.Nicki. - time flies.

Hi bestie,

Sorry I haven't been about hunni...I'm simply not getting a minute to myself until I finally get to bed and can get on my mob, no time to even get the laptop on. I won't take up yr page wiv my stuff but will try to get back to normal Mon.

I am sorry u didn't really enjoy yr birthday Nicki. I'm hoping things picked up since your last post, and that u did have a lovely evening xx.

You have to get those thoughts that you are alone right out of your head. Your hubby sounds lovely, and pretty well in tune with how u tick. From what u say, he's very supportive, and he obviously luvs u to bits.

You hav us too...all your chubby mates on minimins! (crumbs...they'll probably kill me for saying that lol!)

And now u hav little Maisie at last! She's adorable, and she needs u, along with your other pets xx

As for your family...well I'm sure they would be very upset to know they hurt your feelings xx. The trouble with family is that you get wot u get...there's no picking and choosing involved like u can with friends. And some family members can end up being taken for granted xx. But you most certainly are not alone sweet xx

Hope your food was luverly! My diets rubbish atm, really going to knuckle down on Mon and get back in to it.

Take care bestie xx lots of love xx

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diet? whats a diet? :rotflmao: I've been so bad this week its not even funny, 1 meal out, 3 takeaways, numberous sweets, cakes and crisps spent more days celebrating my birthday then the queen does. Thank goodness we booked tomorrows weigh in off, i've already got the group record for most lost, i don't want the other one of most gained.
Thanks bestie i'm feeling better today, i little angry but i think i'm just in a mean mood :eek:watch out hubbs. I'm sorry i moan about rubbish when your going through things much worse, had my selfish head on this week. I've missed you though, think only you and
Aaliyah27 still read my rubbish.
You'd laugh if you could see me, i'm sat on my kitchen floor watching Maisie as shes been a bit poorly over night, with a cat crying at me cos she's jealous
awww she's so cute!! hope shes better now.

I may not post often but i always read your updates. The forum has been quite quiet lately but we're never far away if you need to vent :)
well things are looking brighter, i feel a bit brighter which is good. I came home from work after an hour and spent the day with Maisie and Bella, don't think they're very sure of each other.
Diet wise its not looking good,
We're not going back to group because we simply can't afford it, £10 a week is our food budget. Hubby really wants to lose weight and i'm very proud of him but he's struggling on sw, if we could afford to do red days it would be a little easier for him but sadly we're stuck on greens. I no he's not eating during the day because he's worried about ruining the diet, having extra hex's doesn't help that much by the time he's had weetabix, milk, bread (nimble which is tiny slices) and ham, he's way over syns and always hungry. Soooo I think we'll prob try weight watchers together, i can still do it sw style and he can at least grab a decent lunch when he's on a building site, might be a waste of time but i think we'll be much more successful doing something together, he seemed a lot more excited about this diet then he ever did with sw. I'm leaving my diary here though, i don't really like the ww section and i love you guys here.


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Hiya, sorry to hear you're having a bit of a tough time at the mo. Did you know some health authorities will give you free classes for 12 weeks and then if you lose 5% of your body weight in that time and show willing then you can have a second lot too? Might be worth asking your GP if they do them as that's what I did (£5 a week is quite a lot really). I think they give you the choice of SW, WW or Rosemary Connely if they have those in your area.

Hope it all gets a bit easier for you soon and the new addition to the family is super cute ;-)
glad things are on the up. good luck with the switch to ww. it's all about finding a diet that works best for you (and oh) glad you won't be leaving us tho!! :)
Thanks guys,
i must admit i'm a little gutted because i feel i'm doing well with sw but he did sw for me, so i will attempt ww for him. I've been looking through it and i should be able to stick to sw quite closely, now i have the mamouth task of getting hubby to understand it all.
Hey sweetie!

Oh it's a real shame about the classes bestie...I can totally understand where you're coming from though xx. I pay for Andrew as well as myself, and if I buy some hi fi bars or the magazine there's quite often not much change from £15! Working part time atm means it's a struggle, and I often have to ask Gwyn to help out.

You were both doing so well, and having hubby joining you defo seemed to help you both. It doesn't really matter which diet you follow...but it looks as if it DOES matter that you two do it together :lilkiss: ... so you do whatever you think is best. And nothings permanent so u can always switch back to sw if u change your minds xx I defo don't wana lose you as my bestie Nicki...and I need to know how my lickle "niece" Maisie :bunnydance: is doing...so it would be great to stay in touch xx.

lots of love, Dawn xx
Hey sweetie!

Oh it's a real shame about the classes bestie...I can totally understand where you're coming from though xx. I pay for Andrew as well as myself, and if I buy some hi fi bars or the magazine there's quite often not much change from £15! Working part time atm means it's a struggle, and I often have to ask Gwyn to help out.

You were both doing so well, and having hubby joining you defo seemed to help you both. It doesn't really matter which diet you follow...but it looks as if it DOES matter that you two do it together :lilkiss: ... so you do whatever you think is best. And nothings permanent so u can always switch back to sw if u change your minds xx I defo don't wana lose you as my bestie Nicki...and I need to know how my lickle "niece" Maisie :bunnydance: is doing...so it would be great to stay in touch xx.

lots of love, Dawn xx

Thanks bestie :hug99:ooooo I'm gonna miss hifi bars :cry: I went through the propoints with him yesterday he seems to want to be more involved, he admitted that he'd never really understood slimming world but didn't want to let me down so didn't eat in case he ruined the diet, which i had guessed. A tiny part is a bit miffed i have to change but if it helps him it'll be worth it but i've said i'll give it a couple of weeks but he has to start learning it himself (which he never did with sw) I'm really annoyed because i've lost the shopping guide and i have noooooo idea where it is, i'm hoping he'll sign up online for it but i'm not sure he will, i might though

I'm deffo going to leave my diary here so i won't lose contact with anyone, mainly because i don't talk much about food anyway
:rotflmao: maybe thats why i don't get many visitors.

Oh and i need to share something about Maisie, she is too clever! Its taken her 3 days to work out what a camara is and now when she heres the autofocus she runs really about like a loon so i'm left with a picture of a black blur! So apparently shes not keen on photos just like her mummy!
It's been a long time since I did ww...about 8 yrs ago, so long b4 pro points! I lost over 4st, but I was so hungry, especially as I got nearer my goal weight. But loads of people do well on ww, and I'm sure u and hubby will b fine xx

What a cheeky little bunny u hav there! I bet you're desperate to get loads of photos of her too!

On my break atm, nice quiet day so far. Hopefully get on here later on after visiting dad.

Hav a good day bestie xx

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Didn't realise i'd been away for so long, been so tired and headachy after work i've not even opened the laptop. Had about 6hours sleep from Sunday to yesterday, but thankfully i slept through last night so i'm hoping its just a short blip and doesn't become a long term thing.
I/we haven't started ww yet, just been faffing about because he can't make up him mind what he wants to do so i think i'll just start tomorrow and hope he catches up, we've just stocked up the freezer and it will be nice to eat meat after living of pasta, potato and beans for 2 weeks (due to budget and husbands fussy palet).
Maisie is fine, still a little jumpy somethings but otherwise ok, got to take her for her jab next week, don't want her to hate me though. I'll post some pics later.
Hi bestie xx

Oh tell that hubby of yours to pull his finger out and stop dithering about!!! :asskick: No good putting it off! I still back sw all the way but you have to do what suits you. :)

I couldn't go back to red & green days now that I've tried EE, so I can see how you would miss meat etc on the green plan. But EE doesn't have to be expensive. We get the majority of our shopping from Netto, & get some real bargains. Even Tescos value stuff is ok. We eat a lot of chicken (frozen portions), & tonight we had spag bol with loads of pasta, again v cheap. We buy own brand baked beans, mushy peas, peas, cereal etc...just as good as top brands. :eating: Our fruit and veg comes from the market. :greenapple: And last night our consultant said that sw are launching their own food which should hit the shops soon. So I don't think there will be much difference in your food bills xx.

:argh:...that sounds like a right lecture so ignore it hunni :soapbox: I just wanted to say that if you did wanna stick with sw I think you could find a way xx.

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather again hunni :sign0137:...hope you're soon feeling much better xx

I would love to see some more photos of my little niece Maisie :bunnydance:

Lots of love,

Dawn xx
Hey bestie, :wavey:
The trouble with EE is i don't like enough superfree food for it to work properly which is why i stick to green. I kinda wish i'd never conviced hubby to do a diet because i really want to stick with sw, i'm scared with being about to eat anything because i have no self control, can't really tell him that though because we've just filled the freezer up with food. Got things like chicken in gravy and fish in sauce, which is free so might be able to manage it without him getting mad, should just leave him to his own devices really, don't want to ruin 17lbs of lose (anymore then i have:D)
owwww slimming world food, bet that will be nice! I'll but some piccies on tomorrow, Maisie is a little frightened tonight she managed to wedge herself between a wall and a radiator pipe! The neices are coming round to see her tomorrow which will be interesting as it'll be the first time i see hubbs brothers since they both ignored my birthday. Don't mean to sound petty but it meant i didn't even get a happy birthday from the neices and i go out of my way (even before we were married) to get them the best presents i could afford, i bought the old her first proper bike
:cry: just makes me a little sad, even after 7 years i don't feel part of the family.

Anyway enough of that, best go check the baby bun is ok, xxxxxxxx
Oh bestie...what are we going to do with you :hug99:

I do wish we were nearer each other cos I think we would probably be proper besties ;)

You are so nice, probably too nice really! You keep things to yourself, and you try very hard to please everyone else. I think it's time you started to think about you for a change, and what you would like.

You have a freezer full of food...nothing is banned on sw...so you can eat EVERYTHING you bought and not feel guilty :innocent0002:. Would hubby really notice if he was doing sw or ww, as long as he was eating well:eatdrink051: & losing weight?

As for hubbys relatives...well I know that you will be fine tomorrow. Just be your normal, polite, lovely self and rise above it. I don't know how old your nieces are, but I'm assuming they're too young to be buying birthday cards etc so the problem lies with their parents. And some people just don't realise the hurt they can cause through forgetting birthdays etc. They may actually be genuinely upset when they find out they missed yours. Anyway, you enjoy the girls company tomorrow, and showing off your gorgeous little baby :) ... and :p :Na_Na_Na_Na: to the brothers!!!

Give Maisie a little tickle from her Auntie Dawn xx

love from me xx
So sorry I missed your birthday. And there is a 3rd person who reads your diary too !

Maisie is absolutely gorgeous. I hope she's proving good fun.

I think that WW can work really well too. I don't think it matters what plan, as long as you can stick to it and can stick with it after the 'diet' finishes. So, give it a good go but SW is always available to you as an option. Fingers crossed for you.

Gail x
Dawn i think you might be right there :D i'll see if i can persuade hubby to move :rotflmao:
Thanks Gail, she is fun and even more cute now.

So been a weird weekend for the last few days i've been exhausted, sleeping for 12hours or more and still falling asleep in the afternoon, when i'm asleep i have really weird vivid dreams. Got a weird taste in my mouth too, started yesterday and its just overly sweet even though i haven't had anything sweet recently. Not sure if i'm getting a bug or something.
Still not doing my diet wise, just plodding along with life, not back to work till wednesday so got a few days to pull myself together.
I've really got to start coming on here more, but i feel guilty when i'm not on plan.
Not sure what is wrong with me at the moment, still completely exhausted yesterday i had a 4 hour nap in the afternoon and still slept 11 hours at bedtime, i've gone from insomniac to narcaleptic in a week. When i get weird things like this my mind goes to the same answer everytime and its unlikely to be that so guess i'm going back to the doctors.
Hey Bestie,

Hope you're feeling better now. Try to rest a bit more xx Hows my little Maisie today? Hope she's more used to her surroundings now & not so jumpy xx

lots of love
been missing in action for a few days and prob will been gone for a few more. Found out i was expecting at the beginning of the week and as you can imagine i was extatic, stupidly happy. So been busy trying to sort a few things out.
Last night i started to bleed and this morning its been confirmed that i'm losing the baby. Don't really feel anything at the moment and know i should, don't think its sunk in yet. Anyway diet has gone down the pan the last week or so and need to get my head and heart sorted. I'll be back soon, promise x