Newbie Alert :-)


New Member
Hi all, Altho im no novice to dieting I am a complete novice to Xenical. Basically know the low fat diet I must use with this pill, and have been warned about the oily mess if i dont:eek:. Any advice and tips would be greatfully received :). I work as a part time chef ,so am handling food all day sometimes:sigh: This can sometimes feel like torture! Looking forward to sharing tips and advice:D
Hi Lu & welcome! There are a couple of sticky threads that are advice for new starters which are really really useful!!! Anything else just post & I'm sure someone will be able to answer you. If you stick to the rules you'll not go far wrong x
hi the support on here is great , have been on xencial before and failed but didnt know about this website, so am back on xenical and i often come on here for advice and support , have lost 5lb which am pleased with but still more to go , so good luck
Welcome along, and good luck with your journey
Hi Lu :) Like you I'm new to Xenical but definitely not new to dieting! It certainly seems like everybody on here has been in same position and had all the same questions. Think we can all do this together xx