No more excuses

I know what you mean. How long are you giving yourself before deciding whether to switch to another diet or not?
I don't know. Will see how the next week or two goes as I'll be on placements doing shift work from next week so will have to see how I cope with that whilst doing this. Last time I did this I fell off totally when on placement so will have to assess how compatible they actually are.
Ha, the body and mind are trying to get their own way! Don't let them! Take your measurements and see if they have changed?
It will be working, it's just trying to hide..

Well done on the haircut, over a year, it must have grown so long!
I take my measurements weekly anyway. They have changed a bit but not massively, though I can tell on my clothes.

Also been having quite a few problems with dizziness the last week or two which isn't helping. I don't know if it's to do with the diet, or potentially not getting enough water, or something else.
Some weeks are slower than others Cherry, it definitely averages out. :) Keep sticking to it.

Look at my weekly WI's - at least yours are MUCH better than that!! It could always be worse! :p

Plus, I find that sometimes I don't lose right up until WI morning, so don't despair. The body is doing it's thing. :)

Some weeks are slower than others Cherry, it definitely averages out. :) Keep sticking to it.

Look at my weekly WI's - at least yours are MUCH better than that!! It could always be worse! :p

Plus, I find that sometimes I don't lose right up until WI morning, so don't despair. The body is doing it's thing. :)


I know. It's just depressing sometimes when you have a goal you want to reach and you stick to what you should be doing and nothing seems to happen. Especially when you're doing something like this which is so restrictive and means that if I'm unexpectedly out for longer than I should be I end up missing what I should be eating as I can't just nip into a shop and grab something. Think I just need a rant lol. I'm over halfway through the 12 weeks so will have to see how it goes. As I said I'm going to give it another week or two and re-evaluate. If its not working then may have may off and start back at the beginning of June when I'm back in uni just to have a boost and finish off my packs.
Hun, i'm not just saying this but i can definatly tell you've lost weight xxx

I know. I'm at that annoying stage where I now have clothes that are too big and clothes that are too small but no clothes that actually fit! And I refuse to buy more clothes so I keep wearing clothes that are big and my trousers keep falling down.
:( sorry to hear you're getting a bit down - I'm not surprised you've been sticking to it ruthlessly and it's such a harsh diet :(

don't obsess about the scales - they will move if you're sticking to it

have you thought of having a week 'off' like Minerva did? low cal, high protein, - she lost 3lbs doing that! and it would probably give you a little boost vitamin and just morale wise.

at least your clothes are falling off you, not skin tight :D

A lot of us on here suffer from depression I guess it is linked in with obesity/carb intake/poor body image/trying to lose weight and the vlcd definitely brings out the symptoms. Be kind to yourself, you're doing so well and have worked so hard

and eat all your packs naughty!! xxxx
Well went back home and rather annoyed as my parents didn't comment at all on the fact I've lost weight. And I know I look visibly smaller than last time they saw me. They're always the first to comment when I gain as well.

Only managed 3 packs yesterday and looks like I'll only manage 2 today. In fairness I wasn't planning on only having 2 but had one on the drive back, then been running round like crazy since. Was meant to take a bar out with me but totally forgot. Had a pack when I got home but feel stuffed now and I know if I have another I'll feel sick so don't want to push it. I've been so bad recently in actually managing to get in 4 packs. I can do 3 but don't think I've actually had 4 in over 2 weeks :/ I know it's not how this diet works anymore but I make sure I have a supplement everyday to make sure I get all my nutrients. Maybe it'll get easier once I get on placement next week,
I know what you mean about parents and people noticing weight loss... I'm 2 sizes down and nearly 3 stone lighter and no one's made a comment yet! :p But, don't despair, it will happen. :) We're not losing the weight to get praise, we're doing it to feel better! :D

What Minerva said! Losing weight should be about how you feel and what health benefits it will bring you.
Praise is important I hear you and it WILL happen sooner or later. Just make sure you are being kind to yourself and try not feel down about it.

Have a good day :)
Well been a busy busy day but for the first time in weeks I managed all 4 packs!! I also managed to fit a parrot hands free kit and radio to my car (with help via phone). So been a productive day. First day back on placement tomorrow and I'm off for 3 days on a labour ward. Really excited as I find maternity really interesting. Only downside is I have to be there at 7.30am and its an hours drive plus a bus ride away :( and I hate mornings. Oh well better get some kip so I look slightly less dead when I get there!
Made up for fitting all the packs in yesterday by only managing 2 today :/ Was going to finish work at 3.30 but didn't end up leaving till 7.30 and by the time I'd driven home and devoured a bottle of coke zero and a load of water I was too full to have anything else. Really need to make sure I take some water with me tomorrow as I felt so dehydrated today, at one point I almost had to walk out the room when I was in theatres as I felt so faint (and it was nothing to do with what was happening but because of the dehydration or possibly more anaemia). I can feel the effects of not having enough fluids but I'm usually so busy I don't remember to drink and don't have chance to keep running to the loo. Fingers crossed if I can take some water in with me tomorrow I'll remember to drink more.
you need to make sure you have the water (you probably know better than me lol)
you need to make sure you have the water (you probably know better than me lol)

I know. I've always been dreadful with water though. I guess it probably started when I was younger as I didn't like using public toilets so wouldn't drink much so I didn't have to use them. Now I just forget to drink enough. Doesn't help that much of the work I do means there can be hours at a time with no toilet access so if you drink loads you're stuck. And I don't have the strongest bladder.
Well yesterday was another good one having managed 4 packs. Today not so good. Had my morning pack as normal but forgot to take anything for lunch. By the time I left work I was pretty hungry so filled myself with coke zero. Then on the way home I had to stop at tesco so ended up buying one of the bigger atkins bars. It was so filling it took me about 4 attempts to eat it so not managed anything else. Almost fell off the wagon completely though but glad I didn't. Think I'll wait till I'm on 'normal' placement and see how that goes. If it's similar and I'm not having enough I may have to stop and go back to normal food as I don't want to end up malnourished. I do make sure I take a supplement each day though.
Well done for keeping going and at least trying to get in all of your packs. And really well done for not falling of the wagon :) I agree you need to take care of your nutrition. I take a supplement too as sometimes I am not convinced I am getting enough now I have switched back to real food :) Take care.
nice one :) It's soo easy to think, oh it won't hurt but a good choice :) I have a supplement too just to be on the safe side as I'm never sure if I'm going to have eggs or not