New Starter

Nothing like a bit of retail therapy to perk u up!!! I've just taken the dogs out for a walk.. Feel better for it but don't think I'll be late in bed! Kernackered!

Lost 15lbs
Good Rachael n how are u? Oooh excited for ur weigh in!!!! u got an idea how much u lost? ;)
I'm needing some help in toilet area now - my second full day of no show lol - getting some of that stuff after work - the joys!!! Xx

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Thanks girls, I hope you are right and plain stubbornness will get me through this first week! I've got a whole list of reasons why it needs to be done, so maybe I should write it all down and consult it when the cravings/hunger kicks in!

All the best for your weigh day Rachael1664 - can't wait to hear your results :)
Deffo mel I bought a nice new pink diary... I've filled it with reasons I want to lose weight... Goals... Exercise plan.. What to do when I'm hungry.. Weight loss and all the refeed info.. Also writing in there what foods I'm looking forward to! And I'm quite surprised... They're not all fatty unhealthy foods!! It's amazing what u miss when you can't have it! I'm also going to write up a healthy maintenance plan... But I've got lots of time to do that!!
Aw sun join the ducolax club Hun! I was okay today thank goodness but I am being very generous with the fibreclear no way will I have 21 servings in that pot!

Lost 15lbs
Evening ladies :)

Welcome on board Mel:).
I feel great Rachael but I still can't tell the difference lol maybe when I lose the next stone hey:). Hope toilet issue is better for you tomorrow Veronica & looking forward to hear your results tomorrow Rachael:) x
Dulcolax purchased n two taken :) need to get rid of this before weigh in lol lol xx
Hope u r all ok - 1 late down 4 to go - bah detest them lol xx

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Lmao jeni I know!!! Why u think I wanted rid before weigh in!! ;) xx

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I weakly don't know Chan, sorry xx

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Weakly = really!
Bloody tying on this iPhone lol x

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Hey ladies. Sorry iv not been on tonight only iv been otherwise engaged thanks to dulcolax!!! Haha I swear the next time I go the loo, I'm gonna lose a lung! So glad they worked tho haha

P.s....welcome Mel, sorry about the toilet talk. Lol
Pmsl yep definitely 4 lbs unbelievable :) thanks for GL ladies I've no idea how much I've list I only weight myself every morning to make sure scales are going in the right direction lol.... Watch this space!!!! Also starting horse riding tomorrow so super excited although the poor horse will have their work cut out!! I'm joining you again Sun the fibreclear not touching me lol I'm having one teaspoon twice a day :-( xxx
Oh my god janine lol - when did u take it n how many??
I took 2 about an hour ago - when will that work lol xx

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Hi chan

You can't have chilli powder but you can have chills flakes ?? You do only need a little as it really changes the taste of the chicken soup yum yum.

Hi mel welcome to the world of lipotrim iv lost 25lb in 4 weeks but got a little ahead of my self, I started to re-feed when I'm really not ready for it so I'm back today with 100% LT, the first few days are hard but well worth it.

Now to all the constipated :(
I'm soaking in a red hot bath because of ducolax I now have piles as big as a head, I'd swear I'm having a baby from the wrong place lol but really not funny, not a good idea to take 3 (yes 3) thought as 2 didn't work 3 would and oh yes it did and now I'm suffering :(

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Ooohh mini now im scared :-(
Eeeks oh dear oh dear!!!
Hope u r ok soon mini xx

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