New to SW and thinking i am having too much!

Hi Zoe, just read your "blog/posts" and am so very inspired! Impressive weight loss, and great to read from a newbie (to SW but not dieting lol!) Thanks and well done you x

Thanks Monkeychops! 6 weeks now and loving it-all I do is eat lol

Shrimpy and Ali* will prob end up having to make different meals anyway as we are veggie and he isnt, so steak for him, veggies for me lol
I suppose if you want to play it like that... I guess I'm just a meanie when my da comes to visit. I just make what I want and he'll eat it too! LOL
LOL only been a veegie for about 5 years-just glad I manage to remember lol.

Had School sports day today so I was running all over the place which the kids found very funny! Wasnt until I took part in the egg and spoon race I realised what cheats most of the staff are lol

So there was also a BBQ but I took my own so it wasnt too bad.

Todays diary so far

B'Fast- Coffee, I did go to have pineapple but it wasnt ripe so I had to leave it.
Lunch-ASDA meatfree 1/4 pounder, 2 syns
with BNS wedges with lettuce and peppers.
Dinner-will be making a risotto with BNS, peppers, onions, scallions, asparagus and broccoli!!

Right-does an end of term thank you cake from my form class count as syns?? I HAD to have a slither to be nice-I would have been able to resist but felt I had to have some. Prob only had about 40g if that.......what do we reckon??

What type of cake?
One of the girls from my class made it-so homecooked plain cake with somesort of creamy filling!??
U eat sooo many superfoods/veg wonder the weight is flying off! well done :)

Cake wise...i would say if it was like a victoria sponge type thing, maybe 6 syns for a small slice? just to be on the safe side - mr kipling slices have 7.5 syns each apparently!!
28g of a victoria sponge is about 5syns, so I'd allow 7 :)
Zoe - do you agree that eating loads of veggies on SW is the answer? What with being a teacher and, bet you get sick of people expecting you to know all the answers huh?!!!!!!

P x
U eat sooo many superfoods/veg wonder the weight is flying off! well done :)

Cake wise...i would say if it was like a victoria sponge type thing, maybe 6 syns for a small slice? just to be on the safe side - mr kipling slices have 7.5 syns each apparently!!

Will put it down as 7 whihc menas I went over my syns yesterday by 5 lmao-but I did 8 another day so I am kind of even-ed out!!

28g of a victoria sponge is about 5syns, so I'd allow 7 :)

Yip def doing it as 7 (read above :()
Thank god I have you guys to keep me on the straight and narrow! I was def not going to put it down, but at least for the week I am still in the right amounts for the week, even if I do like to stay in my daily limit :mad:

Thank you for the advice ladies!!!

Zoe - do you agree that eating loads of veggies on SW is the answer? What with being a teacher and, bet you get sick of people expecting you to know all the answers huh?!!!!!!

P x

I definitely think that eating the veg helps, same with fruit, I do try to snack on fruit during the day instead of syns, but have been cutting down on snacks altogether because I am not so hungry. ALways make sure you so 1/3 superfree!! Also I am doing my body magic-started with the bronze. So 45 mins spread out in 5, 10 or 15 sessions!! Maintained for 4 weeks, it is easy enough to fit in, and it is all you have to do!!

In short Monkey chops-yes :rotflmao:

Bloody teachers with their long drawn out answers
Thanks, am impressed so far with how SW is going for me but will try and up the veggies, am not generally a fan tbh! Here I go again - ?body magic?? Not sure what that means, but I am not going to class this time around and my book is from July last year, so maybe it is something new?!!
Thanks, am impressed so far with how SW is going for me but will try and up the veggies, am not generally a fan tbh! Here I go again - ?body magic?? Not sure what that means, but I am not going to class this time around and my book is from July last year, so maybe it is something new?!!

Body Magic is the exercise program that runs in conjunction with Body Optimising. It encourages you to up your exercise but not too much too fast-all about getting more and more active so that you have an overall healthy lifestyle. Basically SW is completely trying to retrain us to be healthy happy people!! Hope this helps


About to go to chillifest-and it is gonna be hard with the no drinking-usual I go and I have like 5 pints of Coors and it is a fab day, wonder what it will be like sober!?? Hoping to buy some nice chilli treat yum yum!!

So today goers a little something like this

B'fast- Tangerine, apple and pineapple
Lunch- Leftover risotto from last night with some extra asparagus
Dinner- Pasta n sauce with extra broccoli and BNS wedges, delicious, esp with al the extra herbs and spices I added yum yum

Syns- Tesco extra light soft cheese (added to the pasta)-had 50g so saying 3.5 syns
Then tonight I am having beer so 4x czech low alco mixed with 1 x crown 4% for a total of 10syns

Total synnage- 13.5
Hex B- Mint HiFI bar at 9


Went to chilli fest which was rubbish, wrong season for it so didnt have many chillis. Got 2 bottles of sauce which are syn free, because no syn ingredients YAY.
Also found a wee indian supermarket in Belfast which I didnt know was there so spent a fortune on spices-which I put in everything but it is SO much cheaper than the supermarkets.

Anyway thats about it. Tomorrow is a cleaning day, but I made SW quiche tonight for tomorrow!! woo hoo
Hi all

I am a little bored, and yet strangely not bored enough to do the housework that needs done prior to my dad's arrival.

So today has been a weird one due to a need for food shopping, but here goes everything so far.

B'Fast- Apple (nowt else in the house)

Lunch- Toast (hexB)-with quark, with baked beans (with celery peppers scallions and some inferno chilli sauce) Also 2 x Quorn sausages (2 syns)

It was delicious and now I am stuffed!!

Dinner- Was made last night- SW quiche with peppers leeks and scallions. Will have a side of a little salad(lettuce really) and some BNS wedges. Yum yum.

This means I can have syns later oh yeah!!!


Cant believe tomorrow is WI day. So maybe tonight I will also make some BNS soup to have for lunch tomorrow lol, think light as possible, would love to have another loss :scale: but am worried as I have my TOM :badmood:

We will see xxxx
It'll be fine you've had a good week, and if you don't lose as much as you should, it'll come off after nasty old mother nature f**ks off!
Just want to say thanks for all your help, you may not think you have done much but even just reading your story so far has encouraged me. Lost 3lbs today at my private weigh in!!!!

Am well chuffed, off to work now with the rest of the week pretty much planned out, oh, and hubby picking up zumba for the wii for me too in his lunch hour! Aiming for 3lbs next week too, would like to get rid of that half stone in a few goes x x x
Just want to say thanks for all your help, you may not think you have done much but even just reading your story so far has encouraged me. Lost 3lbs today at my private weigh in!!!!

Am well chuffed, off to work now with the rest of the week pretty much planned out, oh, and hubby picking up zumba for the wii for me too in his lunch hour! Aiming for 3lbs next week too, would like to get rid of that half stone in a few goes x x x

AH thats brilliant well done you :clap:

Mine is tonight, so hoping for at least one pound especially as \i feel so bloated today-horrible TOM

Anywhos will let everyone know how I do

Agree with Ali*! You'll be fine Zoe! :)