done absolutely nothing.. She's also going to talk to the consultants on Monday to see what else we can do - but it's probably a case of waiting for my appointment with the pain clinic on the 3rd March..

Sonkie, I'm still desperate to have a normal delivery if I can - and I'd prefer to go into labour than have an induction.. As long as I'm careful in labour and the mw takes care of my legs then I'll be ok, I just dont fancy recovering from this AND a section - but at the end of the day it's Bean's birth, not mine, so if I end up needing a section then so be.. Will wait and see... I must admit I swing from wanting to beg for an early elective section to being able to cope for a while longer - but I'm going to start the raspberry leaf tea at 34 weeks and hopefully I'll be able to have some sweeps when I'm due too to try and nudge things along, I'm really allergic to pineapples sadly so wont be able to eat those but I will be able to eat curries - so will be making lots of curries too!!!!

One bit of good news, all my bloods from the other day were normal (yay!) so I'm not developing gestational diabetes which I'm REALLY pleased about! Just mean that Bean's growing well!!!! I weighed myself earlier - admittedly straight after supper which was probably a bit daft (considering I'd drunk a pint of water while sorting supper out and another pint while eating (had been dozing today and realised I'd not drunk much) but I've put 3 stone on already.. Maybe those two pints and supper will account for 3lbs, maybe another 2 of loss overnight but that's still 2st 9lb and am only just into third trimester - oops!!!

Might weigh myslf first thing in the morning to see what it actually is!!!! Hows everyone else going on that front?
congratulations on the great blood results!

I also tested negative for gestational diabetes and so far my liver enzymes and platelets and BP are doing fine! I see my consultant in 3 weeks for another baby scan (we saw her last week and shes growing well and no sign of baby distress) hopeful that I will get further along in my pregnancy this time...I am scheduled for an induction May 8th -- but thats just for precautions, in case BP rears its ugly head again...but would love to go for the VBAC.

hugz to all of you...and good luck with going thru another week -- time is flying! sunflower, hope your pain doesnt get any worse...chin up, we r almost there hun!
Thanks Nina.. xx

Hope your bp stays low, were you given a cs for pre-eclampsia last time? My mw is keeping quite an eye on my bloods/bp for that too as my mother had eclamptic fits with each pg, my last bp was 130/62 though - so the bedrest is obviously doing me lots of good!!

Ahh, must be lovely to have that date in mind! Knowing you'll meet your little one soon! Guess it means you'll probably be the first one on the thread to have your baby!! How exciting!
Sunflower - sorry to hear you are not getting much sleep....only a week to go to the pain clinic....its so terrible that you have to wait sooooo long.....

Nina....not long now till you have your arrival.....

Hugs guys!!
Yay, I weighed myself this morning and I'm half a stone lighter than last night, so it's only (I say only while wincing.. ;) ) two and a half stone I've put on so far...

Thank you Bea - you're always so kind!

Two and a half stone...thats about average....I am at 2 stone mark you are doing great....
I've done some new bump pics today at 28 weeks -

Photos 3, 4 and 5....

Oh my life I have so many stretchmarks now it's untrue... And, with 12 weeks to go, they're going to be awful by the time I'm due.. Please someone tell me they have as many as me??!!! No bikinis for me ever again!
Thanks Nina.. xx

Hope your bp stays low, were you given a cs for pre-eclampsia last time? My mw is keeping quite an eye on my bloods/bp for that too as my mother had eclamptic fits with each pg, my last bp was 130/62 though - so the bedrest is obviously doing me lots of good!!

Ahh, must be lovely to have that date in mind! Knowing you'll meet your little one soon! Guess it means you'll probably be the first one on the thread to have your baby!! How exciting!

I developed HELLP which is the severe form of pre-eclampsia at 28 weeks and had an emergency basically, i could deliver anytime, but we are shooting for may 8th!

thanks bea 4 the warm wishes! bet u cant wait til ur scan --time will fly after that!

my BP has remained relatively healthy so far and I now go every week to check urie proteins and BP...

I enjoyed looking at ur belly bump! mine is about the same size! do you think coco butter will help with the strcthing of the skin??
HELLP is nasty sweets, bet you must be paranoid every time you get a headache or visual disturbances or upper fundal pain ay?? At least you know you're doing well if you've got a big bump - HELLP/Pre-eclamptic babies I've delivered are usually on the smaller size - your placenta doesnt work so well when your bp is up!

Not sure re cocoa butter - the damage is done inside to out, the skin is the last thing to tear.. I'm particularly prine to stretch marks and the research out there says if you're going to get them then nothing will stop them.. I know they fade with time - until then I'm wearing my mummy marks with pride!! :D
HELLP is nasty sweets, bet you must be paranoid every time you get a headache or visual disturbances or upper fundal pain ay?? At least you know you're doing well if you've got a big bump - HELLP/Pre-eclamptic babies I've delivered are usually on the smaller size - your placenta doesnt work so well when your bp is up!

WHat I remember last time was the URQ/epigastric pain -- it was excruciating! I really felt like I was dying -- and ironically I platelets were down to 36 when they delivered baby and liver functioning was next to nil-- but he was 1kg at 28 weeks (not too far from the normative mark)...

so far, I have felt fine this pregnancy, in terms of HELLP symptoms and BP is behaving (todays visit 133/82)...on aspirin and tinzaparin are right, last time my placenta was only 1/3 functional (and calcified with loads of clots)...but we are hoping for a better outcome this time...and baby is moving loads more than last time -- so I take it each day with special care...

Not sure re cocoa butter - the damage is done inside to out, the skin is the last thing to tear.. I'm particularly prine to stretch marks and the research out there says if you're going to get them then nothing will stop them.. I know they fade with time - until then I'm wearing my mummy marks with pride!! :D

yes I have read the same research...sadly, i got my stretch mark from years of obesity -- so I envy your marks of mommy-pride!:jelous: (jealous face)
WHat I remember last time was the URQ/epigastric pain -- it was excruciating! I really felt like I was dying -- and ironically I platelets were down to 36 when they delivered baby and liver functioning was next to nil-- but he was 1kg at 28 weeks (not too far from the normative mark)...

so far, I have felt fine this pregnancy, in terms of HELLP symptoms and BP is behaving (todays visit 133/82)...on aspirin and tinzaparin are right, last time my placenta was only 1/3 functional (and calcified with loads of clots)...but we are hoping for a better outcome this time...and baby is moving loads more than last time -- so I take it each day with special care...

yes I have read the same research...sadly, i got my stretch mark from years of obesity -- so I envy your marks of mommy-pride!:jelous: (jealous face)

Blimey o rielly - 36 is a bit blooming low mrs!!!! 1kg is pretty good actually considering the hellp syndrome - my mother fitted at 28wks with me with a bp of 240/165, I weighed 750g, much lower in comparison.. The fact your baby is moving loads more is a good sign, distressed babies dont move as much..

Ahh, dont get me wrong, I've got loads of old stretchmarks on the lower half of my bump (in fact I've got very few new ones as the skin is still stretched enough from before to cope with the bump for the moment!) but I've added to them quite spectacularly, in fact hubby nicely told me that I look like I've been swiped by a tiger earlier before kissing them and saying he loved them for the fact I'd got them carrying Bean... Bless!!
Had midwife yesterday....everything fine, though she couldnt feel baby because the hernia was in the way, then she tried to listen to her heartbeat.....I pmsl when she tried to listen to heartbeat...she put probe on top of no heartbeat, so she played hunt the heartbeat.
After a chat about the hernia she is referring me to an anaesthetist in case I need anaesthetic .......eeeek I dont like the sound of this.