not any more, sorry

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Morning Bren, TFIF for you today
morning (again) 1 week today :D
Afternoon all - just scoffing a big tuna mayo salad to start the soaking up process as food won't be served till about 4.30!!! Got to make an effort not to get too drunk too soon lol

ahh get hammered bren and text me :) xxx
lisa you are on top form today :D
Hiya Bren:). Hope you Have a grand time at the bbq:D
It was a fairly wild evening I have to say, tipped over the edge of drunk into insanity very quickly so apologies for no drunk texts as I could not operate my phone, apparently I rang Loretta 3 times - and I only remember doing it once..........for her to come and pick me up. Don't remember getting out of the car and into the house, she had to help me out of the car and I was laughing so much I could hardly stand up (just don't remember) and then had to help me across the road, I went up the steps at the end of the path.........and came back down again, bear in mind this was probably only about 9pm lol - then I came in the house, got on the sofa and slept till midnight ish, dog had missed me so much he got on top of me and slept too lol - have dozed on and off most of the day, eaten burger, pie, apple pies, and now pizza - just been so bloody bad with the food today dammit.
Ah well, back on the wagon tomorrow lol
LMAO Oh Bren that is classic, I laughed until I cried at the thought of poor wee you on the soga, completely dwarfed by the dog on top of you!

I just wish you hadn't mentioned apple pies - now I want one!
Hello All
Up at 9 this morning, showered and yogurted and out to the garden centre with MiL. On way back...................the biggest fish you have ever seen in your life (oops covered in beer batter lol) and a bottle of wine. 3 baileys for pudding........hmmmmmmmmmm I really don't learn do I?????????? :D
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