New Starter

I am chub, bring on the next 3 weeks TFR I'm ready for u!!! Lol xx

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Stick with it Hun!!! Think how proud u will be xxx

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Woohoo well done sun! Another 6lbs woah I don't know how u do it!! Your certainly not slowing down!
Chub your hungry cos your getting close I was exactly the same! I had a doughnut at hairdressers today... Feel well guilty!! Love my hair n nails tho! Real pamper session!

Lost 36lbs in 7 weeks :)


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Woohoo well done sun! Another 6lbs woah I don't know how u do it!! Your certainly not slowing down!
Chub your hungry cos your getting close I was exactly the same! I had a doughnut at hairdressers today... Feel well guilty!! Love my hair n nails tho! Real pamper session!

Lost 36lbs in 7 weeks :)

Those nails look lovely! I currently have blue nails (self painted). :)
Nails are lovely jeni but tut tut tithe doughnut!!! Iwas shocked at losing that this week, definitely need to do some exercise now lol xx

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Morning all, very quiet in here xx
Hope all are ok

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Morning sun.. I'm okay... Refeed going as expected.. Naughty! And bread HURTS! But doesn't stop me.. Don't think I'm cured as yet! Although I needed a break don't think I was really ready to come off! Oh well keep telling myself it's ok don't go mad you can get back on it soon! Wishing I was chan lying in the sun! Bloody weather is depressing! Looking forward to weekend tho.. Ready to partay!! Hope shopping goes well tommorow! When you moving Hun? Must be soon now? That will keep u busy! X

Lost 36lbs in 7 weeks :)
Hey jeni
I think I'm cured as I really don't wanna naughty stuff but time will tell. 3 weeks left on TFR for now tho xx

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Hmm I thought I was sun! Grr! It's being on holiday aswell.. Not helping! Lovin being able to watch come dine with me again!!

Lost 36lbs in 7 weeks :)
I'm a happy bunny :) I couldn't go for my 10th weigh in today as I'm up north so I went to debenhams and I bought myself some red herring size 18 jeans! I hope you all are doing well.

52.5lbs lost in 9 weeks :)
Im doing good Jeni. I've been to middlesborough for 4 days and sat with a water or black coffee while my Mam, sis, daughter and 2 nieces have being eating out for breakfast, dinner and tea. We went to Beamish yesterday and they had old fashioned sweets and fish n chips. How are you getting on with your refeed?

52.5lbs lost in 9 weeks :)
Refeed not going exactly to plan... I'm trying but I know I could do a lot better... Not expecting any further losses just hope I don't put to much on! Amazingly enough I can't wait to get back on it! Not possible for a few weeks but will soon come I guess! Out with the girls this weekend... A little nervous about getting smashed!

Lost 36lbs in 7 weeks :)
You will be pissed after a few drinks Jeni cheap night out lol I'm going out tomorrow night in Barrow with my mates again I will be on water. Im dreading refeed as I know that will be when all the hard work starts.

52.5lbs lost in 9 weeks :)
Ah Sharon you must be so pleased with your jeans well done, will this be the first.time your friends will have seen u