Nikkis diary

Well done mate ,i didnt realise you had lost soooooooooo much.You should def get your bum on here more often to give us all some of ur tips xx
God Nikki thats fantastic getting to size 12 in such a short time!! WELL DONE YOU!!

Cant wait to see photos of you - oh and the house ;)

How did the dress shopping go? Did you see anything you liked??
Aw girls, thank you all for your (as usual) lovely posts and encouragement - you really keep me going!!!!

Oh Marie!! if I had brains I would be dangerous!! lol! - thats a great idea about taking a pic of the pic - I never thought of that - Im going to do it tonight. Everybody - DONT LAUGH when you see it - its really, really terrible - and im not exaggerating! (ok you can laugh - I couldnt blame you) anyways, I will definately do it tonight.

Shannon was 2 last October! - getting way too big for my liking :(

Sandy, I did!!! I GOT my dress! - cannot believe it because, I could not explain to you all enough HOW indecisive I am and how hard I am to clothes shop with. (Ive been known to spend 6 hours looking for something to wear on a night out or thinking all week about it)

Its so strange because, I had even said to the girls (my mother and my bridesmaids) that it was highly unlikely I would pick something once we got there, Im so so fussy and I would be the type, that even if I did like something, I would want to look elsewhere, just incase there was something better out there.

Anyway, we had a fabulous day - when we got there the lady (who was amazing) asked did I know exactly what I wanted. I said that I was going to give it an open mind, because I was fully aware that all the dresses I loved in magazines may not suit my body shape/ colouring/ look etc.. so she just looked at me and tipped around grapping things off the rails.

The first dress I tried on was the one I ended up going with!!.
I tried on about 15 altogether (in all different styles). The girls who came with me didnt say anything because they didnt want to influence my decision in any way and said they would tell me honestly, what they felt once I had made up my mind. I did sort of know though because my mother and one of my cousins started to cry when I tried on the dress I ended up picking!! (bless them!)

Its just beautiful (well I love it anyway!) - Im not telling you what its like cos its supposed to be a suprise and Ill put up pics after the big day (7 months today!! eek!)

I had heard all this stuff about "when you find the dress you know" etc.. and I remember thinking - "what rubbish!!" but it is the truth!! - I cannot imagine ever finding anything else that I liked as much. I didnt want to take it off. Even the lady who owns the company says absolutely nothing until you ask for her opinion and when I asked her said that that was the one, she took one look at me and knew, like it had been made for me!!

Its an Australian designer so will take 6 months to get made and sent over here and then a furher 3 weeks for alterations.

Its crazy - I really feel like Im getting married now!!! - I know that probably sounds ridiculous - I mean, I know I was getting married but trying on the dress makes it all so much more real. I can picture the whole day now... that probably sounds silly.

Im so sorry for going on and on about a silly dress - Im just so excited, I cant help it!! Im promise not to bore you all with anymore wedding talk.

I changed my ticker and put my goal weight up by another 3 pounds - reason being before I needed to loose 97 pounds to hit goal - I might as well just go the extra 3 to hit the 100 mark.

I have exactly 1 stone 10 pounds to loose (well, I know I shouldnt, weigh day is tomorrow but took a peak on scales this morn and seem to have lost 2lbs so Its more like 1stone 8 to go) I have to have stopped loosing and be maintaining as of the 5th of July because I have my last fitting that day (for alterations anyway) and she told me that the 5th of July is my cut off point weight wise.

Do you think I can do it??? Its six months to go til that date. I know that prob sounds silly given that we all know you can loose up to a half a stone a month on ww and I know myself because Ive lost 5.5 stone under nine months its just that Ive heard so much about the last stone being a killer to get off and to definately expect a "slow down" etc and have to admit to freaking out a little that I wont loose it in time and folks, it really means so so much to me to hit that target weight for this wedding, for a few reasons, Ive worked really hard at this and thats also why I started the diet a year and a half before the wedding date.

sorry for rambling so much.

Congratulations if your still awake.

Thanks again for all your lovely messages.

Ooooh I love weddings!! Im sure your dress is gorgeous. I loved my wedding day - it was like being famous or a princess for the day. Post your pics tonight - not that im nosey or anything lol!!

Thank you all so much Girls!! (thanks for that Marie - I feel better now - Your right - I can always drop a point etc... I didnt think of that xx )

Im so sorry I didnt put up pics last night - I was picking out menus for the wedding and then OH needed computer for work. I promise I'll put them up tonight though!.

So, I lost 1lb - I usually loose 2 but I am happy with it as the girls took me for dinner after the dress shopping and I would say I definately went over, but I was "good" the rest of the week.

Hope you are all doing brilliantly!!
Hi Nikki

I am the same as you when it came to wedding dresses! I had no clue what I wanted but I can honestly say that when I walked into the dress shop and saw it I knew it was the one and its the only wedding dress I ever tried on too! Of course that was 10 years ago now!!!!

You sound so excited about your wedding and so you should be because you will look stunning hun and you will defo have hit that 100lb lost mark!

Ahem - pics????? Get to it Missy....:giggle:
Well done on losing the 1lb!!:talk017:

LOL!! ok, I promise, Im after spending the last 15 minutes trying to take a photo of THE photo but its just not working - very blurry - probably cos my camera is crap. At this min Im scouring my PC for last years photos - just to give you an idea - but they are hard come by as as you can imagine I didnt exactly like the camera!!! xx
Ok!! here goes! this is soooo embarrasing! - its such a pity that I cant load up that last Christmas Pic - It shows more (eek) and its a pity I didnt take progress pics like starlight did, front and back, side etc... would have showed it better but anyway! this is the best I can do!!, I know its not great but you'll get the jist from it.

Oh and please dont think Im a lunatic with the marking out the kids faces'!! - Im just a bit funny about publicy putting childrens pics on the net (one of my little things!! :)) and one of the children is my cousins little guy and I wouldnt dare put them on the net without her permission..

anyways... here goes!! - (this photo on the left was taken around December '06 - bear in mind that I started ww in April '07 and I had put on more weight since this pic)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! photo on the right is me about 2 weeks ago



  • Around Dec 2006...jpg
    Around Dec 2006...jpg
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  • Dec 07....jpg
    Dec 07....jpg
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aw Jools and Marie, thank you so much xx I was mortified putting them up but have to admit its really lovely to hear such nice things!! xxx - am hoping that in a few months, Ill be putting up the Dec '07 pic as my "fat pic" he he!!!
would you stop!! you would do anyone good! your gonna give me a big head.

Far from it but thanks chick, your such a dote!!
You crack me up!!! your a gas ticket Ms. Marie!!

and I have to add arent you and I doing very well in sticking to our minimins?! dont get me wrong I LOVE it here, but Ive such a habit of sneaking off for a while...
Nikki - :wow:

You look brilliant! Thats it; im determined - this is my year I will do it this time!

Hi folks!!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments!! you’re all so sweet xxxx

Oooh I was so bold last night, we officially had the sh*tiest day ever and we ended up getting a pizza so I went over by SIXTEEN points – but I am determined to pay them back before weigh day (Tuesday) am going to save 4 tonight, Saturday (love my Friday night pig out too much plus we’re thinking of going to cinema), Sunday and Monday so it should be ok. I know I messed up but am determined to make it up so at least I’m not just writing it off, which I think is a good thing – but do you think it’ll be ok??

I really need to be focused at the min, bit annoyed that I messed up… time is really ticking and its soooo important that I have this weight off in the next few months and I know this so I don’t know why I did it.

So, I’ve set myself up some Mini Goals (at the bottom of my signature)!!! I know they are long winded and some of them may be wishful thinking but I am determined to give them a fair go. Do you think they are realistic??? Or am I setting myself up for a bit of disappointment? Be brutal!! I don’t mind!

(I know, I’m freaking way to much about not having the weight off for the wedding. Need to relax)

How’s everyone else doing this week?

Is the week over yet??? Its been the longest in eternity!!!..

Hope you are all doing well, my lovely weight watchers!
Nikki, I've just sat and read your entire diary and am AMAZED at how well you've done. You started in a similar place to where I am now, and I've been reading and thinking, "I could do that." It's truly inspirational. A size 20 to a size 12, give yourself a HUGE pat on the back, and stop worrying about that pizza! x
Marie, your such a pet - thank you for that post, you took so much time - I really appreciate it and do you know, I think you are dead right about the weight loss goals - I gave verity advise regarding the same thing the other day but then didnt follow it myself. Feel better about the pizza now too - your right (again!!! - dont get too used to this :D) its the same points amount in a week if I pay back so it shouldnt matter.
Thanks so much - your huge post to me was my first one when I started here and kept me going (completely) I really appreciate all your support xxx mwah xx

Bexie! - thank you pet! you must be an absolute saint to read it all (you still awake??:D) but its so lovely to think that anyone would be bothered to read it all - thank you so much!! and of course you can do it!! (SERIOUSLY if I can... Im not joking you:)) xxxxx