New Starter

I'm cold all the time!!! I know Jeni & I still don't feel 100%. Yeah I have to weigh myself for reassurance the scales are going in the right direction. I have decided after Tuesday I am doing it for 4 more weeks then refeed for one week then SW. I only intended on doing LT for 2 weeks to give me a head start so 6 weeks will be enough for me x x
Oh Rachael that's doable n u can almost touch that :)
I have read a few on here have done for like 20 plus weeks, that's nearly 6 months, how can they manage that???!
On my last shake now n sparkling water lol - cant wait to jump on scales in morning lmao cx

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Well as long as you don't go anywhere guys!! Or we can all join Sw together and jump to that forum? Lol yeh rach when I had my 'toilet' experience the other day I wasn't right for the rest of the day.. You'll be better tomorrow tho :)

Lost 15lbs
I'm going to have to do 6 months to shift my bulk I'm hoping I've shifted it by Christmas so I can have christmas dinner lol

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Yeah me to hun. I tell u for def, I would not be going this if it wasn't for my hol in sept - I would just be doing it with SW or WW. Cos it's hardcore!!! But, on saying that I'm out the worst bit but I still miss food, not hungry but I just miss it?? Do u get what I mean or do I just sound like a nutter lmao xx

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Sharon hats off to u Hun x
Jeni what a great idea - think I'm gonna do WW tho but will go into whatever room to keep up with u guys xxx

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I lost over 3 stone on ww fell pregnant had my daughter then put 8 stone on in 10 years.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Thanks Sun I know it's not going to be easy but it has to be done.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Thanks Rachael do you follow Leeds united as well? I'm saying Xmas as I'm guessing that's how long it will take to lose 8 stone.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
I totally know what u mean sun... Said it to my dad today... And also it's changed my life! Not doing so much as a family cos it always involved food! And not seeing friends cos that involved drinking! But got to realise and somehow figure out how to do all this in 'moderation' cos at the end of the day I hate myself being this big!!

Lost 15lbs
Yeah it is rugby Rachael I thought you were a leeds rhinos fan that's why I asked if you followed Leeds united as well.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Lol I think we all know how bad we were being... Specially on this diet you start thinking Jesus!! How could you eat all that! That's why we're here!!!

Lost 15lbs
I know what you mean Racheal I could of eaten McDonald's for breakfast and dinner then a Chinese for tea plus crisps and chocolate bars as well.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Sharon, total respect doing it that long - I will be with u till 12 sept :) xx
Jeni / Rachael it's weird not having food in ur life, it takes away social stuff like u said - not for ever tho is it ladies?
I tell ya, we will all be a cheap night out!!! Lol ;)

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Totally sun... This is just a small chunk of our life! How much happier are we gonna be! Sooo let's stop talking about when we're coming off it! (although that's all we can think about!!!) and just think how well we are doing and what's another few weeks/months! Another weekend down guys!!!

Lost 15lbs