Orbita on the way from 74kg to 65kg

wow good workout, I don't see why you have to concentrate on the excersise, I've read magazines on the bike before and I watch the tv!

i think trainer told me that because most of the group are regular rowing'ers and he wanted that everybody do training in the same rhythm but since that was my first time i didn't new that plus i don't know the technique etc. at the end we met again while waiting the elevator and he asked me how i liked the class and i tried explane all that to him :D cuz i don't want him to think i was not into his class, heheh
Day 6

today was hard again- i was at work- all day sitting next to a big bowl of cookies and chocolate, awww.. but i survived. it's also hard to stay home on saturday night, but i'm not going out, i'm not even opening the nice bottle of rose vine i have :D

L. chicken soup, without salt it tasted- pretty behhh, little cabbage/carrot salad w. drop of olive oil and lemon juice
D. 2 boiled eggs, same salad, ~ 50gr of boiled beef meat.

i have one more week to go, ohhh..

and it's march already, damn, how quick the time is passing by :eek:
keep going :), I know the time is going quick but at least you havent been here as long as I have! almost a year :p I've had weeks of not dieting though.
Day 7 and 8

yesturday was awfull- i had such a desire to eat- mostly carbs and sweets, so i did.
today- back on track

L. 2 boiled eggs
D. tiny piece of beef, salad- letuce, tomato, cucumber w. oil and lemon juise; an apple and a plum

gym- step'n'body; rowing 90min. today we had different trainer who didn't paid any atention either to me, my technique or enybody else :D another extreme. but after shower and sauna when i passed the reception desk they were both there- trainers, and the one from friday started to ask me how i felt after class and if i got any pain. when i told- just a little bit, he answered- oh, then you should of work harder :D and few other jokes, HA HA HA!!!:sign0151: well today i was really more lazy cuz nobody checked how i'm doing and the rowing part was only 40 min, the other day 60min- geez.. plus the usual cardio warm up and streching.
Day 9

L. beef ~ 300gr, salad from letuce, tomato, cucumber
D. fruit salad- banana, 2 plums, 1 apple, 1 pear

i have to start to think whats my plan after i finish this diet on saturday.. actually last day supose to be on saturday, but friday i have a party, i guess there won't be no problems with food but drinks, geeez.. hehe
Day 10

today i was told i look like i lost some weight :D:D:D but both tellers knew i'm on diet. anyway it's great that it's notable for others aswell cuz i can tell when i look in the mirrow and my chlotes are much looser. yiiiihooo..

today i'm starting to read a book about nutrition and fitness, that will say how bad my diet is about 100 times and that i burn down my muscles instead of my fat (sounds terrible- my fat :D ) by doing that and etc. but i feel i really needed it as a good kick start. however- why i'm making excuses because i feel i'm doing bad to my body or what?!?!?! one of those Carrie Bredshaw's questions. :D

anyway, by the end of this diet i will probably be in the middle of that book and also the new guru in those questions, what i have to do and eat for a better fat loss and muscle gain. YEAH! :D

L. tomato, cucumber, cheese ~ 100 gr, pear, and i nashed a little from my friends greek salad- little cheese, some salad.
D. salad (letuce, chery tomatoes, cucumber, 2 slices of ham, 2 eggs, oil, lemon juice, few drops of soja souce)

gym- step'n'body, 35 min treadmill

i also feel weaker when doing exc. for abs, usually i'm pretty ok, but last few days.... hmm.. tomorrow i'll check out more cuz i have 50 min abs + back training. strange..
Day 11

L. 1 boiled egg, 1 plum
D. frut salad- banana, pineapple, apple, plum, actimel, little tuna salad- tried a bit while making them for tomorrow.

gym- 10min. stepper, abs+back, 25min cross trainer.

2 more days on this diet.
my diet is over as planed, had wild weekend- parties and food.. don't have a strict plan which is not good- i eat more :(

reading THE BOOK, agree with most of the things, gotta use advises..

gym- bodytoning, abs+back, 30 min cross trainer, 10 min treadmill, flirt with rowing trainer at the reseption again, hehehe

got problems with smoking, can't quit that easy.

and my holidays start on sunday!!!!!!!! yiiiihooo
well.. i'm trying to eat as healthy as possible, but i have no idea how i can make 6 meals per day- thats what the BOOK says, thats what bodybuilders and fitness models :D does. tomorrow it could work cuz i'm at work and i can try to eat something every 3 hours but on my day off's i'm only waking up around midday and my firs meal is not earlier than 1pm.. hmmmm..

B. wholegrain dark bread w. fitaki cheese and tomato, quark w. sourcream
L. salmon soup, salmon w. potatoe, broccoli w. cheese
D. salmon soup, half of pamelo, little pineapple

gym- step'n'body, 25 min. cross trainer, 5km on bike (did tabata intervals for about 6 min.)
eating was so so today
B. quark w.saurcream, tomato, wholegrain dark bread w. feta cheese, 1/4 pamelo
L. been soup w. ground meat, cheese, feta cheese, sourcream, pear
D. same thing + banana, 1/4 pamelo
+ a bottle of rose wine :D (home alone)

yesturday was supposed to be excelent 6 meals day but it turned down to a cake eating day, beeeeh (i had cake for breakfast, then for dinner + my regular/helthy meal) :D

no gym yestuday- was working..
today, just before go to gym (i even already packed my bag) i got an e-mail, that my bodytoning class is cancelled, so i was to lazy to go to gym just for cardio..
anyway- i was exercising at home- did 10 min cardio with jump rope, 8 min abs, 8 min buns, 8 min arms + some chest exercises, so about some 40 min- is better than nothing i guess.. except the bottle of wine :D

how could i possibly make me go to gym tomorrow to do a proper at least 60 min cardio. if i would be at the gym i could make some 80- 90 min. but the problem is to get my ass out for the gym on saturday.. awww :D
did i go to gym today???? nope :( did i ate 6 small meals? nope :(
B. omlete from 2 eggs, 1,5 potatoes, 2 slices of sausage (ooops), few slices of paprica, apple.
L. 2 cutlets, some 100gr beens, huge portion of salad- letuce, tomato, cucumber, parica, fetaki cheese w. lemon juice, vinegar, oil dressing- delicious, apple
D. :D ice cream, twix bar.

after i did a pretty good home workout- 16 min interval cardio, 10 min jump rope cardio, 8min abs, buns, arms and then a long extra chest and arms workout with dumbbells- my tiny ones :D

tomorrow is my last day at work before holidays, yipppiii.. then i have five days before i actually go on holidays and i'll try to go to gym everyday, i know i can easy do 4 times, but i'm not that sure about friday cuz i'll be packing then..
my last work day was crazy.. i'm glad it's over!

today i had no energy at all, i wanted to stay home under a blanket and sleep all day.

B. soup (breakfast at 2pm) :D slice of wholegrain dark bread w. feta cheese
L. beens, sausage, tomatoes, cheese, feta cheese
D. 1/2 of pamelo, banana

i made me out of home for gym, but i was running really late so i missed my class- it was full, since i was there i had to do at least something so i did 45 min on treadmill, this was the first time i was really running, yeah, in total around 20 min, yipiii. then i did 20 min on bike. so- nice cardio day.
B. oatmeal porridge, butter, little raspberry jam
L. soup, slice of wholegrain dark bread w. feta cheese
D. 100gr quark w. sourcream, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 pamelo, 1 apple

gym- bodytoning, abs+back, after 30 min bike.. did 2 sets of intevals and made 11 km..
:) welldone, I need to get back on track had a doughnut for lunch and some rice pudding after my dinner and have done no excersise this week yet, might not be able to do any tomorrow either because I'm going to an interview for voluntry work!
I'm back!

Had great holidays.. came back with the same weight i left, hehehe.. these were good news, bad news- in a week after i sure gained some.. i don't want to jump on weights jet..
today i restarted gym- step'n'body, 7km on bike.. ok, for the first day.. i hope gym will help with the eating habits aswell..
i went to gym after drinking 2 beers, how useless is that? :D
anyway- bodytoning which turned into dance class- beeeeh, so taht all turned in a disaster because about 5-6 girls were ok with remembering steps, me and other 25 were bad, hahah.. ABS part was good.. + 5,5 km on bike.. and i was walking the entire day..

food- ohhh, everything, my grandma had a birthday today.. you know- hehehe..
back.. :/

hey all!
i had the most wonderful slim summer, till about august i looked veryyyy good, then i started to eat more, then i started to have stress which means to me- eating more and now i'm back to 74, 75kg.. not sure cuz i don't have weights. pretty sad. but nothing new. tomorrow i go to my country for a holidays and after i get back i will turn myself in a gym freak, promise!!!
i got back my celullit and my abs are covered with fat, disgusting.. i even got some celulit on my stomach, disaster.. and thats after looking like this in the middle of june..
C:\Users\Laura\Desktop\BCN-IBZ-pirmas dienas\IMG_7464-1.JPG

damn, i dont remember how to insert a pic.. :(
ok, maybe now..
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here we go again!

restarted gym yesturday- 30 min on treadmill, very little running mostly walking + Toning.
today- 25 min treadmill, even did 1,5 km running, have to improve it. tommorow will try 2 km + Mind body, very good and relaxing, streched muscles. tonight hurts everything, hehe.
ok, my goal is to be a gym freak! haha..
eating has improved aswell a little, but i start to feel that i'm back on track again..
honestly i'm so heavy that i even dont want to tell how. so i'll start to count when i'll be back to 74kg which is heavy aswell but at least not that.. hahah. so now its a start phase. gonna take at least few weeks i think. :)