One path one way one's hope


Full Member
:) Hi all,
I'd love to begin a journal and get on the right path using dukan.
I think from my past use of high fat, and carbs, and all fruit and any type doesn't seem to be helping me at all...

so today want to just begin with dukan as an attack approach to get rid of stubborn weight... I was doing well did 2 days of PV figure I could start with veggies and protein even tho I was able to eat less with veggies filling me up I seem to be gaining alot of water weight..:( so annoyed.. I figured from being able to lose at 2000 and sometimes higher then going to dukan and eating towards hunger I ended up eating prob as low as 1650 and yet I'm feeling like my body is gaining water weight or something....:confused::confused:

Am I not eating enough? I figure maybe today be best to start in to phase 1 attack, and do the meat only since I have notice why I don't eat veggies because they make it hard for me to well go.. sorry tmi, but i get constipated and have trouble going even if eating cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

So do you think if I do a clean, like just lean protein attack approach may help me out:confused:
I've been enjoying mini meals, to keep energy up. For breakfast today I had 2 strips of turkey bacon, and a homemade ground turkey burger like 5ozs pan seared in nonstick pan.
and a diet cola caffeine free

felt ok so far hoping this is ok, I ditched any veggies I would normally have and just went with more protein
Ty for asking :). I think doing well daily aiming for more protein and less fat. Near 80% protein lol. But so far dping ok bit guilt of munching alot but should be ok

Just think eating as a workout lol digesting protein burning more and working the body up. I do jope i am doing this right :)
Have you read the book? There's four phases - attack, cruise, consolidation, and stabilization - and they're best done in order. But, we all change things up a bit to make it easier/work better for us. Good luck!
I feel bit scared I did start over on 16th as just protein lean as planed for attack, but today I think from so much meat the scale is up three- -4 pounds about to jump off the diet then thought to self I am eating way less then what I would eat on regular low carb atkin plan plus hundreds more protien. And the calories just cause interested at my protein so ate like near 100 less yesterday and leaner and gained alot yikes. But told my self STOP. You didn't gain weight you ate pounds of lean meat that didn't digest right away an you need to get use to this way of eating plus you didn't in no way eat thousands of calories to gain 4 lbs lol. So I guess I just need to cool my brain out.

Plus eating a big meal at night will prove to appear on the scale before it's digest and all liquid I drink for thirst....

So I am going on

My. Diet mainly is
Lean 99% ground turkey. Chicken breast, cottage cheese 1% and turkey bacon 3 pcs in morn

Nothing really else

I norm snack mini meals through out day

Breakfast was. Turkey bacon and ground turkey like nice burger size bok pepper started to ad as well
Snack have cottage cheese m piece chicken n ground turkey
Lunch same

Snk big piece breast n ground turkey. And

Dinner same plus cottage cheese

Plenty liquid 80zs or more

Been doing 9 Mins of running jumping and lil weights
Plus have done some thigh exercise about 30 each side and the wheel for toning the tiny by stretching sortof like resistance work out about 12 and for 3 I hold for 5 seconds

Do feel muscles being used. But do wonder if I am on the right track or not
went bit salty today cottage cheese n chicken breast with some bacon but mainly cause only need flavor my meat with creamy flavor and more protein so basically fat free with lots protein lol
Hi Natosha, sounds like you're doing the plan right - stick with it and it will bring results. How are you doing?

Joodle x