One positive thought a day from you

Tuesday's thought.. not to focus about the past blips, but to look at today and like sunshine, onwards and upwards.
Just got to thank you for these quotes making me feel a whole lot better. got some news today that a close friend has died, been expecting it all week, and I've found it very hard to stick to cd, but these quotes have inspired me

So sorry to hear that Trisha. Things take time when you loose someone close, just do what you can and you'll have more motivation and energy really soon. xxx
I feel good today because I have less than 100lbs to go now! Started at 138lbs to lose and am now at 98 to go. xx
I only restarted Cambridge yesterday but already my saddlebags have greatly diminished (guess I know where I store my water!!!).

That's my positive thought of the day!
My positive thought for today (and this week) is that I'm 1.5lbs off losing 2 stone which I'm really chuffed with.

I've turned back into a shopaholic and am just loving having a choice in fashion again xxx

Anyone else have a positive thought for the day? xxx
My weight has started moving again. 1000 is fab! Week 1 of 1000, lost 1.5lbs and so I have 1lb till I've lost 2 stone. Yay. It's fun seeing the scales moving again.

Wearing my skinny jeans today. Woohoo xxx
i love this the good vibes from everyone!

My positive thought for the day is that despite my bottom half taking its time to catch up with the rest of me...i'm no where near the size i was....and its a good feeling buying size 12 dresses...and them looking good on me!
I also love this thread. But I haven't had much positive to say the last few days :D. I will shape up and post something tomorrow! For now I am just so glad that I have lost lots of weight with CD.
Awww Asa what's up hun?

Keep the positive thoughts coming. They really help keep us focused on why CD is so fantastic. It is brilliant isn't it!

Mad day tomorrow inbetween teaching I'm having my makeup trial, highlights and hair trial done for my gig on Sat. It will be the first time I've had my makeup done for over 6 months as I was having time out of playing live and working with my band and on new songs. So i'm really looking forward to seeing what my new face looks like when made up by a make-up artist. Exciting.

I've now lost 2 stone!!!! chuffed to bits.

I'll remember this all day. xxx
my positive thought is that despite feeling like total and utter sh*t....i have stuck to cD the whole way!!
Dont feel completely positive at the moment, so thats about as good as it gets i'm afraid! lol
My positive thought for the day is .. I CAN ALREADY FIT IN CLOTHES THAT I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO WEAR IN TWO YEARS!!!- just after two weeks!! and i'm 2 pound being off the same weight as my boyf (14 stone)..I CAN'T wait to feel happy for him to pick me up, spin me round and kiss me.. he's tried before.. i just screamed at him "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN!!!!" he's strong- but not that strong! heh.

day one of week three. nothing but cd and water have passed my lips.. and i feel proud. I have control for the first time!

Also another positive "I can't wait for"--- is soon i will be able to tilt my head back without having a roll of fat at the back of my neck!!! strange one.. but it's things like that that get to me.
that is a super positive thought hun....and love that you feel in control!!!! That's the key to this diet.....mind over matter (the matter being food!)
My positive thought for today is that I've just had a bath and the water moved freely between the side of the bath and my thighs. That hasn't happened for a long time and I no longer feel like a beached whale!

Loved your post, Lauren! Well done.

And Liz, hugs and positivity on their way to you xxx
I cannot wait for that too Thelma!! NO MORE BUM DAM! woooh!hehe

And thanks lizz!
you two are doing amazingly bdwxx
Have a good day, positive thoughts all the way

Any positive thoughts about yourself today? Are you doing something nice for yourself? Or are you liking a part of you that you didn't like before?

My positive thought is I'm loving wearing leggings under little haven't work leggins since the 80's when I was very young :)

I had my makeup done yesterday for my gig on saturday. It's the first time I've had it done since I've shed the weight. It felt great not to be embarressed about my 3 chins, fat cheeks and I didn't have to ask to make my cheek bones stand out and to darken my neck to make my face look thin. i can do for bold daring makeup now. Brilliant.

Have a good day,positive thoughts all the way xxx
My positive thought for the day is that if I am the same at weigh in tomorrow morning as I am on my scales at home I will have lost another 4lbs (and that's with Saturday off plan (inc. alcohol))! If I do, that will be 22lbs in 4 weeks :) so everything crossed for tomorrow.