Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band

Happy day today... 6 lb loss this week.. So 19lb overall in 3 weeks.

If Paul mckenna was here now id kiss him from head to toe!

Good luck fellow mckenna-ers!
Doh - deleted my reply.
It's amazing to see these losses after you've been doing it so long.
Out of interest have you had to "reinstall" the band at all or was it just once and then cd daily? Do you still use the cd or is it just instilled in you now?
Been dipping in and out of "I can make you thin" this week - just a read so far but already I am eating slower and thinking about whether I am hungry and not just eating because a clock tells me or I have time to. (Am of the pig in trough school of eating etiquette normally - so even giving my brain a chance to catch up with my belly is a positive step ;-) Hoping for 3lb off this week.
Hi pork xx

I read the book last Feb and I listen to the trance cd about once a month.. I re read the book on 1 st Jan this year and again I've listened to the trance cd once this year...

I listen to the cd as and when I need it.. My rule of thumb is if I am in Tesco and have an overwhelming urge to plunge headfirst into the multi packs of monster munch then I know I'm in need of Paul!

Xx Jane xx

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Happy day today... 6 lb loss this week.. So 19lb overall in 3 weeks.

That's absolutely incredible, congratulations!! If I have even a fraction of your success I'll be over the moon, it's great to be able to follow your journey and it keeps me completely motivated to keep at it! Thanks for posting your progress on here!

It's my first official weigh-in tomorrow since starting the gastric band (last week was just a few days of I Can Make You Thin) so I've got my fingers crossed for any kind of loss.
Best of luck with your 3lb this week.. I have faith in you to do it xxxxxx

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congrats on another great loss there MissMiff and good luck to you two on your weigh ins

i feel like im having a really good week so far, i've started doing a photography project which is getting me walking all over the place which can't hurt

weigh in isn't until Saturday but im looking forward to it :)
Thinking light for you for Saturday xxx

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Well done again Missmiff!
Hello ladies,

Hope you don't mind if i join in. I have tried every diet under the sun again, again and again! Listened to my cd this morning and hope this can be the thing to work for me. I have quite abit to go but i just want to stop obsessing about food and be 'normal'.
I am planning to listen to it again this evening just as back up as don't feel like I was paying proper attention lol
Good luck Trisha
It really is a fab feeling watching someone scoff cake and you can not having to think twice about ripping it from their hands and devouring it.. Lol

And thanks mairxxx

Jane xxx

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Well, only 1 pound down this week but it's still a loss. It's 4 pounds in 2 weeks too so I'm quite happy with that. Listened to the CD again last night for a bit more reinforcement so I'm hoping for a good loss next week :)
Good luck Trisha
It really is a fab feeling watching someone scoff cake and you can not having to think twice about ripping it from their hands and devouring it.. Lol

last night my other half brought home a 6 pack of cream eggs, i wasn't even tempted by them, this is absolutely unheard of, normally i would have eaten all 6 almost taking the packaging with it

well done on your loss Anti :)
Some thoughts on the past few days - after just one read I'm partly conscious but sometimes sub consciously following the golden rules. I've some way to go regarding slowing down my eating but it's getting there and chewing 20 times is starting to feel more normal - although I love soup and chewing that is just impossible & if I eat it too slowly it gets cold. Last night OH had fillet steak, chips, peas and croquette potato and he'd finished before I had got through my small bowl of soup and home baked ham (2 hefty slices) - normally I could have wolfed it down, had seconds and a yogurt before he was done and the dogs even got the last bits of ham. I was also full and didn't eat anything else.
Couple of times I have found myself with a bit of the kids toast or a chip in my mouth but when I caught myself I spat it out & binned it rather than thinking" oh well - it's done".
This morning I spent ages thinking about what I wanted for breakfast rather than stuffing bread in the toaster whilst doing 20 other things - even though I was hungry, I waited and ended up with turkey salad on wholemeal and half an orange. I ate most of it but switched the tv off and was quite conscious of my eating - there's 1/4 sandwich left and to be honest I'm not sure if I am full or not - but I'm not ravenous or anything, so will wait and see.
I'm going to do the ICMYT cd in a while. I'm debating over whether I need/want the gastric band - I've now 20lb to get rid of and I think I'll see how this goes for a couple of weeks. Anyone else doing the band with the same amount to lose? And how are you getting on?
I'm also going to SW - last time I did in online, so the whole meeting thing is new and tbh some of the "eat as much as you want of x and y" goes against my past experiences, so not sure if I'll stay to group much but it's handy to weigh and gives me a target (although I prefer to weigh 2 weekly as I seem to have a good week/bad week swing even when I've been fairly consistent with food/exercise.
Sounds like you're doing fabulously Pork..

If u choose to do the gb, i would personally steer away from soups for the time being.. As with there resl gastric band, you are meant to avoid those too, as soup is thinner and can slip more easily through your band...which in turn takes more to fill your tummy.

but keep up the excellent work, I can't wait for the day I can write just 20lb to xxx

keep us updated in your progress

jane xxx
1.6 lbs down this week. Like the tortoise, it will take me a long time but unlike the hare, I will reach the finish line :)

Jane, I like the last bit of your signature 'Weight loss feels better than chocolate tastes'. So true :)

I had a bag of minstrels last night when I went to watch '12 Years a Slave' with the hubby, and usually this would mean today I would be craving more sugar but I just realised that I'm not. I'm happier carrying on being healthy. Revelation.
You are doing fab.. But now I'm thinking about minstrels.. Lol


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I've just read this thread from start to finish, and have tears in my eyes - what an inspiration! :D

Thank you so much Jane for honestly answering the loose skin question - after watching the recent channel 4 documentary about that I must admit to having a real panic about it!! :eek:
I've just read this thread from start to finish, and have tears in my eyes - what an inspiration! :D

Thank you so much Jane for honestly answering the loose skin question - after watching the recent channel 4 documentary about that I must admit to having a real panic about it!! :eek:

Lol.. Wipe those tears..

as for the skin thing.. It is so far from my mind, im losing the weight to live, not to become the next Claudia

good luck Darcy, believe in yourself and itll happen xxx

Jane xxx