Party on saturday. Any advice?


Gold Member
Hi everyone. I am on day 3 of the diet and doing really well so far. Not done this well on a VLCD for a long time. I have a dilemma though - I am going to my OH's aunties big 50th birthday party on Saturday and I'm not sure what to do. There will be lots of nice food and drink on offer and I know ill be a miserable git all night if I drink water and stick to my diet. I don't want to give the in laws a bad impression. I'm not a massive drinker at all and would only have a couple of drinks in this situation anyway, but its the food that's worrying me.

Should I try and stick to low carb (maybe they will have some salady bits or chicken etc) and do my best? I have no idea what sort of food there will be (although his family are a bit posh so I know it won't be the usual sausage rolls and party rings haha). My OH thinks I should just enjoy myself and get back on the diet the next day...
Hmm that is a difficult one.. some people will say don't come off plan due to the chance you might not get back on the wagon. Others might say to decide if this particular event is a big enough deal in your opinion to warrant the risk. I think you should do whatever you feel is best for you as everyone is different :) I tend to be the type who would just come off it for a day then back on again, however not everyone can do this.

Whatever you deicide I hope you have a great time! but remember if you do drink to come out of Ketosis beforehand as drinking whilst in Ketosis can be very dangerous.
I think ill kick myself out of ketosis and try and eat lowish carb if I can (might be difficult at a party though!) and get back on it the next day!
I think id avoid carbs as much as possible but you could have anything meaty, fatty, cheese, most veg (like a carrot is still less carbs than a slice of bread) you might dip out of full ketosis but it shouldnt take as long to get back in fully.
I would be good all day then "reasonably" enjoy myself at the party then get straight back on it the next day! But everyone is different, I hope you have fun x
Thanks, that's what I was thinking too. Hopefully wont be too hard to get back in to ketosis if I've not been too bad :)
Well, I had this same situation. I started on the Wednesday and had a party on the Friday night. There was pizza, popcorn, sausage rolls, alcohol, birthday cake! And even more and I got offered each of them, I just said no. I took a pack of Coke Zero with me and stuck to that. Poured it into a glass, that way it looked more like other people's drinks, which may or may not have had alcohol.

Personally, for me, it wasn't worth breaking the diet for it, there would be plenty of times to eat once I hit goal but I still had the experience of the party, which was the important bit. It wasn't really that important a night that I HAD to eat or HAD to drink alcohol, the important part was me being there with the people that were there. I didn't want to have to go through those days of heading back into ketosis all over again, knowing that one night can easily turn into a whole weekend too. Also I'm in a place at the moment where sticking to S&S completely and getting the weight off is my top priority, I'm completely focused on it and don't want anything to get in the way, more so than I have been before and maybe that's why it was easier to do.

By not eating and not drinking alcohol you're not giving your in laws a bad impression, at all. Why would they even care? I doubt they'll particularly even notice because it's a party, finger food, not a sit down meal where you can clearly see that someone hasn't eaten. Of course it's up to you, I wouldn't do it but if you do just stick low carb, that'll help you ease back into ketosis quicker.
Hi, I like Caroline's advice, and feel the same it's ideal that's it's buffet type food (i think from what you have said) as you can move around with just some protein on your plate and no one will notice! Also take the coke zero don't bother with the alcohol. I have been thinking about social times a lot and really have to change my way of thinking for going out - I need to make it about the people and not the food! Lots of people are watching what they eat in January and give up drinking in January so it's not like you will stand out at all.

Good luck whatever you decide! I am also on day 3 ,chug chug chug the water hunny!
I'm out clubbing on Saturday all night I won't be drinking any alcohol at all I shall drink water all night and no food.

Its not worth breaking the diet there will be lots of times when it seems impossible but it's all do able I spent 4/5 months going out every weekend refusing food and alcohol

But it's down to you and how focused you are on the diet.
I agree with Caroline. You don't need to eat food and alcohol you can choose to eat it if you want but it is still a choice that you make

I have been to loads of nights out still really enjoy myself drink diet coke and stay away from the buffet
Thanks Caroline and everyone else, that's really good advice actually. I've never been anywhere that does coke zero on draught or in bottles (apart from McDonald's haha) so taking my own is a good idea. I'm going to try and stick to protein but I've decided it's not the end of the world if I'm not 100%. It wouldn't take me long to get back in to ketosis. I'm going to try though because I've done really well since I started and I'm usually terrible at VLCDs!!
One thing I've noted since starting this, nobody else is concerned at all about what I eat and drink, really, nobody gives a monkeys! Help out by taking food round to everyone else and make sure they get their fill, or talk, lots! Not sure exactly what type of venue you'll be at, my party was our family pre-Christmas get together at my parents so I kept busy making hot drinks for everyone that wanted, keeping the buffet organised and tidy, and having an odd bit of cheese!
One thing I've noted since starting this, nobody else is concerned at all about what I eat and drink, really, nobody gives a monkeys! Help out by taking food round to everyone else and make sure they get their fill, or talk, lots! Not sure exactly what type of venue you'll be at, my party was our family pre-Christmas get together at my parents so I kept busy making hot drinks for everyone that wanted, keeping the buffet organised and tidy, and having an odd bit of cheese!

It's at a club/pub type thing, but his Mam is the type to try and feed me up and buy me drinks. Although she did celebrity slim before so will probably understand if I say I'm not eating carby things or drinking. Ill keep myself busy though and not sit in the corner like the shy miserable cow I am haha!
It was great! They had an Irish folk band on which was different and I really enjoyed it! Buffet was posh but very healthy. Pasta, salads, a massive side of salmon and mackerel, homemade coleslaw, veggie wraps etc. I didn't stick to plan BUT because everything was really nice and light I don't feel bad for it. Had a lovely time :)