One for the ladies....


Full Member
Hi ladies,

Since about day 3 of this diet, Ive had heavy menstrual I've been on contraceptives for years but recently changed to the implant so I haven't had a period for about 2 years now ( a brilliant side effect!!)

So I was just wondering if anyone has had any change in their patterns or flow? I'm just a little concerned because it does seem very heavy compared to when I used to have my period as normal.

Thanks ladies, and sorry if its been TMI for some people!!
I've had a browse on google and it seems like a lot of people have it so I guess it's just another unwanted side effect to go with the bad breath!! Lol! x
Mine are also a bit lighter and far more regular than they ever have been. I'm not on contraception either so don't know if that makes a difference.
Strange how it effects people in different ways!! It might have something to do with that I haven't had one for months now which is a common side effect of the implant. It's starting to slow down a bit now, but I am still bleeding, might have to ring my GP if it doesn't stop in the next few days for some advice! x
I have read on here and other forums that it may be due to fat cells breaking down and releasing the oestrogen that is stored in them, which can affect blood loss in some people. It did with me and I already have heavy ones, but it did settle down as my body got used to it.
If you can find any positives in this its the fact that something must be working if the fat cells are breaking down :)