Observations, mutterings and the gerbera effect

Day Three

A much better day, and I felt something strange was going on in my head....difficult to describe, but yesterday I got myself convined that this Slimpod thing was just a scam and a license to eat and I did.....everything that was I front of me! Part of this to stop stressing around food, listen to this magic 10 mins and the last 25 years of weight will just melt away.....yeah right!

However, today I found myself really considering what I wanted in the bakery at lunchtime ( I usually take into work a fully calorie counted lunch of what I think I should eat) today I thought,what the heck and started to put a bit of trust in this new system....well, I can't say I was perfect the rest of the day but I chose a prawn salad granary bap ...usually I can't resist a piece of Dorset apple cake...but today I did! I considered it, and said nope I don't want it! So that's my first daily positive

1 I said no to Dorset apple cake!
2. I also said no to my hubby when he suggested buying " film food" for the weekend and I bought myself a magazine as a treat rather than sweets.
3. I felt more confidence in this Slimpod malarkey and am starting to "Get my head round it" making myself write down stuff for yesterday really helped!

See ya tomorrow! X
Hello Gem, seems the slimpod is having a positive effect on you hun, well done!..and i'm impressed, refusing apple cake..ooh temptation..good on you!

Hope the rest of the weekend is as successful x
Day Four

Not so great ..
.1 went for a short walk
2. didn't give in to munchies run
3 recognised feelings and was aware of emotional eating
RainbowRose said:
Hello hun, recognising emotional eating signs is a good thing..so your not so great day..actually WAS great hun x ..well done, enjoy your sunday :)

Recognising them but still eating wasn't so good though ;0)
Day Five

1. managed a 20 mins walk along Mudeford Quay on my Gammy leg
2. Stayed away from sugar - day one ( still convinced sugar avoidance s the best for me)
3. Had a chicken salad for tea

Not feeling very well today, all I want to do is sleep. I have a headache and a mild temperature as well as leg still playing silly beggars....still, x ray tomorrow... Bet it won't show much, I think the pain is more muscular but hey ho will help to rule out some other stuff...then it's back to the docs I expect!

Hope you've had a good weekend folks x
Thanks Rose :0)

My three positives today are
1) went to Toby for dinner but just stuck to one plate of roast dinner with lots of veg...no seconds!
2) stayed away from sugar
3) didn't feel so "swollen" today

X-ray was uncomfortable and i had to have one of them done twice but it's done...7-10 days for the results. Very tired again today but feeling a bit better than yesterday. Was surprised I didnt want dessert at the Toby but I really just didn't want it....yay!

Have a good evening folks x
Hi Gem! I've just read your whole diary and it was so inspiring! :) Although I'm not in the same situation as you, in fact, i'm probably round about the same age as your son, your willpower and determination has rubbed off on me and inspired me to do another workout! (despite it being half 8!) Wish you all the best x I bet your husband is so proud of you as are we all xx Good luck for the rest of the week! ;)
Jaly said:
Hi Gem! I've just read your whole diary and it was so inspiring! :) Although I'm not in the same situation as you, in fact, i'm probably round about the same age as your son, your willpower and determination has rubbed off on me and inspired me to do another workout! (despite it being half 8!) Wish you all the best x I bet your husband is so proud of you as are we all xx Good luck for the rest of the week! ;)

Hi Jaly, you deserve a medal for reading all that :0)....welcome, good luck on your journey. I wish I knew at your age what I know now.
Everything in life is all about balance, I hope you enjoyed your workout..I always enjoyed it in the mornings but alas my health isn't letting me do anything right now and it's really getting me down.....still, need to keep positive even on the darkest of days, thank you for your kind words. X
It hasn't been the easiest of days....work has been mega busy, my cold is getting worse and my knee is really really painful. However my three positives are
1. Stayed away from Cakes and chocolate in the office
2. I'm not thinking so much about food all the time
3. Didn't snack n the evening
A good day, yay! Wore a support on my knee which definitely makes a difference to the pain by the evenings, I won't be working remotely tomorrow, someone will cover for me ( which means less walking, particularly stairs!) and I have booked friday as a day off as I have a doc appointment in the afternoon.

My three positives
1) went out for lunch with a friend and just had a cup of tea....didn't want anything else
2) have felt "not bothered" about food all day.....I have honestly NEVER felt this way before - its weird!
3) ate healthily all day
Thanks Jaly and Rose
Oops I forgot to write in my positives yesterday...just extreme tiredness after work I'm afraid. I'm feeling much better in myself ...didn't realise how much I needed some time to myself but today has been truly luxurious, slept a solid 12 hours, done a little housework and just pottered. Am now watching a lovely old film 84 Charing Cross Road.

Three positives yesterday were
1) woke up feeling a little thinner!
2) hobbled a little further on my leg from a different bus stop.
3) chose a more healthy chicken shish kebab and salad rather than a pizza for dinner

1) a freak accident of the cat jumping on my bad knee in bed this morning has clicked something into place and ironically it feels better! have consequently postponed the docs until next weds when my x ray results should be in too.
2) day off work, normally eat for England but have just been grazing on low fat stuff today, not really bothered either way
3) am really enjoying this relaxed attitude to food....it's just great! No weighing, measuring, worrying, beating myself up!

Have a lovely weekend peeps, I'm planning on a crafty one keep smiling! X
Hi guys

Hit an all time low last weekend (((hugs to LFM - know how you feel honey))) and ate my weight in chocolate :0(
Sorry gem i didnt realise this was posted

Well I've gone and done it now...I've bought a Slimpod. Loose 2 dress sizes (or more) without any effort, weighing or measuring. Sounds too good to be true....so probably is but I'm a sucker for it and desperate! I did the paul amcena once " ican make you slim" so your not alone on that one lol

I will commit to listening to this Slimpod every day (twice a day) for 42 days, starting today I make that 16 May....which coincides a few days before my birthday. Oooo Birthday coming thats a nice goal time.

I need to set myself three clear smart goals to focus on so here they are:

I have a new top I should have taken back to the shop as it was too tight. I want to be able to wear this top comfortably to my aunty's party on 16 June.

By october 31 I will buy a new winter coat in size 14/16 and ditch my man sized all weather grey number forever!

By 24 May 2013 I will be my ideal size 10/12 and go out for dinner feeling very proud of myself

Day One

Listened to the Slimpod last night and promptly fell asleep, listened again this morning on the bus ride to work - perfect length for the journey!
i thought you were going to write " feel asleep"! lol
3 positives about my day:

Walked/ hobbled two circuits of cricket pitch at lunch time despite knee and hip pain.
Went to m&s to buy a loaf of bread and only came out with a loaf of bread - despite eyeing up all the treats and giving myself permission to buy something if I really wanted it
Feeling a little more hopeful as at least I'm taking a positive step in the right direction?

Well, weirdly, just writing that has helped brighten my mood. My uni course is all finished now so I have no excuse not to post here every day until 16 May even if it's just my three daily positives. I will measure myself this weekend with a tape measure, I'm staying away from the scales. My geeky brain might do a spreadsheet with the days on so I can put them up on the fridge door and cross them off.

Will return tomorrow for a progress update! X

It sounds like your seeking direction Gem like i was, i do hope you find it i think you are!
nothing worse than sitting on that roundabout looking for the best direction to step off.
Bet Uni finishing is a great relief.
Sad about the painful xray but fingers crossed for good news.
You may feel tierd through subconciouse worry of what that result may be.

Im on a no sugar diet and a less tea and rubbish like crisps and pastry and fats.
Gem i feel it that lovely "new you" feeling ad it always reminds me of you as you do the suger detox too.
Once you get that rushing through you, you will sense your guidance and you will be so on the ball again.
You love life without sugar and you love life feeling detoxed.
Your doing great keep it upXXXX