new start, we have let things slip

Hi Girls, another 3lb gone, and never to grace my wobbly tum again !!!
Need another non-food treat for this week if I stay with the plan, thinking another pair of exercise bottoms, as the new ones are a tiny bit big, but they are fantastic !!! Before, I've only had the cheapo jogging bottoms, which just hung..... My jeans feel a bit roomy too, may try on my next size down ones this weekend !!!
How is everyone today ?? Good weekend ?? I had Italian Fri night and it was lovely !!!

Diva x
well done viva on the 3lbs off, fso know how you feel about not declaring a put on. look at me avoided this thread for a couple of weeks after christmas after i put on.
hi all
How are the posh sports socks and the Elizabeth Arden Mask?
I aint feeling too great about not declaring my gain so I am going to declare it. According to the scales in the gym I was 12st 5 and half. Not to worry i guess. The sunday classes at the gym are back on and I am making sunday mornings my gym morning again. I restarted with the shakes and healthy meal yesterday and day 1 went as planned - maybe even better. Today has gone well so far but as I am working from home, gotta be extra careful to not find an excuse to go into the kitchen. I am hoping to get to the gym this evening but only if i get everything i need to get done - done. Feeling ok and remained friends with so called friend. Thank you for not judging. I think as we both know where each other stands its easier, BUT i do not know if it makes it right. He is managing to instill some body confidence in me which might be a good thing but again - does that make how close we get right, when we are not in a relationship together. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. If i could stop thinking and just go with it, it would be good but i am a thinker. I am glad I have not slept with him in the literal sense of the word but we do get close - closer than friends should get!! Aaaaagggghhhhhh - i just dont know. Am i selling myself short thinking I dont seem to be the girl that gets the man (apart from awful ex husb) so any comfort is better than none? or am i setting myself up for more hurt as we clearly are both attracted to each other but he is not ready for a relationship. Should i be strong and tell myself well its either a relationship or nothing which means if it felt like we were getting close I would find an excuse to leave early or do i just let myself enjoy. I obviously seem not to do well with guilty pleasures so i have a feeling we may end up as just friends - in the literal sense of the word. even though it feels nice. Decisions decisions. Wouldn't it be nice if things could be simpler :)
ah well must not worry too much. I am thinking about making a cheese omelette later today rather than a low fat ocean pie i throw in the microwave. Will see how I feel. Not hungry yet either which is good. Need to try and drink though so going to put the kettle on.
Well done on your losses!!! They are motivating me x
ok so the box of chocs got opened and devoured - but had managed to ignore the box for over a week. Ah well hopefully if good the rest of the week might see a teeny tiny loss for sunday :)
Well done FSO for declaring the gain, that took some guts !!! It's just a glitch and think how you'll look back in a month or so, when you feel lighter and brighter !!! It depressed the hell out of me when I was yoyo-ing last year, the same pounds on and off on and off, ahhhhhhh !!!! You can analyse it until you cry !!!
Keep on going, I'm focusing on a pound at a time, cos my 168 lb target is a way off yet !!

Face mask was fabulous, sat in a lovely bubble bath, soaking for 30 mins, music playing, felt like Lady Muck !!! Sometimes it's the simplest pleasures, eh? Only thing missing was a big fat glass of wine !!!!

Diva x
ooh a relaxing bath. You are right its the small pleasures that matter. i dont drink - i think if i did drink i would turn to to cope with lots of lifes stresses. Hope the mask made u feel all refreshed. Well it all went wrong as u may have gathered last night when I started eating and didnt stop especially when i finally got into that damn box of been good today so far so hoping can stay that way. I did end up having a really long workout in the gym yesterday and know I had actually re-lost what i had gained the previous week BUT i put some of that back on last night!! doh! but will weigh in sundays again as I am going back to the sunday morning classes as the instructor that was off is back and she is excellent and really motivates. I have a very stressful day at work tomorrow but more so a meeting at 9am with the boss that i am dreading but went to his office today and got his secretary to book it. When she said tomorrow morning i thought i cant face him so soon but then i thought sod it - gotta get it over with. Will let you know how it goes. Its these little stresses that im spending too much time worrying over. i know i am not coping/ dealing with issues well at the moment but i am hoping that in a few weeks i will be a lot less stressed workwise, a good routine gymwise and a better routine foodwise. I am just surprised at myself for not being stronger but I guess i have to accept i cant always be strong. Hope youre all doing ok x
Hi All.....FSO how did your meeting go at work ?? Hope it went well !!!

Finished my walking target today, so my reward this week was another pair of slinky posh exercise bottoms and I found a bottle of a favourite perfume, half the UK price......and then slashed by another 60%!!!! I am such a bargain hunter !!!! If I stick to the plan I usually " allow" myself around $20 per week for my treat !!! Hehehe !! Sounds silly doesn't it, but it seems to be working for me, considering I spent all those years "rewarding" myself with over eating !!! Crazy isn't it ???

Have a good weekend !!

Diva x
perfume and new exercise bottoms sounds good! and i think $20 is more than a reasonable amount to spend on yourself each week and if its working then keep it up. The meeting went good in some ways and not so good in others. Basically they are not going to support me to do a particular course that I wanted to start and without their support I wont get the discount (cant really afford it without the discount) but they will consider supporting me to start a higher level of study which is good in a way as its what I was hoping to do next yr after this course but it also means I need to find the self motivation to make it happen. I have a couple of busy weeks at work so not really thinking about it but once they have passed I will have to get into it.
My pt has just said he thinks the reason I am not losing is because I am not eating enough and he knows I tend to just eat in the evenings. He said even with my minor blips I should be losing and he also said he was concerned as he thinks I am losing muscle rather than fat. I think he may be right there. So he has me writing everything I consume down this week and wants to review it next week. He said theres no point me paying him if I am not really seeing results. I know he is right so going to have to make a food diary to show him. I weighed in at 12st 3.4lbs today which is better than last week. Also I have not seen so called friend all week. We have only had contact via text. Think its better this way. Hope youre all having a good weekend x
what perfume was it? :)
omg that is so cheap - i bet we would pay 4 times that for a small bottle - let alone a big one. I went to the gym and did a class this morning. Its girly time too so i am actually feeling really hungry. Will try and watch what I eat. Enjoy the rest of the weekend x
Hi All, Monday, Monday sure looks good to me !!! Another 3 pounds gone !!! Was excited this morning !!! Hehe !! Had that moment when you actually really really really do believe that you can do this !!! Now just another pound this month and I'll be under 200 lbs, for the first time in like FOREVER !!

Diva x
Hello, how are we all doing ??? What are your challenges for Feb ??? I am feeling good, and I am going to keep on with the walking. It's funny to think I am about 32 lbs away from my target, it has always seemed to be a bit of a shimmery dream or fantasy ( like winning the Lottery.... I wish !!) It has been sooo long since I was ever a " normal " weight !!! I'm getting little tweaks of excitement, as I reach every tiny little mini goal, but still feel like that if I stare at my 168 lb target in the distance, it'll disappear and I'll wake up, and be over 250 lbs again !!!

Have a good weekend !

Diva x
oh wow!! another 3 lbs off for you this week - thats great Diva!! Sorry I havent been on. I have been really busy with work. I have managed to get in to the gym. Had 1 day where I ate what I shouldnt have but I have been good the rest of the time. I am trying to eat during the day regularly as i tend to starve myself during the day and then eat lots at night so body keeps storing the food i am guessing. Seems to be going okay. I weighed in today just in case for some reason I dont make it to the gym tomorrow. It said 12st 1.2lbs so that looks like 2 off since last week. Next weeks goal is to get under 12st. can it happen is the big question. In relation to february if i can carry on and try and get closer to getting to 11stone 8 and maintaining it then I will be really pleased with myself. I think i am toning and my arms are getting stronger even though I am only seeing small losses. I know I am developing muscle and I am okay with that. FB how did you go this week? Diva all the best for monday x
hold on to that feeling and excitement as you will reach your goal x
hold on to that feeling and excitement as you will reach your goal x

Thankyou ! And you are sooo close to being under 12st, I am a little bit green with envy !!!!
Popped on here to stop myself from thinking about food as it's still another 3 hours until dinner !!! ( sob!)

If I get under 200 lbs this week, I have a nice treat lined fingers crossed...will let you know Monday !!!!

Diva x
under 200 lbs will be fab!!! put that green eyed monster away as you too will get here!!! I have not been to the gym today as ended up marking papers but they needed doing so had no option. I think ive not done too badly foodwise but i can be a big snacker when working from home or studying - it keeps me motivated. Not ideal. I am debating whether to stick a dvd on as had enoough of working as it seems thats all ive done all day. Excited about your weigh in tomorrow - i have a feeling you will be pleased. Enjoy whats left of the weekend x
waiting to hear how your weigh in went!! fingers crossed!!
Sorry, I'm late posting, manic day...have been up since 4.30 am !!! ( Mr D is away on business this week) bonus was that I had done most of my workouts before for me !!!!


:talk017: :talk017:

Woohoo, it feels sooo good!! Big treat this week is that I have chucked away all my makeup ( it was a real mixture of bits and bods !! ) and I am replacing it all with NEW products!!! Got a wish list organised and tomorrow I am hitting the beauty counters !!! YES !!! This is such a nice treat as usually I just replace as and when I need too, like most of us girlies do !!! :)

Roll on Feb !!! My next target is to lose another 7 lbs during that month !!!

Diva x
wahey! well done. so how much did u lose??
wish lists are brilliant and u definitely deserve it. what did u treat yourself with and did u just stick to make up? really pleased for u. Its a big milestone getting under 200lbs and u should be proud of yourself. Hugs.
FB - where art thou? hope all is well.
Diva keep at it and keep posting as it will hopefully motivate me. Just had a personal training session so i have exercised 3 times since monday so just have to get in to the gym one more time this week. My downfall is food but small steps and all that and hopefully we will get there xoxo