olive oil


Full Member
Hi... Just been looking at some fish meal ideas...
Alot of meals with fish (cod) use olive oil to help marinade/keep the fish moist. Have been looking for a fish meal to keep in the freezer for a 'quick' meal if i am busy. The birds eye bake to perfections look nice but have olive oil in too.
Any advice or recommendations?
Hi Petal

'New' Dukan rules allow one teaspoon of olive oil per day in Cruise so, in terms of oil I think these fish dishes will be fine *in emergencies*! I, personally, wouldn't rely on them too often. How about getting some plain frozen fish fillets? They'll soon cook through if you poach them in milk or stock.

Hope this helps.

P x
I cook fish in foil parcels, it keeps the moisture in and they dont dry up. Can do them with small portino of onion as seasoning on PP days, or layer them on strips of veg on PV days. All wrapped up, they are delishious. I love BNS with the fish.

Also make fish cakes, they will freeze (after cooking them), very tasty with a bit of soy sauce or salad.