Total Solution Niennors TS diary

Easter weekend was always going to be a struggle...
Can honestly say I have been more or less WS the odd cheat (2/3 mini eggs may have slipped into my mouth) but mostly low carb foods and my shakes.
Worked out massively on Sunday and Monday, burnt 600 cals in each session!
I think the exercise will effect y weightless negatively however what with gaining muscle not fat etc.
Back to 100% today...
Back to work :(


Think I've only lost 1lb this week :(

Come on tens SHOW YOURSELF!!!!
Aargh it can be so frustrating waiting to break that stone barrier!! I'm now bang in the middle of one so it'll take a few weeks to see the 13's but I actually stand on the scales willing them to go down!! Well done for getting through Easter, I know pretty much everyone found that a tough challenge, if I were at home it would have been the same for me, but Easter (thankfully) doesn't really happen here, so it was easy to avoid it. It's only day 10 for me today but you have done incredibly well so get this far, you really are a new woman!
Thanks guys! breaking the stone barrier is a nightmare!!! getting into the elevens feels like months ago now haha!
I did have a cheeky weigh and I am up 1lb! I'm hoping thats just a big pooo as I have deffinitely put in more than has come out this weekend (to much info I am sure :p ) anyway, going to have some senakot tonight and hope that does the trick, I'll hopefully stay the same and then next week have a big loss as I am pretty positive i am out of the big K again!
100% today did have a cheeky bit of turkey and a carrot stick at 6am as I was STARVED - dont think that will do me any huge harm and as it was so early in the morning I am just going to pretend it didnt happen, Onwards and Downwards!
Good girl thats the spirit, I am sure no K for me right now as this weekend was a total distater for whivh I am lbs up too....lines been drawn lets move on x.
Yikes another WS day as had a client ask to do some business (a lot more than expected) which has lead to a lunch meeting. Annoyed for diet but happy fir my bank balance! Chicken and bacon salad no dressing so okay. Wasn't going to go to the gym tonight but I will now!!!!!!
So today is a right off! Keto kicked my bum just caved and ate some turkey and half a punet of strawberries! That combined with lunch means I am having a BAD day,

I've decided not to weigh in till Friday so no update of stats till then in the hopes after a couple days of TS I can salvage some kind of loss!!!! Might wait till saturday so I can have three solid days! Then I'll go back to weds next week!

Sorry I am a let down guys! Back to 100% tomorrow I PROMISE! Will stay completely TS till my hols in two weeks eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!

Haven't pooed yet so took some dulcolax this morning at nine and still no pooing urges! Also totm is STILL a no show! Knowing my luck it will come when I'm on holiday!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway! I'm not going to cry over my gain I'm going to get BACK ON IT!

Bring on the tens on Friday, that's right I'm aiming high!!


(can you tell I'm trying to motivate myself hahaha)
Hey dont feel bad, its not easy especially managing whilst being out the house and around others, atleast you have not derailed completely and are back on track. Tommorow is a new day x.
Cheers busy busy, I know I could have completely de railed so not going to beat myself up! Definitely not weighing as it will definitely dishearten me and risk another bad week!

Up super early to see OH off to his flight! Going to miss him but also really wanna use the extra free time wisely and gym it up more and be super good with TS now till we fly! Funnily enough at this time in two weeks I shall be on my way to the airport! TS till then is my pledge!


Will update all later!

Much love to you supporters! Always put a smile on my face! Promise I will catch up with everyones diaries today!
Okay amazing news,


I am delaying my weigh in till Saturday and hoping that the 1lb gain is due to TOTM and I might even manage a loss....

Good morning, fingers crossed you see those 10s this weekend Niennor, am sure you will and that gain was solely down to your totm :hug99: xx
Okay amazing news,


I am delaying my weigh in till Saturday and hoping that the 1lb gain is due to TOTM and I might even manage a loss....


Your gonna smash your way into the tens this week-end...have a good day today hun x
Hi There

You have been doing SOO well since I disappeared.

(I ate lots (lots and lots seriously) and then have been stuck at home with kids all week - cant log in properly and really didnt want to when the diet was so hard. Am back in ketosis now so able to post again.)

I had the same trouble with my TOTM. I didnt come for six weeks and then last week I was so LOW on the day before it came - I broke the diet I was so low. (threw in the towel -hardeharhar!)

These last few pounds make such a difference to your figure. They are really noticeable. Go for it..

Hey Belle Welcome back I see ur living in Dublin I'm in Galway Have u had any luck finding Dr Pepper Zero! I'm on Day 4 today Feelin rough as had awful stomach pain and toilet problems Taking psyllium husks today as can't go on like this Goin to try shakes only 4a few days as d wheat in d porridge probably isn't helping as I'm intolerant to it! D joys!!! Hope Ur winnin U were missed!
Hi guys!!!!!!

Okay so I disappeared for a couple of days!
(I did a belle hehehe)
I wasn't off the wagon just having a tough time at work with the recent tax year end and all the ISA season! Plus OH in America do been going to the gym lots and totm has made me MISERABLE!

Anyway I apologise for not catching up on your diaries! I will be doing this now!

Just wanna thank you all for posting! I'm going tk update my stats I'm 11st dead this morning! So two lb loss! Wahoo! Tens on weds I can feeeeel it ;)

Right off to catch up with all of YOUR losses!!!

Hey huns your doing great and still a few days left, hopefully 3lbs will sod off. Keep on drinking obviously within whatever the safe maximum is (I believethat it does help, although opinions differ) and you'l see 10.10-10.12 on those scales come wednesday xxxxxxx.