No Name Team 14! Calling Rocket88, LisaBB, Coley144, Whi5tler x2, KimberlySky

Hi, My weigh in is tomorrow. On my scales I'm 4 pounds down but we'll see...

I'm happy with either name. Sorry not much help!
I'm gonna got with Scream if ya wanna go faster but only coz I came up with it lol.

Don't think I'm gonna be a massive help to the team this week as I have done rubbish this week :mad: Will find out the damage tonight!
Morning all.

Feeling good today. Have had one Banana Bliss at about 9:30 and am having a Potato and Leek soup at about 1pm for lunch.

I am happy with either name.
Morning Whi5tler!

Well done ur doing better than me! :sigh:
Stick in there Kimberleyski. Why do you say I am doing better than you? You have already had a great loss of 31lb. Did you lose all that on CD? How long have you been doing CD?

Just a couple of queires. Thanks
Morning Whi5tler, I've been bad this week :mad: however I got weighed last night and stayed the same so it could have been worse! Won't even mention what I have been eating! Sorry team I've let you down :(

Yes I have lost all 31lbs on CD I was losing at a rate of a stone a month so the average loss. However I have been on and off since April. Had time off for holidays then was fitted for a bridesmaids dress and they couldn't take it in anymore so had to maintain for a month for the wedding.
I'm quite good when I am not in CD as I do manage to maintain my exact weight and not put any on. However if I had been able to stick to it since April I would be well at my target by now.

I was one of those people when I first started that found it so easy and never understood why people found it so hard. Then I came off it for holiday and could never get back on 100%. So now I know why people find it so hard lol.

My advice to anyone is if possible try not to cheat once throughout the diet as the weight will come off so fast and it's easier to stay on the wagon!

But I'm getting there and still determined to do it! :D
Well done Coley! :D
Hi thanks for the message if there is stil a place will you have me x
by the way i'm munches partner and this is war!
I'm still in! Weigh in night tonight too and been 100% good this week so hoping for a good one!:D
I don't think Rocket88 made it to this thread so do we have a space? I can't message anyone as I don't have enough posts. I know LisaBB can.

And good luck for tonight Kimberleyski. My weigh in is tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!
well good luck with your weigh ins girls and let me know if a space comes open