Peachy's Food Diary - am gonna do it this time!!

OK so day 10 green

B/fast: 2 choc weetabix, 2 syns, hexa&b, tea

Lunch: chicken & mushroom pasta in sauce, cheese hexa, activia, green tea, satsuma, mikados 13 syns

Dinner: Jacket Potato, cheese (hexa) beans, rocket

Snacks 2 alpen lights (hexb) green tea, ribena
Day 11 (Thurs) EE

B/fast: 28g puffed wheat (can't believe how much you get!) milk, tea, (HEXA & B)

Lunch: Gammon Steak, peas, jacket potato, tomato, lemonade (3 syns) I know no superfree but was a pub lunch....

Dinner: Tuna Pasta Bake, onion, rocket (syns for sauce - not sure but no other syns today)

Snacks: yogurt, pineapple, ribena, green tea

Zumba class in eve
Day 12 Red

B/fast: Puffed Wheat, milk (HEXA & B)

Lunch: Omelette, mushrooms, onion, cheese (HEXA), bacon, tea, green tea

Dinner: chicken, stir fried veg, yogurt

Snacks: Satsumas, apple, ribena, green tea,

HEXB 2 alpen lights

Syns.... not sure yet, probably mikados or 3 jaffa cakes
Monday day 14 green day

B/fast: crunchy bran(HEXB), cherry activia, tea, green tea

Lunch: jacket potato, quorn chilli (left from last night),hea cheese, diet coke

Dinner: Quorn chilli(again) with pasta

Snacks: ribena, 3 pagen krisprolls heb, glass milk hea

Syns: 1 time out (1 finger) 4, go ahead cherry crispy slices 9
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Tuesday... can't remember what I ate now but within syns
Weds: off plan - went out for lunch and wanted chips so had chips!! yummy!
Thurs: EE

B/fast: crunchy bran, cherry activia, tea (1/2 syn)

Lunch: Carrot and coriander soup, 3 krisprolls (6 syns)

Dinner: Homemade burgers, cheese (HEXA) and sw chips, beans, tomato, mushrooms, salad,

syns - no more to try and counteract yesterday a bit