Obsy's disappearing act!

I really should look at the receipe section and try a few of them out.

Well done on your first week weight loss DannyG x
Hey hun, how's today gone? Oh and how did the gym go are you all inducted and raring to go? Yet again at work I've been super strong and resisted. This time it was Cadbury's Caramel biscuits. It's not fair that everyone else in my department isn't morbidly obese with the amount of junk that gets demolished everyday.

Tomorrow it's Cupcake Friday, each week someone takes a turn at baking cupcakes for everyone. Grrr it'll be my turn soon and I won't be able to partake. I'm seeing how long I can put it off for.

Cupcake Friday - designed to torture. It started off as Crunchie Friday, but not everyone liked Crunchies so the cake idea came about instead. Damn the skinny mini's! (I'm only jealous lol)
Hey, today hasn't been too bad. Managed to drink more than I usually do and have had all my packs so am pleased with that. I went to the gym, had a good workout so I'm finally getting motivated on the exercise side. Am still not in ketosis, despite sticking to it rigidly since those pesky haribo's on Monday night. Not the slightest hint of pink grrr.

I'd be bloody annoyed if they did that to me - if you're not able to eat them then they shouldn't be making you make them. Why are people so determined to tempt us all the time? I smile and think, at least I can stick to this. So hard though at times. I've told people where I work not to ask me if I want a pasty, or a biscuit etc because I won't be liable for my actions if they do. Strangely enough, they haven't!

Am suffering insomnia at the moment and it's driving me mad. I've tried so many different things and nothing seems to work.

How are things with you - well done on your loss this week x
I have insomnia when I'm getting back into ketosis!! It's weird I couldn't sleep at night and wasn't tired during the day, soon get back to normal tho and was falling asleep on my feet at work this morning lol.
surf hunny i think thats down right cruel making you bake cakes !! tell them where to go lol i bloody would! congrats on your super duper loss aswell! obsy glad you enjoyed the gym i find it really boosts my energy levels and feel loads better about myself.
Just thought I'd quickly pop in to say that my head's not been in the right place to write everything down at the min so although I've been posting on other threads, I just know that if I updated this I'd be here for hours and probably in tears.

Am off to bed now to see if I can sleep. Will update this for sure sometime over the weekend.

Hope you all are ok xxx
hugs xxx
Oh Hun keep your chin up. Hope you're feeling better this morning!!!! Xxx
hope your feeling better today hunny xx
Hope your feeling brighter today x x
I know you said you weren't going to post for a few days but I'm just checking to make sure you're all right. Keep smiling x
Just a quick post to say I'm still here. I'll update this tonight when I have time. Thanks everyone for the best wishes, really needing them at the min. Hope everyone else is ok x
Glad you're back mate, I was starting to get worried about you!!
Here I am, posting a bit of an update. Apologies if I don't make sense but I'm literally typing as I think and my head is all over the place. You'll also have to forgive me if I think you know something and you don't.

Dad was home for a week and it was great, mum was happy and I could spend the time after work going to the gym and catching up on a few things. He's gone back to work in Norway and mum's not the same when he's away so I spend a lot of time visiting her. It's draining as I don't get much time on my own.

My friend has just had to get her dog put to sleep which brought back all the emotions of having our dog put to sleep so the little sleep I was getting (I'm suffering terrible insomnia at the min) is even worse. That's making me really irritable and grumpy at the min and it's making the lack of food an even worse mountain to climb.

Work is horrific, I wish I had another word for it but I don't. I try so hard not to let it get to me but I just can't, seems whatever I do they find another way to beat me down. Am working really long days and now have to start working Sat mornings so the little free time I have is now taken up with work. I wonder sometimes what the point is. Doesn't help that I get bullied by my boss but there's little I can do about it (I have tried and was off work sick for 6 months) but they won't listen. I know I have depression but it had been really good the last few months and I'd felt the best I had for a very very long time and now I just feel as though I've been crushed. I know that nothing major has happened to cause it but I feel so hopeless and my usual distraction and coping techniques aren't working.

Added to that I'd struggled to stick to the plan, although I did have the haribo so felt a tad guilty about them. So this week, depsite sticking 100% I went on my way to weigh-in, to buy some chocolate and proceeded to eat it all, so not only was I little down about this week loss but I've managed to sabotage this weeks.

Grrrrr, I'm sorry for babbling. Just don't know exactly how I feel or what I'm doing etc. Added to this I'm hungry all the time, lethargic, my bowels go from one extreme to the other and just generally crap. I'm also worried that I had my medication review and my doctor was so pleased with my progress that he's adjusted my dose to half and that's meant I'm not coping. My head is spinning.

Anyway, my anxiety is rising so I'm off to bed to try and get some rest, I know the lack of sleep doesn't help. Really sorry for moaning, just didn't know who to talk to. Hope everyone else is ok xx
Hi guys, i'm new to this site and have found some of the posts very inspirational and helpful. I did CD about 3 years ago, lost a couple of stone and have since put it back on and more. I have PCOS and find it extremely difficult to lose the weight and frustrated of being on a roundabout that seems impossible to get off. Anyway i restarted CD SS + yesterday, family circumstances have changed since my last attempt and i feel positive that it will fit into my lifestyle easier than before, and to be quite honest its trying this again or go for surgery. Feeling great at the moment, no hungers pangs thankfully, and had to force my self tonight for the third shake.

I hope this lasts

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i here what you're saying about depression and being off work and being bullied. i'm a teacher and i got dreadfully bullied at one nunthorpe school that i got my first teaching position in. the head and deputy were out to get me and didn't stop until they drove me to reactive depression and sick leave. horrid experience. they totally trashed my confidence and ruined my career. i ended up doing supply teaching in the end, which is not the same as having your own class, however, i was ofsteaded and was told that i was a really good teacher and why was i doing supply. big difference to being called appaulling and not better than a student teacher etc etc etc. it was one of those schools that they like their teachers to announce what they were doing and how wonderful they were and i'm more of a get it done, do it well, keep quiet. horrible school. the deputy is now a head teacher in eaglescliffe and in her first year 8 teachers including the deputy head left. speaks volumes i think!

don't let them get you down and make sure you complain to your unions, if you have them, HR department, if you have one or get someone important involved. i can tell you exactly how to go about things if you get called in to see the boss with no witnesses as you are entitled to one of your choice.