New to SW and thinking i am having too much!

Or Pizza topped fake chicken boob (Quorn thingie?)? Then you get the Pizza cheese and nommy ness but with the extra awesome of chicken style products??

Lol, I often add on some quorn chicken pieces, but too be honest by the tiem all the veg is on I normally cant fit any more. Plus I tend to skip the cheese-always fear that \FOR NOW if I start eating cheese I may not stop lol!!!

Oh also, I just did day 2 of the 30DS! yikes, but not feeling as sore so hopefully I will be able to do it tomorrow!!! Felt a bit happier doing it today so hoping by about 5 in it wont be as bad! :character00115::character00116::faint2::sign0137:
I am feeling much better with it today. My legs are "tender" but only if I stretch them out, my quads are grumpy! :)
So I did have smash pizza for dinner with BNS wedges. It was delicious, and hubby says his was beautiful. Topped his with the BBQ sauce from on here! Was meant to be syn free, but had to use sugar as I was out of sweetner-so he had to have it lol!!

Anyway normally it wouldnt be overly filling but tonight i AM stuffed!! Didnt stop my with the syns! Had 4 czech lagers for 4 syns, A mini curly wurly for 3 syns, a wee bag of magic stars for 3.5 syns, and 5 mikados for 2.5 syns, which with everything else brought me up to 15 syns today!

After the exercise today I felt I deserved a wee extra treat and had full syns for the first time this week!!

How hard is the 30 day shred???
Really thinking of giving it a go. Have a dance dvd here and me and my little lad dance like loonies in front of it. Lol

Pizza sounds yum, must give it a go. Think my son would love it to.

Got quark today so going to try the cinamon toast with quark, jam and berries... Yummy!!
Getting some great ideas..
OH yum french toast I may have to have that tomorrow morning!!

The 30 DS is hard really hard but like she says if she is gonna guarantee results then it has to be hard! Deffo think it will be worth it!! Only 2 days done so far but will try and keep it up!! I honest think you should try it x
Of I toodle onto amazon to order it...
Going to get zumba for the wii as well I think...

So I didnt have any sweetner this morning so I decided against the frnech toast.

Instead I had an omelette, with Celery, Scallions, Peppers and mushrooms. 3 eggs and some chilli grinder. I measured out 28g of mozarella, and put over everything.

Only had half of it so counting that as half of my HexA, which left 175ml of Skimmed milk for the other half, which I used in my first coffee of the day at 11.

So hubby will have to have the other half of omelette for dinner.

Have loads of fruit in the fridge so think I am gonna have a MASSIVE fruit salad for lunch including a giant pineapple which I plan on eating the whole of lol

Also I will be doing the 30DS at some point as I am not hurting today-muscles just feel like they have been worked-if that makes sense but I def can work etc.

Today... I am fine!!! :eek:

I had omlette/scramble for breakkie today too, for exactly the same reason!
Today... I am fine!!! :eek:

I had omlette/scramble for breakkie today too, for exactly the same reason!

Lol, very spooky. Just read your thread-wow day 6 so jealous.

Gonna try to do mine after dinner-starving at present so dont have energy. But if I have an early dinner I should be able to fit it in no Probs, and that will be day 3 yikes-dreading it already haha!!!
It really does get better! :) She isn't lying when she says you'll notice a difference in your endurance by day 6, 7 etc. :)
Oooooh, had a really crappy day today, pigged out central here. No excuse but my hubby has really wound me up and because of my stroppiness I have turned to eating rubbish. have to see it as a blip and start afresh tomorrow, but not much hope for the already doomed weigh-in lol!

Bring on next week, get the wi over with and start again!
Oooooh, had a really crappy day today, pigged out central here. No excuse but my hubby has really wound me up and because of my stroppiness I have turned to eating rubbish. have to see it as a blip and start afresh tomorrow, but not much hope for the already doomed weigh-in lol!

Bring on next week, get the wi over with and start again!

Ah Monkey only just saw this-hope you are feeling better now!!! big hugs from here!!

Yesterday I didnt do my 30DS couldnt find my 40E (aka exercise bra) and that Jillian one likes to make you bounce haha. But I did 40 mins on the exercise bike and was keeping the speed up and was sweating buckets so at least I did some body magic. On the plus side I did day 3 of 30 DS tonight so its all good!!

Food wise I was up late so has Brunch which was crazy beans on toast with 2 quorn sausages. (beans mixed with leeks, scallions, mushrooms,and a pepper)(hexB bread)

Went up to my mums and took leftover beans as a snack, with an apple. Also had coffee with my hex A-which I took with me as they only have SS milk. saddo!!!!

Dinner was BNs wedges with leftover chilli fromm yesterday.

Now here comes the rant :badmood:
I jumped on the scales tonight around the same tie as weighin tomorrow, I hadnt eaten for about the same length of time as is usual on a MOnday, and...................
I have lost NOTHING!!!! nadda!! Slitch!!! So I am really not a happy bunny. Food hasnt changed plus have been exercising like a *****!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr

OK rant over!!
Sorry but it has really annoyed me :(

Laters people xx
I gained last week, I'm sure it's Jillian's fault, but this weekend everything is feeling looser and my scales said a 2lb loss... but it's not WI yet... So, wait and see, and I will too.
Zoe - that is so weird! I was just thinking to myself this afternoon "Shrimpy & Zoe are doing so much exercise, hope they remember it can temporarily slow down weight loss" ... :eek:

You are both doing really well - I have been admiring you from my couch! :8855:

Increasing your exercise can only benefit you in the long run ... try to work through this blip and the results will be sure to show xx
Ah Ladies what would I do without you!!! LOL

I think, I hope, you are right!!! Thinking there may be a fat muscle thing going on, or a retaining water type thing!!!

Fingers crossed. If I STS I wont panic!!
Have you taken measurements? I've lost 6" off my bellies! :eek:

I took measurements at week 7 so approx 2 weeks ago! Wish I had done it at the start!! x
Good luck for tonight Zoe, and well done with the 30DS, am very impressed with you and Shrimpy it sounds very hard, will stick to the nice lady on the wii zumba for now!

As expected this week, a gain of 1lb, but I am not being maudlin, just starting afresh and am not letting this git beat me, it will be off again this time next week come hell or high water!!!

Been running too this last week so not 100% sure if that maybe had some effect as did stick to plan apart from one blip day??? Although, when I say running, I do mean it in the loosest sense as I am only up to 2 mins running, 1 min walking for 25mins at the mo....................ha ha ha X
Good luck for tonight Zoe, and well done with the 30DS, am very impressed with you and Shrimpy it sounds very hard, will stick to the nice lady on the wii zumba for now!

As expected this week, a gain of 1lb, but I am not being maudlin, just starting afresh and am not letting this git beat me, it will be off again this time next week come hell or high water!!!

Been running too this last week so not 100% sure if that maybe had some effect as did stick to plan apart from one blip day??? Although, when I say running, I do mean it in the loosest sense as I am only up to 2 mins running, 1 min walking for 25mins at the mo....................ha ha ha X

That is still more than I could manage, I could run for 2 then walk for....23 lol, I really cant run it kills me, but maybe as my fitness increases I should try to run a little more-would be a good way to keep the weight off in the end???

Anyhow I def dont see a loss for me either I am afraid, but as Ali* says it may be down to the exercise!?? So it could be the same for you! But I will let you know later what happens x
Well I lost 1 pound!!! So not too bad! YAY

Hoping next week will be an even better loss fingers crossed! xx