Well. Have just come back from swimming and the hunger games begin again. Starving. Between swimming and breast feeding its really taking it out of me :( oh well. The day will soon be over.

Mary did you start today :)) x

Hope everyone else is doing good today x
Ugh kerry I failed! I forgot my fricking shakes and was on the road :-( so here's my current dilemma. I have a do on Saturday night. It's a sit down dinner thing. I committed to it before xmas. I want to go because it's a great cause. I don't want to go cause I hate the way I look. I want to start lipotrim but if I do I couldn't go on Saturday cause I wouldn't be able to explain why I'm not eating. My hubby says start tomorrow and skip the do. I kind of think he's right. What do you think kerry. There are no other occasions coming up after that. But I really need this so should I just prioritise me now.
Hmmm. Its a tricky one. If you think your in the right frame of mind now, do it tomorrow. Come Monday you might not be. But its only a few days. The other thing you could do is go and not eat. Don't explain to anyone, just tell them youve had a dodgy stomache. Hmmmmm. What so you want to do? Xx
Ok. Tomorrow it is. I'm not sure I'm in the right frame of mind but I think hubby is right. This is what I want now. "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now. " Time to practice that. I cannot believe you have not weighed in yet. That is insane but kind of a cool idea. Not sure I could hold out that long. I can't wait to hear what you've lost. It must be loads now!!!! It's so exciting. Go easy on the exercise. It's only week 1. I'd say the breastfeeding is causing the hunger. How's jobi liking lipotrim?!!!
Oh and yes. Always prioritize you. If its the choice of an event or making yourself feeling better, always the latter xx
I never thought about weight making you look younger. I bet the way you feel emanates from you too which helps.
Off to bed now so with the new me on duty in the morning!!!!!! Such a love/hate relationship with lipotrim!
Good girl. You'd be gutted next week knowing you could've started this week. I always think I've just wasted a week. And I like your quote. I think that should be our little mantra :)

I believe you can do it. You l ow its not going to be for long. How much so you want to lose x
I guess 4 1/2 stone but aim for healthy weight range for now which is 4. Mad to think in 5 weeks I could be halfway there. In ten weeks on same day as your party, it's Aisling's Communion so I should be over 3 stone lighter. How great would that feel. I'd be a size 14 then. Fingers crossed. I feel I have to do it now so I can have you with me again. You're my lucky charm or something!
Yes. Do it now. You don't want to be looking back in 10 weeks and wishing you'd have done it. Knowing you could be 1 stone away from target. You know and I know its the most amazing feeling in the world.

And its probably the Irish running through my veins that makes me your lucky charm ;) x
Ok Kerry. Don't kill me with all the yo yoing. Tomorrow's my birthday so am stalling
I don't wanna spend it with headaches and knackered. I will definitely be with you this week sometime! Hopefully Friday. And we're skipping the do Saturday night or maybe showing after the dinner.
Haha. Mary I didnt realise it was your birthday tomorrow. I would definitely leave it. Have a birthday blow out and then let that be your new start. You definitely don't want headaches on your birthday xx
Ya I feel like my birthday present to myself will be "suffering". Thanks! Will start soon! How you doing today?
I'm feeling OK. Went to see my sons play today. Its usually only 20 minutes but it was an hour today. I was starving when I came out. The stuff I could eat right now is ridiculous :/ but. Its mad because every time I do lipo I only think of healthy stuff. If only I could stick to it x
You will stick to it. You can do this and you....we... can keep it off and we're going to. You say you're finished having kids. Well now let's go for it. After this, we're both committing to, at the very least, monthly weigh ins. So we don't let it go too far. But, more importantly, take this step one day at a time, one hour at a time. Another week and you should start to feel much better. You are halfway to that point. And yes, you may be feeling hungrier cause of the breast feeding, but just think of that positivity that comes with weight loss and how that will impact on your family and, more importantly, you. We will feel better about ourselves and happier. We CAN and WILL do this. And not worry about the future. At least, not yet. You've got this in the bag Kerry. You've lasted a week already xxxx
Aww Mary. Your so right. I need you as my drill sergeant lol! I know. And yes we definitely need once a month weigh in. It seems like such a long slogg but I know it will be over with soon :). You sound more ready Than me lol! Xx
Hope your day went well. I'm looking forward to finally dealing with this weight. It's amazing you've held out this long for the weigh in!!!!
Day 9 today. Still hanging in there for weigh day. Been to a gymnastics centre this morning with my little one. Certain days of the week they get bouncy castles and slides and stuff out for kiddies. £3.50 to tire them out is a bargain :)

It also stops me thinking about food. Don't feel to bad today. Am half dreading doing out for a meal tomorrow though. I already know what im Eating. Chicken breast salad. I'm hoping it won't take me out of ketosis. Although I still don't feel like I'm in it.

9 week and 3 days left. Would love to be 210 lbs but realistically I think 220 will happen
Happy birthday Mary. Hope you have a fab day :)) xx
Been in and out of the house today which means I didn't think too much about food...until I cooled a chilli for tea. Jeez it smelt so good. I had a strawberry shake tonight. It definitely reminded me why I didn't like them
Bleeuuurrrgghhh. Awful. Never again. Probably taking in my last bottle of water going down then bed.

Hope you've had a fab day mary :))
Hi!!!! Nothing too special today. I'm exhausted. Was at doc today. Was off thyroid pills for couple weeks and it caused exhaustion so only wanna go sleep now. Anyway glad you had busy day. Chatted to my lipotrim lady in chemist today. She's so awesome and supportive. Told her I'll be in by monday latest. Although not weighing in sounds very tempting! Anyway chat tomorrow. You're doing so awesome.