.Nicki. - time flies.

Hi bestie,

Wow you have had a busy day!

I was a bit worried you might get so carried away buying :bunnydance: stuff that you might forget the human food lol :eating: Can't believe how lucky that bunny is! xx

Now you've said a bit more about the xbox thingy I know what it is! I've never seen one but our grandson has one and I remember him saying how good it is! They live in Scotland though so I don't suppose I'll be playing on it much :8855:

Your tea tonight is one of our favourites! We all love gammon. We were gona have it tonight but gorgeous hubby decided to treat us to a curry on the way home from the hospice :D Haven't done the syns yet but it was Chinese and I don't think it's too bad...:fingerscrossed:

Hope the tummy settles down ok...I'm sure he just needs a few days adjustment period xx
I'm awake and its bugging me now, gave up trying to sleep at midnight and came downstairs as i was disturbing hubby. So i'm on the big sofa, with a duvet watching mystery ER with my eyes and nose streaming and feeling rather sick and stuffy. Going to be a long old night!
Oh no, bad news bestie :'(

You really are under the weather hunni, poor you xxx

You must try to have a really restful day today...let hubby pamper you a bit. It would be a good opportunity for him to hav a go at cooking some sw recipes today while you're poorly. Not only will you benefit from the rest, it will put some good healthy sw in your belly to help fight off whatever bug u have. And also I find when I cook a special sw meal, I kinda build my motivation up a bit so it mite do hubby good too. Hope he's better now BTW xx

I'm on my mob so I can't post a nice smilie of a hug bestie but I'm still sending one your way and hope you're soon on the mend...can't have u poorly for your birthday xx

Luv Dawn xx

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Oh no, bad news bestie :'(

You really are under the weather hunni, poor you xxx

You must try to have a really restful day today...let hubby pamper you a bit. It would be a good opportunity for him to hav a go at cooking some sw recipes today while you're poorly. Not only will you benefit from the rest, it will put some good healthy sw in your belly to help fight off whatever bug u have. And also I find when I cook a special sw meal, I kinda build my motivation up a bit so it mite do hubby good too. Hope he's better now BTW xx

I'm on my mob so I can't post a nice smilie of a hug bestie but I'm still sending one your way and hope you're soon on the mend...can't have u poorly for your birthday xx

Luv Dawn xx

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Thanks bestie, fell asleep on the sofa about 5am and was awoke by a cat on a hamster cage at 5.45, went to bed for a few hours so least i've had a little sleep, stoooopid colds.
This morning i set up bunnys house, just need the bunny now.



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Poor bestie :patback:

Oh I love the bunny house!!! And she has so much room to run around too...much better than being stuck in a hutch outside with no company and no space :bunnydance:

You must be counting the days now!!!
Today is JUDGMENT DAY probably my first week with no slipups, made sure i had below syns after my kitkat so i'm actually below the weekly limit. Thankfully my diet week is only 6 days long because i never stick to plan on a monday, had strawberry poptarts for breakfast :D Hubby is pretty convinced he hasn't lost any, bless him he's tried so hard but he is struggling a lot, dinners is fine but he struggles with breakfast and lunch. I'm quite happy to have some cheese and pasta or corn on the cob but he won't eat it so i've just been letting him have extra healthy extra b's so he can have weetabix for breakie and a sandwich at lunch, its not ideal but its much better then what he usually has. I hope he's lost something otherwise i can see him giving up completely.
The results are in
4.5lbs off for hubster
3lbs for moi
Which means i hit my 5% target, i have lost 17lbs officially over 5% of my body weight. :D

Go Bestie and Besties Hubby!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:


ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! :party0049::party0049::party0049::party0049:

Can't tell you how pleased I am for you both xx So even if hubby isn't following the plan 100%, whatever he's doing is working. You might find that as he loses more weight, his interest in the plan increases, and he might want to stick to it more. It's amazing how the more you succeed...the more you WANT to succeed lol!

Lots of luv and :happy096: to you both!!! xx
WOW. Well done Nicki and to your husband too. It sounds like you have made absolutely the right decision to adjust his plan for now. Hopefully when you need to adjust it back, he will be committed to those and cope with it but for now it's a good compromise.

Hope you have a fantastic week.

Gail x
Just wanted to say well done for both your losses this week :) I have the same thing with my brother as your husband, he finds it hard getting stuff for lunch so I allow him extra bread but it seems to be working ok so far

The other thing I wanted to say is that I have the xbox kinect and it is amazing- just dancing about in front of the tv with no controllers is great. You need to have a long room tho and be prepared to be sore the next day after your first go :) it's quite unexpected :) my cousin had her first go yesterday and she is fit but can hardly walk today - take care to do a bit of stretching. Although in the long run i it's good exercise and doesn't feel like it- have fun :

Leia x
Thanks guys, gonna majorly disappoint you though last night after weigh in we had takeaway, although i had chow mein (and prawn crackers) and a big bag of kettle chips, omg i was so full i thought i was going to be sick, so need alot of damage limitation this week.
But i'll work it of on the kinect, we do have to move the sofa to be able to play it and there is just enough room. I didn't realize how much space you needed for it.
Hubby is back at work today so i'm a little sad, not the same at home without him, luckily i'm only working Wednesday and Thursday this week as its the birthday weekend. Hubby has his appointment for his MRI, its on a Saturday so he doesn't have to take the day off work but i'm a bit worried :cry: Think i'm going to do a slimming world friendly roast for my birthday no point throwing the week away for a birthday.
I miss my husband, having spent sooooo many days together being on my own SUCKS. I'm so bored, i've done my course work, i've washed up, i'm making a smash pizza (which is failing horribley) and i made this

Hi bestie,

There's nothing like celebrating a good weight loss with a takeaway, is there? Lol! We've all done it! I know some ladies at group who are chomping at the bit for it to finish so they can go and get their fix!

You've got the week to work it off hunni so no worries xx

Sorry you're missing hubby xx. I think Gwyn used to miss me wen he retired and I went off to work... but now I think he enjoys the peace lol!

I do like that weight loss tracker thingy u made...could be quite inspiring to look at, especially if yr having a bad day.

Sorry this is short, gotta take Andrew to college, cum bak and tidy up, then go to norwich to pick Shirleys mum up. Hope to get on later.

Hav a good day xx

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This week is not going well, went out last night for dinner and a movie and was very naughty food wise. So not actually been on plan since wi :sigh: I had a panic attack this morning, was my first in a few months but i couldn't go into work today i feel emotional exhausted and have a massive headache, hubby is mad that i'm off, work will be ok but it means i won't get my payrise now, just a constant stream of letting people down
Well after spending almost 12 hours in tears yesterday things feel a little better this morning. Hubbs didn't get home till gone 8 last night so we had another chinese and as its my birthday tomorrow i'm going to have a Domino's pizza, not had one in about 6 months so it better be good. I've told hubby that my diet is on hold this week, i just want to get my emotions sorted and enjoy the weekend. I've got some birthday money that hubby won't let me spend on bills so i'm spending it on food, yummy food!
I don't think i told you but we have a name for the new arrival (who comes home tomorrow) she is called Maisie although knowing me this could change once i've seen her again.
As birthdays go mine has been pretty crap.
Haven't had so much as a text from either brother and sister in laws, so glad i spend so much money on their children on their birthdays. Haven't even heard from my own brother
:( My mum and dad are on holiday as it seems to be there tradition to be away over my birthday. Hubby has really tried to make it a fun day but didn't even get a card of him, today has made me realize that i'm quite alone in the world, how incredibly sad.