New Starter

Cheers Sun I think you come to that point in life were you know something's got to be done and that's we're I am at the moment I'm determined to lose my bulk. Last August I gave up smoking after 20 years of smoking 20+ a day.

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Maccy d's brekky, double sausage n egg mcmuffin meal oh yes, but fills u for all of an hour at most!!
I started having scrambled egg n mushrooms at work n that filled me much more - we all have to re educate ourselves n this diet is truly doing that to me xx

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Agree rach... But at the time I just wanted to shovel it in!!! I used to get tummy aches ALOT and go to bed feeling sick sometimes! haven't had one since being on this diet (well apart from the 'toilet' situation!) I'm hoping this really makes me appreciate food more and eat slower and enjoy it!!

Lost 15lbs
I'm babbling tonight lol day off work tomorrow no 3.25am get up not used to being up this late on a Sunday night lol

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Respect Sharon!! I gave up for a few weeks this year but fell off when I'd had a couple of drinks!!! I'm sooo glad I'm smoking right now! But it's deffinately the next thing to tackle!!

Lost 15lbs
When I gave up the fags I stopped the drink as I'd of never of done it otherwise. I'm a boring ***** really I don't smoke don't drink and don't eat lol

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
Here here jeni :)
Deffo couldn't have stuck with it without u lot xx not only support factor, but doing something ie on here chatting which makes time go by x
I will give u a laugh.......... My bf bought some new jama bottoms yesterday........
Bright yellow with sponge bob all over em :)
Yes he wearing them right now - oh my life lol

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Well Sharon well done for making the changes in ur life x
I'm doing cos I got high BP n I lost my mum when I was 19 due to weight related issues n I don't wanna go down that road. I realise this has to be for life but so be it eh? We only live once n we wanna be totally happy with ourselves :) xx

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Haha sexy!! I bought a 3 pack of sponge bob knickers once I LOVED them! Hubby was like WTF are they!! Throw them away!!!

Lost 15lbs
I hope so Jeni the last time I was 10 stone I was 10 years old I've never been skinny my lowest as an adult was 13st 10lbs and that was 11 years ago. Thank you Sun

Week 1: -10.5lbs. Week 2: -6lbs. Week 3: -5lbs Week 4: -7lbs
We can do it ladies & we will :) I'm doing this till 6th of August :) glad to see how well we are all doing, well done everyone second weekend is nearly over x
Jeni worst thing I been thro in my life, watching her slowly die, but she wasn't huge, 13 stone. I'm way heavier than that. She had a couple of mini strokes n mild heart attacks n was diabetic. But anyways I'm heavier than she was so I wanna look after myself before its too late :-(. Hugs to u too xxx
Chan we doing so well, I reckon we gonna do it u know Woohooo x
I also love it our weigh ins are on different days - something to look forward to, look forward to all urs as much as mine :) x

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Night n sweet dreams jeni :) xx no Hollands meat n tatie pie lol

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