Nikkis diary

Hi Nikki

Hope you are fine and dandy hun!

hi love how u doing ?

looks like yo are doing well - it nice to hear from you again!

just a quick note this time talk soon!
Thank you all so much for your lovely messages xxxxxx

Anne - its lovely to have you back hun!! x

Starlight - can I just say thanks for your other message ;) your so sweet for thinking of me and if im honest, was the reason I came back here, was thinking of giving it up but yours made me think - you've a habit of doing that he he - hunting me down when I disappear and getting me back on track!!! :D (thanks hun)

Oh, I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’m completely confused.

I’ll admit it – I’m COMPLETELY allowing the scales to dictate my happiness to me. Obsessively. Its one point that Starlight has made on numbers occasions and I 100% agree – yet here I am – upset until they say what I want them to. I would LOVE to have the same attitude!!!!

Could really, really do with some honest, blunt advice.

I’m heavy – I’m 11 stone 4 (more after this weekend probably!!)

I’m a size 10 – 12 (depends on shop but anyway a 14 everywhere is WAY to big – unwearable – if that’s even a word!!)

If anyone read my other post from last week, I’m getting comments from EVERYONE that “ you shouldn’t loose anymore now!!” (everyone – including local shop keeper, water delivery guy at our office.. etc..) OH is actually getting annoyed with me because he really wants me to stop. My mother, aunts, bridesmaids, cousins etc.. all are continuously telling me that I look fine now and not to loose anymore.

But here’s the thing, I’m not doing it for anyone else only myself and now I’m confused.

And then I’m thinking are they saying it to be nice, that its obvious that I’ve lost a lot of weight and when commenting they are not exactly going to say “yeah, loose a few more there chubby!!”

OR is it because when your HUGE and loose a lot of weight, people think of you as your former self, and compared to that your now tiny – even though your not tiny – but they are comparing you – does that make ANY sense??

I’m finding it really hard to get this last stone off – I’ve lost almost 7 stone with no problems but lately its been really tough – I don’t know whats wrong with me. I think its because the comments from everyone are sinking into my head, and maybe (subconsciously) I’m thinking “(weight wise) I must look ok, so to hell with the diet” ? do you think that’s what’s doing it?

The thing is, if the scales said 10.7 I probably WOULD be happy. But I’m not at 11.4 – I feel disgusting, fat and ugly - is that ridiculous???

You would not believe what I ate this weekend – but to give you an idea, It included about 3 takeaways, a whole box of milk tray, cinema popcorn (X2), an easter egg.. a huge chocolate chip muffin…. (and more) WHATS WRONG WITH ME??? IM SO CLOSE!!! I DIDN’T HAVE THIS PROBLEM BEFORE!!.

Anyway, I saw a pic of myself last night that my aunt took of myself and OH when we were going out at valentines – it is disgusting!! I look SO fat!!! – I had no idea I was still that big!! (Ive only lost 6lbs since then, for my messing) – OH was away with work last night and my plan was to get a Dominos and have a pig out but, the good thing about that photo is it completely stopped me. It made me feel so ashamed for being such a fat pig. I’m doing kickstart again this week and barely ate yesterday as I saved 4.5 points (I know, I should only save 4!!) so only ate 13.5 yesterday. did kickstart on Tuesday too - only managed to save 0.5 (lack of planning) - thought I put on loads of weight cos of this weekend and didnt weigh myself on Tues cos I was actually to afraid to!! :eek: but hopped on this morning and Im 11.5 - (was 11.4 last Tues) so, I'm happy cos I thought it would be way worse and I'm sure I could get a lb off by weigh day so it would be a sts

I feel disgusting and cant understand why Im doing this to myself. That photo has really depressed me. I’m the only one who can stop myself feeling this way – by sorting myself out for just a few short weeks and stop stuffing my face with rubbish – it should be simple, shouldn’t it? Im so angry with myself. Could definitely be at goal by now.

(he he - another long one - just trying to give Marie a run for her money!!)
Hey Nikki!
I dont have any advice really, Other than dont stop trying! Your an amazing insperation 7stone is a great achievment! ...
Maybe people are saying you dont need to lose anymore because maybe they worry for your health or think that you just need to hear it (im not sure) ... But the main thing is listen to yourself! .... dont beat yourself up about the weight side of it! ...
go by the size side of things! maybe a different look at it may do somthing !?
How tall are you? are you in the healthy range on the graph thingy?
do you feel comfy in your skin/clothes? ...
Maybe measure yourself waist hips etc .. and then you'll see on paper how you are now! and now what you see in the mirror!

Hope your ok, stay with it! and dont stop posting on here! xxx

Hugs Kirsty xx
Hi Nikki

I know I haven't posted on your diary before but just felt so sad for you after your last post that I had to post!!

At 11 stone 4lb unless you are 3 ft tall you are not FAT... you may be slightly overweight and not happy with your appearance but are most definitely not fat.

You have lost an amazing 7 stone and maybe now is the time to focus on what you have achieved rather than what you still want to achieve???

In my honest opinion if you keep going the way you are beating urself up over not being able to lose another stone then last weekends eatings will be your future... believe me I have been there done that and am now trying to lose the pounds so I can get back into the slim fitting t-shirt :):)

Maybe at this stage you would benefit from a little bit of re training the oul brain in eating and how to do it healthily for life??? NLP is amazing for this or maybe a dietician/nutrionist?? At least then you would feel in control again??

Sorry for sticking my nose in here but my fingers were just compelled to type this cos you seemed so sad :)

Hope you are ok

Gen xx
Sorry I have just looked at your stats and all I can say is WOW!!!! You have done amazingly well and you will be just a beautiful bride :D:D:D:D
Aww Nikki, I feel terrible for you. You're a true inspiration and are going to be an absolutely beautiful bride. Keep at it hunny, you WILL get there - and even if you just maintain you've done so well, you can't possibly be described as fat! Good luck! X
Oh My God :eek: thank you all so, so much for taking the time to read and reply and for your lovely, lovely messages. You all wouldnt believe how much your support means and I feel so much better now :grouphugg:

Pixie, your such a pet - your right - I need to keep posting on here. I have an awful habit of disappearing and being naughty - I think since I dont go to a meeting and not on here Im "getting away with it" when the only person I'm destructing is myself. Your completely right in everything you've said - oh and I'm 5 foot 7 and JUST healthy on the BMI (as of last week) (but the top end of the scale) thanks pet xxx

Marie!! - I nearly cried when I read your post (I know that wasnt your intention he he ;):)) but was so appreciative of the amount of thought and time you put in your post for me. Your a little darling, thank you so, so much. Once again, your right - I know you are - I think the whole staying off the scales is a fantastic idea - something I think that could really really help me - as you've said, it would stop me basically obsessing about the number on the scales and letting them dictate to me - I was wondering how I could get by that and maybe thats exactly the answer (will I have the will power though?? the way things are going lately, I dont know :D)

You've hit the nail on the head - its because 10 something, 9 something etc.. DOES sound sooo much better to me than 11 something.. regardless of the size of my clothes. Pesky scales!!!! - also (and something I hadnt thought of!!) the scales HAVE completely ruined this experience for me!!. you've really given me food for thought ('cuse the pun he he) everything you said really rang through xxxxxxx (lmao at size 8!!! he he)

Gen, thank you so much for your input!! you're so lovely to take the time to answer xxxxx laughed at the 3 foot tall thing.. he he. and this in particular really made me think:

"You have lost an amazing 7 stone and maybe now is the time to focus on what you have achieved rather than what you still want to achieve???"

I think, to be honest, I set out with a huge amount of weight to loose, with a set weight that I wanted to be in my head of what my target was - I feel that if I dont hit that, regardless of the amount I have already lost - that I've failed and your right, THATS what I'm focusing on - not the positive that I should be.

I think the diet/ nutritionist idea is brilliant to (thank you :thankyou:) because, although ww is brilliant and has definately retrained me in regards to my eating - mostly by making me more aware of what exactly I'm eating, I find that when I decide to have a weekend off I'm going crazy with food (really, really bad) I'm stuffing myself to a point where I actually feel sick - why? cos, for some reason, I have it in my head that I'm going to be back on the diet in a few days so I'm "making the most of it" while I can. Does that make any sense?

Fatfighter, such a lovely thing to say!! thanks so much pet, put me in a good mood xxx
I think the diet/ nutritionist idea is brilliant to (thank you :thankyou:) because, although ww is brilliant and has definately retrained me in regards to my eating - mostly by making me more aware of what exactly I'm eating, I find that when I decide to have a weekend off I'm going crazy with food (really, really bad) I'm stuffing myself to a point where I actually feel sick - why? cos, for some reason, I have it in my head that I'm going to be back on the diet in a few days so I'm "making the most of it" while I can. Does that make any sense?

Make sense????? it makes total sense cos Nikki you are still using food as a treat and WW as the baddy that will take ur treats away... Maybe you need to find other treats that are in no way food related....

just from experience... when i did CD (which is totally different i know) but when i took a night off SS I ate such an amount of crap cos i could and i knew i would be back 'being good' again the next day.... I'm really not sure that that is a lifestyle change and for me thats what I wanted was to change my way of seeing and thinking about food!!

I'm glad you got something out of all of our posts cos really in truly girl you have done so well and should be very very proud of yourself!!

Gen xx
Well having read all your posts I have to say Marie & Nikki I could just bang your heads together the two of you!!!

Nikki I definitely think youre still thinking with your 'fat' head on, youre in no way fat missus, you have done so well. I think when it gets to the stage of people who work in your local shop saying youve lost enough you really need to take a step back and have a long objective look in the mirror. If it was just one or 2 people saying it but sweetie it sounds like everyone is in agreement... can they all be wrong??

Marie, is as usual, spot on. You need to (try) and ignore what those damn scales say. Imagine for a moment you could step on them right this moment and they tell you youre 10 stone. Now, you havent actually lost any more weight, you dont look any different but the scales are now reading 10 stones. How would you feel when you look in that mirror. Would you finally see yourself the way everyone else does and realise you have achieved something fantastic and accept you are a lovely healthy weight, or would you still feel unhappy and fat. If youd feel happy then I think yes, your problem is definitely a numbers in your head one ;) And its time to dump those scales. If youd still feel unhappy and fat then maybe you do need to shift a few lbs more - maybe.

Youre a SIZE 10/12... read that againi a SIZE 10/12 there is no way anyone whos that size can truly be fat and you know that. I think youve been overweight for so long you cant believe youre now the size you are. Well you know what? YOU ARE! Youre slim and gorgeous and have done so damn well *HUGS*

And Marie, I wish youd blooming take on board the advice you give! Youre another one who just doesnt see the same person as the rest of us do *HUGS*
oh nikki,please dont beat yourself up.You have lost loads and you are a beautiful person.
Sending you a hug matexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh Guys, once again - thanks a million!!.

Its brilliant that you all understand so well - I have tried to explain this to people close to me (in "real life" he he) and they look at me like I'm stir crazy.

Starlight - that is EXACTLY it - I really think if the scales read 10 stone now Id be happy - so stupid isnt it? I swore I wouldnt allow scales to dictate to me and have always advised others not to yet here I am!!! I DO have my fat head on (lmao at that one!! he he) (dont know how I'll get my head out the door with all these lovely comments) thank you, sweetheart - I'm going to (try) and do as yourself and Marie have advised and steer clear of the scales for a while.

Marie - thats EXACTLY it!! I'm terrified that I'll continue to have my "one last blow out" and then be back to where I started!!!. (thank you for letting me use your mistakes miss, he he) as Gen pointed out (and so so true) I'm still using food as a treat and using ww as the baddy who takes it away. I use the weirdest of excuses to order a takeaway - every event in my life has to be food related - have to get out of that.

Paula - such a lovely thing to say pet!! thank you so much xx (dunno if its true though he he - come live with me!! :D)

I'm just warning you all right now that this IS going to turn into another one of my long winded essays. (I have way to much to say!! - wouldnt mind it any of it was interesting!! he he)

So, I think I have finally got something thats going to push me to get rid of this stone or so..

As you know I work for the Health Service.

The Health Promotion Department are running a competition within the Ambulance Service.

Basically, it runs over 12 weeks. You can pick to either, loose weight, get fitter or stop smoking.

I'm obviously doing the weight loss one.

The way it works is each area have a team.

I work in Headquarters so am obviously in that team, then theres a team from the control room and we have 6 different Ambulance Stations in different locations so there is a team from each of them.

For each 1lb lost, I earn my team 2 "points" . (for someone doing fitness - they get a certain allocation of "point" for the time they put into exercise etc.. )

"points" are added up at the end of the week (our team), and forwarded to the Health Promotion Department. At the end of the 12 weeks, a team will be announced winner and a mystery prize will be given.

I just think its a great incentive as I now feel that I'll be accountable if I mess up - I'll feel like I'm letting down the team if I have to turn around at the end of the week and say "I've earned none for us" - do you know what I mean? it'll be embarrasing.

Anyway, I had to go up to Health Promotion Department this morning for a (private) meeting with the lady running it. She measured me - Im 5 foot 8 inches not 5ft 7"!!!! woo hoo!!! so that makes a nice difference (must add to my ticker actually).
Weighed me (which I was really nervous about as I've never been weighed in front of someone before and I was mortified!!!. (but was in kilos so I didnt understand it)

Anway, to cut a long story short she is going to post out my stats to me (waist measurement, weight, body fat (eek), bmi etc) with a guideline of what I SHOULD be which will be really interesting cos I dont actually know alot of it.

Its starting on the 7th of April, the only thing with this is - now that I have that starting the bold side of my conscience is saying "you can eat what you want this weekend now, cos you'll be starting that programme..."


So, what do you think of it??

Hope your all well!! xx thanks again
Hey Nikki! ...
Well you definatly sound different in this last post ! Starlight certainly talks sence! I find myself nodding when reading thro her posts lol I think the team thing is a great idea nothing better than a bit of healthy competition ... I wouldnt binge out because your starting soon! I carry on as if i were wwing and go from there! other wise you may gain somthing before you even begin hehe

Hugs xxx
What a great idea - you'll earn loads of points for your team! :D