Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Just popped here to see how you're getting along! Well done you! I had one day where we went to Scotland & since I haven't had ANY treats whatsoever in such a long time, I had a Burger King Whopper & after that, somehow, my metabolism went crazy and I started losing again quickly! The home scales currently say 11st 7 (sometimes 6 and a half haha)! My weigh day is tomorrow so fingers crossed! Good luck to you too. It's great being close to the 10's isn't it!! xxx
Woop, were all getting there eventually! :D Xx

We are indeed and doesn't it feel fab?! :D xx

Yay! well done hun! You're nearly there! hope i can follow soon! xxxxx

You'll be there before you know it, you're snapping at my heels! :D xx

Just popped here to see how you're getting along! Well done you! I had one day where we went to Scotland & since I haven't had ANY treats whatsoever in such a long time, I had a Burger King Whopper & after that, somehow, my metabolism went crazy and I started losing again quickly! The home scales currently say 11st 7 (sometimes 6 and a half haha)! My weigh day is tomorrow so fingers crossed! Good luck to you too. It's great being close to the 10's isn't it!! xxx

Hehe I think you're right that sometimes a big blowout gives your body a kick up the bum! Although I won't be repeating it tonight, a bit too risky with wanting to get into the 10s next week! ;) It really is wonderful being so close to the 10s, I haven't been in them for at least 10 years so it's going to feel like a real milestone when I finally hit :D Everything crossed for your weigh day tomorrow xx
Right best jot down today's summary while it's still fresh...

Exercise: 40 mins gym (30 mins bike, 10 mins strength)
Breakfast: Strawberry Danio (1), Banana, Peach, Mint Tea
Lunch: Tomato & Basil Soup, Sugarfree Jelly (0.5), Mint Tea
Snack: Galaxy Bubbles Orange Hot Choc (2)
Dinner (Starter): Smoked Salmon Sashimi (Reduced from £5 to £1 at Waitrose, how could I resist?!) & a slice of Savoury Rice Quiche
Dinner (Main): SW Doner Kebab (2.5) with Cabbage, Lettuce & Garlic Sauce on a pitta (HEB)
Dinner (Dessert): Eton Mess with Strawberries, 2 mini Meringues (2) & a squirt of Creamfields Light (0.5)
Snacks: Freddo (5), Koko Chocolate Milk (HEA)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 13.5 Syns, 40 mins Exercise, 2lbs Lost! :D



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I'm in the size 12 jeans! :D So they now move from hanging on the side of the wardrobe (for motivation) to the inside of the wardrobe and the jeans collection! :D

They have now been replaced by the old size 10 jeans that I so want to get back into - I tried them on this morning and the legs are fine, the bum is fine, it's just the waist that's a few inches off! :eek: Not too far to go!!
I'm in the size 12 jeans! :D So they now move from hanging on the side of the wardrobe (for motivation) to the inside of the wardrobe and the jeans collection! :D

They have now been replaced by the old size 10 jeans that I so want to get back into - I tried them on this morning and the legs are fine, the bum is fine, it's just the waist that's a few inches off! :eek: Not too far to go!!

Im so jealous.can't wait until I'm in my size 12 jeans! Well done hun! Xxx
Woohoo thats brill :) reminds me i need to get some new jeans ! Xx

I really need to stop buying new things, am going a bit crazy now I can fit into smaller sizes, have just received two things I bought on ebay in the post hehe! Am on a Primark mission on Sat morning for my holiday clothes and dread to think how many bags I'm going to come out with! :D x

Im so jealous.can't wait until I'm in my size 12 jeans! Well done hun! Xxx

You'll be there before you know it, just keep plodding on! :D xx

So, today's update... was having a really lazy morning so didn't go into work until 9.45 - I :heartpump: flexi time! :D But I did work hard from the minute I got there and didn't end up finishing until 7pm, so it all evens out! Had a lovely lunch out for someone's leaving do - we went to Wagamama's and I think I successfully navigated the menu for the syn free and low syn options! :D I had the Chicken Teriyaki Donburi which was pretty much just boiled rice, grilled chicken, pea shoots & a tiny bit of Teriyaki Sauce (which is apparently 1.5-2 syns per tbsp), so only need to account for the syns in the sauce and any oil used in cooking, bargain!! Not even hungry again yet after eating so much, and after checking the calories in the meal perhaps I shouldn't really eat again this evening!! But we'll see if my tummy starts rumbling later :)

Got lovely comments from two people at work today that they could really tell I'd lost weight (both people who I hadn't told about being on SW), which has really boosted my motivation to keep going, I can't wait for the comments I'll get when I start getting near to the 10 stone barrier as nobody I know up here in Manchester will ever have seen me that size so I'll be like a new person altogether! I really hope I can keep up these motivation levels, I know that this is normally the point when I let it slide as I feel so good with the progress so far, so any tips to keep going would be much appreciated!

Have been thinking today about how I'm going to manage food while I'm away on my hols... we're staying in an apartment (5 of us), so I'm thinking of taking a bag of pasta with me so I can cook myself up some simple meals with just a few fresh ingredients (which hopefully shouldn't be too hard to get once I'm there) rather than needing to eat out for every meal. Is that a bit sad or am I just being super-prepared?! Will definitely be packing a pack of Hifi bars too as I normally get at least one choc attack on holiday! Any other ideas for things I can take with me apart from teabags? :D

Anyway, enough rambling, here's today's summary...

Breakfast: Strawberry Danio (1), Banana, Mint Hifi (HEB), Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Peach
Lunch: Chicken Teriyaki Donburi (5 for any oil and the Teriyaki Sauce, which was minimal) & Edamame Beans, Diet Coke
Snacks: Apple, Grapes
Dinner: n/a - will have some more fruit if I get peckish
Snacks: Koko Chocolate Milk (HEA)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 6.5 Syns
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you could take savoury rice, pasta and sauce or low fat supernoodles and bulk them up with superfree that you can get on EE and green and they won't take up a lot of space ;) x
Pasta n Sauce is a good call - thanks! :D I'd take a box of All Bran Choc Crunch for my breakfast but think that's a bit extravagant haha! x
you could always take one of the wee trial size packets you get?
or the 2 packs of weetabix although i've only ever seen them in hotels lol...not sure where you'd buy them x
you could always take one of the wee trial size packets you get?
or the 2 packs of weetabix although i've only ever seen them in hotels lol...not sure where you'd buy them x

Aw brill idea but we only do the little pouches on the All Bran Golden Crunch, not the Chocolate Crunch - that would have been amazing if we had the Chocolate ones!! I could always just pack some out of my box into a little sandwich bag, but not sure what the men at customs would make of that?! :)
hehe...i'm sure they've seen worse!
just stick a box in your suitcase...when i was younger and away with my friends, if we did self catering we always took supernoodles etc so they did a lunch and we ate breakfast in the apt meaning we only had to buy dinner each night...all down to saving money then but you can squeeze a few mugshots in etc and they'll have lots of yummy fruit and veg you can buy....(love fruit abroad - so much nicer and big ;) ) x
I'm already excited about Spanish peaches and tomatoes! :D