Nicola's Cuba Countdown

You'll get there Jodie! You're doing fab so far, so it's only a matter of time! :D How's your week been so far? xx
I always have the chicken teriyaki :)
I'd never been to Wagamama's before today unbelievably since I love Japanese food! :D The Teriyaki was so nice, everyone commented on how healthy it looked and it took me about half an hour to eat with chopsticks haha! :D x
I went out and bought a jar of Wagamama's teriyaki sauce actually! So that reminds me I need to use it up tomorrow! Think it was £1.99 and every tablespoon is 1.5 syns. I think the recipe to make it in the tastes of Asia book is just one tablespoon for however many servings so the one I made for the three of us the other week was only 1/2 syn for me ;)

Here was the homemade attempt!


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That looks very yum Lauren!! Where did you get the sauce from?

Victory dance for me this morning and I actually whooped in the bathroom, the scales at home are finally showing me in the 10s!!!!!! :D :D :D :D For the first time in over 10 years I can say I'm 10 stone something!! :D :D


ASDA, they have a whole range of Wagamama's sauces and Nando's! Yum yum

Congrats on being a 10 something! =D
ASDA, they have a whole range of Wagamama's sauces and Nando's! Yum yum

Congrats on being a 10 something! =D

Shopping trip to Asda being booked in the diary pronto! :D And thanks! Just sneakily weighed myself this evening and I'm still the same weight so wasn't a total fluke, woohoo! :D

Woo congrats on being in the 10s! Xx

Thank you! I've been grinning like a cheshire cat all day! :D

They're all lush but the first one is especially stunning!xx

It's gorgeous isn't it! It's so un-me it's untrue (I almost never wear bright or pale colours!)... but I can't wait to wear it on hols if it fits!! Have bought them all in size 12 so here's hoping!! :D

So here's today's summary, apart from the abovementioned whooping at being in the 10s! :D Half day at work so have been out in the garden in my bikini since lunchtime and kept on stealing sneaky glances at my flattish tummy, it's amazing!! :D Just need my skin to catch up now, it's more than a bit wobbly on my tummy!

Breakfast: Strawberry Danio (1), All Bran Choc Crunch (HEB), Tea (0.5)
Snack: Apple, Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Cheese Leek & Ham Pasta n Sauce made with water (1), Cherries
Snack: Apple
Dinner: SW Chips (0.5 for Spray Oil), Quorn Sausages (2) & Mixed Salad with Syn-free Dressing & 1 tbsp Ketchup (1) with an Equator Beer
Snacks: 200ml Koko Chocolate Milk (HEA), 2 Rocky Road Hifi Bars (HEB), Cherries

Summary (Green): 1 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 6.5 Syns

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Sophia just brought me my first ever "present"... the joys!!
Well done Nic!! Really proud of you :) Well deserved spending spree :D

Thanks Jodie, really hope it sticks for official weigh-in on Weds! :D If I could get another 0.5lbs off I'd be both officially in the 10s and I'd get my 2 stone award, what a week that would be!

Part 2 of the spending spree is scheduled for tomorrow... I'm doing my Primark shopping trip for hols (getting there for 8am to avoid the crowds, not a patient shopper!) No point buying lots of expensive stuff as hopefully I'll be another dress size smaller by the next holiday, so I'm going to fill my case with Primark and probably only spend about £50 :D x
Haha I did that too, and then suddenly got to the point where nothing was wearable anymore!!

Plan to get shopping finished by midday so I can get back home and onto the sunlounger with my book :D
Yay mrs!!! In the 10's-guess what, me too! I'm gonna update my diary in a minute! Will look at your dress links when I'm not on my phone in the garden lol.

Yayyyyy! Well done! :D We're keeping good pace with eachother here! :D x
Part 1 of today done - as expected, I went a bit bananas in Primark and bought looooads of stuff I probably don't need haha! My flipflop snapped half way around the shop (RIP faithful sparkly flipflips which have served me well) so I had to walk around barefooted for a while, got some rather odd looks hehe! :p

I managed to buy: 1 big floppy sun hat (I buy one and lose/break one every single year), 3 pairs of flipflops (1 to replace the broken pair, and 2 more for luck haha), 2 pairs of wedges (from New Look), 1 strapless bra, 2 strapless dresses, 1 skirt, 2 sundresses, 1 going out dress (New Look), and I think 3 tops?! I don't think I'm even in Ibiza long enough to wear all that lot! :D

I'm claiming all that walking around the shops as today's body magic ;)

Just home now and starving so made myself a big bowl of pasta (was going to have Sushi out but thought I'd save my pennies and my syns), so now I'm all set up for part 2 of the day which involves me, a sunlounger, The Da Vinci Code (which I'm re-reading so I can read the new book on my hols), and not much else :D

Food summary/plan so far...(green)...

Breakfast: All Bran Choc Crunch (HEB), Raspberry Danio (3)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Tricolore Pasta (pasta with fresh chopped tomatoes, fresh basil and 40g reduced fat cheese (HEA)), Cherries, Nectarine
Snack: Apple, Equator Beer
Dinner: Veggie Chilli (the Simon Rimmer one + extra peppers and carrots), Rice, Yogurt & Cheese with Salad (HEA)
Snacks: Hifi Bar (HEB), 30 Mikado Sticks @ 0.5 Syns each (15)

Summary (Green): 2 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 18 Syns

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Oh dear, I have toasted myself on one side after falling asleep in the sun! Ooops! After my mum literally this morning telling me to be careful not to burn... :rolleyes: