Ninja's diary - fasting and running to lose 50lbs

Thurs 1 May

B - apple, small latte, 20g nuts
S - raw carrot
L - seeded wrap, 2 chicken sausages, rocket, hummus
T - red lentil & butternut squash dahl with brown rice
S - chai latte & nakd strawberry crunch bar

Ex: 4 mile interval run

Tot cals: 1400

Bit low on cals, not too bothered though as tomorrow is treat day and I'm certainly not hungry :)
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The red lentil butternut squash Dahl looks lovely - just the kind of thing I'd love to nourish myself with but get too lazy to do! Did you follow a recipe?

Good to listen to your body - if you're not hungry no need to have more. :)
The red lentil butternut squash Dahl looks lovely - just the kind of thing I'd love to nourish myself with but get too lazy to do! Did you follow a recipe?

Good to listen to your body - if you're not hungry no need to have more. :)

I love this one as I make a huge batch and bung it in the freezer. I'll did bout the recipe tonight & post it.

I'm finding it much easier to listen to my body with less fast days, and I'm sleeping through the night too! Today is treat day, Yay!
I love this one as I make a huge batch and bung it in the freezer. I'll did bout the recipe tonight & post it. I'm finding it much easier to listen to my body with less fast days, and I'm sleeping through the night too! Today is treat day, Yay!

Yes!! Sleep! I'm so pleased :) totally unsustainable otherwise - recipe would be fab - will look forward to using it after my exante phase!
Update. Not in mood for long run today so will play it by ear. May go tomorrow AM instead.

Mon - (12.9) 5 miles DONE 2100
Tues - (12.8.5) DD, 3 miles DONE 500
Wed - (12.7) rest DONE :) 1700
Thurs - (12.7) 4 miles intervals (10 mins easy, 6 x 3 mins @ threshold w 2 min recovery, 5 min easy) DONE :) 1400
Fri - (12.6.5) rest, UD 2500
Sat - 6 miles, core
Sun - DD, 3 miles, squats, press ups and sit ups
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Thank you :) when I'm good, I'm v good....but I'm also v inconsistent. I tend to be a binge exerciser as well as eater...
Treat day today, and it was scrummy but didn't turn into a binge....Yay!

B - soya latte & plain croissant (really wasn't filling! But fortunately too busy to eat more...)
L - brown rice & butternut squash lentil dahl, Greek yoghurt
S - blondie brownie, skinny cappucino
T - steak, baked potato with butter, broccoli, pistachio magnum (sadly not as nice as I thought it'd be), handful of choccie buttons.

Cals 2500
Ex none :(

Yummy day but v sugar loaded! Still, it was supposed to be a cheat day!
Thank you :) when I'm good, I'm v good....but I'm also v inconsistent. I tend to be a binge exerciser as well as eater...

Treat day today, and it was scrummy but didn't turn into a binge....Yay! B - soya latte & plain croissant (really wasn't filling! But fortunately too busy to eat more...) L - brown rice & butternut squash lentil dahl, Greek yoghurt S - blondie brownie, skinny cappucino T - steak, baked potato with butter, broccoli, pistachio magnum (sadly not as nice as I thought it'd be), handful of choccie buttons. Cals 2500 Ex none :( Yummy day but v sugar loaded! Still, it was supposed to be a cheat day!

Ooooh that sounds like a tasty day!!

Honestly coming from a binger - I actually think that day is in some ways more impressive than a day on exante or another vlcd. Maybe if it was a tiny bit lower in cals it would be perfect, but I know it was your up day and will balance out across the weak. It's such an achievement to have a treat and leave it at a treat not jump to the plural! I have slim friends who don't think about food at all and eat "whatever they want" but I observe them, and I see they done finish their food all the time, or they'll have a chocolate bar and leave it at that but to me and most bingers - it's like oh no I had something bad so I'll keep going. There was a study where they took a group of dieters and non dieters and gave them a liquid meal vs one group with no liquid meal, followed later with a snack opportunity. The non dieters in the liquid meal group ate less snacks than the non liquid meal group, but the dieters group actually ate a lot more snacks in the liquid meal group - because they saw it as all or nothing - felt bad about being full so ate loads to start again tomorrow!

Anyway a long winded way of saying good on you - I'm impressed and I know how significant not turning that into a binge is :)
Thank you v much! I actually planned on 3000 cals for my cheat day so well under :) !

I think it helped being at work - being a teacher I can only eat at set times so that helps stop me bingeing!
Yep work actually saves me a lot. I can work from home two days a week but I noticed if I'm honest that's when my binges got worse - part of it is simply opportunity.

Oh I see you are well under target then, and I forget you burn so much off with all the exercise in the week anyway. Plus teaching is pretty full on I know from friends who teach. What year do you teach? How long have you done it?
Thinking about doing a week or two of a vlcd. Few reasons:
- lose weight v quick (obviously)...I could be in the 11s by next week
- am heading into my busiest week at work so less time to run, but also less time to dwell on not eating
- am ages away from my next race so don't need to be in training
- I have weeks of packs still to use up and I thought I'd use them on fasting days but I crave a real meal then.

reasons not to
- it makes me feel rubbish and diet obsessed (although this is v short term)
- I'll have to make pathetic excuses to my running partners (but next week is easy to do that as it's our busiest week at work)
- last time I put all the weight back on (but I also did with slimming world, low carb and weight watchers...I think its my attitude rather than the diet that does that!
- I'm just getting my running mojo back....but a stone lighter my mojo will be even stronger as I'll be faster...

so I was reading through my old vlcd diary, and here's the pertinent facts:

- started at 12.8, lost 8.5lbs in the first 5 days to be in the 11s, 10lbs in the first week.
- I got the first stone off in 2 weeks..! To 11st 8. I'd love to be that now! At that point I had a family party. I wore a dress and felt so much more confident. Sadly it turned into a binge for me.
- I occasionally replaced packs with soya latte or a low carb meal and it was fine.
- I did 10 min strength work in the mornings to keep my muscle mass
- end of week 1 was nasty! I was spending lots of mental energy on dieting etc...lots of early nights
- spent a lot of mental energy bargaining with myself over alternate diets.
- when I got to the end of 2 weeks I switched to packs during the day and a low carb meal at night, and started to increase the exercise
- ohh, and I forgot about this....I felt so good I started online dating!!!
- in 3.5 weeks, only 2 of which were strictly on plan, I dropped a dress size and a bit and got back into my size 14 jeans, final weigh in 11.5.8._
- I was bouncing with confidence and energy at the end....

...I think that's kind of sold me. I think I might start with a week of packs to get rid of them and get me into the next stone bracket...
Interesting to read your story - the bullet pointed version anyway!

In my opinion the weight loss helps so so much and is probably worth it for the perk it will give you when you set back out running again. Comparing my run yesterday to my run last Sunday - huge difference and I can't have lost that much in a week.

Diet obsessed is def how this makes me too...

How did the online dating turn out back then by the way?? I've always been anti it but seen so many great couples who've met through it... And I've been single for ages, so it's now looking more viable!!
Ummm I chickened out! Like you I'm in two minds about it. I got a profile loaded up on a couple of sites, left it til after Christmas, then I'd put on some weigh and did the whole "I'll just lose a few more lbs.." and never went back. Not the first time my weight has stopped me doing something.
Eeek yes it is scary - but I would hate for us to look back at life and think - oh I would have done that if I was thinner.

Which is why it's good to get this anti social dieting bit out of the way and get the bulk of the pounds off... And then stick around to help eachother maintain

Yes the similarities are increasing by the day haha!!
Okay so weighing in today which is a slightly shorter week, but I may do a very low cal this week for a boost so want start stats. It's a terrible day to weigh in on, the day after my cheat day, and only one day fasting, but ....drumroll please....2.5lbs down, giving a total loss of 8.5lbs in 3 weeks. Yay for fasting!

So now that gives me a i

a) carry on 5:2 which is clearly working
b) give vlcd a week to shift it faster...

and the answer is....

both! Yes I'm hedging my bets by having a fast day today using packs. If it works well and I feel motivated I'll turn this into day 1 of vlcd. If I'm not feeling it, it can be my second fast day of the week.