Newbie (sort of)

You seem to be doing really well on your restart in TFR. This time round, do a lot if research into what plan you will follow after TFR. As you've learned, keeping the weight off is the toughest part. IMHO planning for maintenance is most important. Keeping up the water habit is key. I still try to drink two litres a day. Often when I feel hungry I just reach for my water bottle!
Soon you will be back at your goal. The time will pass quickly.
Good luck
You seem to be doing really well on your restart in TFR. This time round, do a lot if research into what plan you will follow after TFR. As you've learned, keeping the weight off is the toughest part. IMHO planning for maintenance is most important. Keeping up the water habit is key. I still try to drink two litres a day. Often when I feel hungry I just reach for my water bottle!
Soon you will be back at your goal. The time will pass quickly.
Good luck

Thanks irish molly,
I see you've done brilliantly yourself and most importantly you've kept the weight off.

That's inspirational for me, I wanted to start up a thread looking for people like you who've done lipotrim TFR and have kept the weight off long term over a number of years.

We will all lose weight after a few months on TFR (some more than others) but as statistics show, if we are not fully engaged in the understanding that finishing TFR is just one part and maintenance is another, then we're at risk of having to make a return to sustained TFR.

Some people make the mistake of thinking the end of TFR and reaching goal weight is an end point,


Although it is a massive achievement and should be applauded, a person must stay in the zone once TFR is completed they must continue to watch very carefully what they eat etc and be ready and alert so they can make the minor adjustments needed to maintain their weight. After a while it will become a new habit and the weight will not increase in any great way. A person will be able to control their weight within a range of three or four pounds up and down.

I've read your details with admiration, thanks again to you (and everyone on the forum) for your support.

I try to post on other threads as well to offer my support where I can.

Kolacube xx
With a mindset like that you will do well on maintenance. It really sounds as if something has "clicked" for you. IMO that's the key we all need to find. It makes maintaining losses so much easier.
Hi all, weighed-in today and wait for it........ lost 2lbs !!!! that's right 2lbs Well I tell you I was shocked after another whole week of TFR and all that goes with it I had only lost a measly 2lbs :sigh:.

But then I started to think :rolleyes: 2lbs is better than none and I guess I may not have drunk as much water as I usually do. Last time I was on Lipotrim I did 6 weeks. Today is week five of my return I wonder if I'm subconciously getting my self ready for stopping. I don't want to do that as my plan is to refeed around 12-Dec-2011 that will be after 8 weeks I should then be 13 stone something (from 17st 1lb) and at my target weight.

I really feel this is another test, my body is trying to make me give up NEVER!!!! lol

I'm close now maybe a few more weeks I've definately got less weeks to do than I've already done so here's to staying focussed and taking inspiration from those who have gone before me :).

Kolacube xx :)
Aw hun, don't let it bother you too much. I had a week where I only lost 2lb (actually, by the chemist's scales it was only 1! But I went off my own scales, to make me feel better...) but the weeks around it were fine and it all evens out to a decent average. :)

Hope you can still see the bigger picture - it's all good!

Hugs, Mx
Hi Kolacube!
Please don't be disheartened with a smaller loss as it's all significant in the long run. Your metabolism generally slows down a bit as your body prefers storing potential fuel for "fight or flight" situations rather than letting it go according to Dr. Marilyn Glenville.
Keep at it hun and the end reward will be so worth the wait!

xx S
Hi Kolacube!
Please don't be disheartened with a smaller loss as it's all significant in the long run. Your metabolism generally slows down a bit as your body prefers storing potential fuel for "fight or flight" situations rather than letting it go according to Dr. Marilyn Glenville.
Keep at it hun and the end reward will be so worth the wait!

xx S

Thanks Shivie (and all)
It has been a difficult couple of days, but there is no way I'm stopping now when I have only until the 12-Dec-2011 till I start refeed. I have a boys night out planned for this coming Sat 19-Nov-2011 booked some time ago for my mates birthday, we're (or should I say they're) go to have a buffet and on to a club after.
Guess what I'll be having..... That’s right a lipotrim shake then copious amounts of water throughout the night.
I'm quite ok with that I've done it before on more than one occasion; I tend to find it better for me to still go places and be around food rather than hide away from it.
To tell you the truth it feels kind of good to see the disbelief on the faces of my friend when I can be around them and food and not touch a single morsel, they think I'm superhuman lol.

I'm ok because I know I haven't given up on food forever, it’s just for a short while in the big scheme of things.

Like Shivie said in the long run if I add my 2lb loss this week to the losses since I started 5 weeks ago I'm down to 14st 12lbs from 17st 1lb. That's 2st 3lbs over all, 5 weeks ago I would've settled for that!!!!!

I'll be back enjoying the protein side of the buffets in a few months time, and I'll be better educated on what to have in moderation, what is fine and definitely what to keep to an absolute minimum.

Thanks everyone for ready my post and for your comments. I'll be trawling the forum as usual and trying to post where I think I can help too.

Stay strong and focussed,

Kolacube :) xx
You ARE a super human!! Well done for facing your soon-to-be ex-demons head on and putting yourself in situations where the easy choice would've been to cave. Really admire you for that as I'm still trying to avoid being in a position like that! Must work on it......
Keep up the fab work and we'll be demanding those before & after pics soon enough!

x S
Hi all,

I survived the boy's night out ha ha and I'm still here and focused eventhough it's been hard going lately.
I had my weigh-in today and have lost another 4lbs. I'm down to 14st 9lbs my aim was to get to mid 13's hope I can make it.

Keep up the good work everyone.

Kolacube xx
You'll have 10lbs off in no time. Well done on staying focused. Your story is just what I need to read right now :)
Josie xx
Kolacube said:
Hi all,

I survived the boy's night out ha ha and I'm still here and focused eventhough it's been hard going lately.
I had my weigh-in today and have lost another 4lbs. I'm down to 14st 9lbs my aim was to get to mid 13's hope I can make it.

Keep up the good work everyone.

Kolacube xx

Well done that's brilliant!.... Boys nights will still be there when you're done :) x
Great news! Well done for that, Kolacube...
Hope you keep getting the better losses now, but if it happens again, at least you know it doesn't last! :eek:

Love and hugs,
Hello everyone,
it's that time of the week again weigh-in day and this week I've lost a staggering 6lbs can't believe it especially after only losing 2lbs a couple of weeks ago.

I definitely felt different this week because I felt unwell like you do after day 3-5. I think my body was going from plateau to rapid weightloss mode again.

I'm not complaining because it puts me well within my target of under 14st before 12-Dec-2011 I'm now 14st 3lbs from 17st 1lb on 11-Oct-2011 that's 2lbs away from losing 3st in 7 weeks and I feel fine, no hunger pangs just absolute boredom at not eating anything.

The habit of chewing food is a strange thing you don't realise how much you miss it until it is taken away from you. There are no particular foods I crave, the great feeling of losing the weight and how I look in the mirror far outweighs (pardon the pun) the thought of the unhealthy food I over indulged in before.

Don't get me wrong I don't plan to be a saint I'll still indulge in food that are not the best but I will be in control and will see them as the odd treat and not the main foundation of my daily or even weekly food intake.

I should be under 14st by this time next week for the first time in 20 years it feels so good to be able to even say that. I don't think, infact I know I wouldn't have been able to reach where I have today without the support I've had from you guys on this forum. Not just the people who have commented on this thread but even the people who just read the thread. I notice this thread has had hundreds and hundres of readers, which helps me to be determined to be sucessful in reaching my goal and more importantly maintaining my weight for some considerable time. I'll be posting on the forum to keep anyone interested updated.

So no you've not got rid of me yet :) lol

Keep up the good work everyone, and for all the Newbies please don't get disheartened or think too far ahead just work at getting into the lipotrim TFR routine zone then being patient (that's the key).
The weeks really do pass quickly once you're into the swing of things.

Kolacube :) xx
What a fantastic positive post!! Well done on your great progress to date. Your change in attitude to eating and food is marvellous.
Great news Kolacube! You're such an inspiration so keep it up!

x S
Hi all,

I hit a plateau over the last week and lost only 2lbs but I'm really close to my goal now only have 2lbs to lose that'll take me under 14st then I start refeed.

I must admit it's a little scary leaving the comfort (if you can call it that) of not having to think about what you're going to eat, to having to plan and take note of almost every single morsel to pass your lips.

I know it'll be tough at first adjusting but it's just another phase in the journey to being in control of my eating and having a healthier body.

I'll be posting in the maintenance section from next week. Good luck to everyone on TFR and see you all in the maintenance section when you've reached your goals.

I know you'll all get there because you've already showed great strength and courage to start and continue on lipotrim TFR.

Kolacube xx