"Plump Polly".....golden oldie..........Newbie

Now is THAT a promise? Actually I think perhaps I should start over.....but I'll wait till Thursday when I weigh in...then I won't have to do it twice in one week!

I'm trying to find out...when you update your ticker, and you copy and past the new one in...are you supposed to delete the old one, or does the new one just over-ride it. Bev (Pommette) told me to edit it all and look to see if the cause was there...and there were lots of the TICKER posts.....I haven't deleted one since I started!...perhaps that's why mine is full to overflowing...but shows nothing on the page in print!?:eek:
Now is THAT a promise? Actually I think perhaps I should start over.....but I'll wait till Thursday when I weigh in...then I won't have to do it twice in one week!

I'm trying to find out...when you update your ticker, and you copy and past the new one in...are you supposed to delete the old one, or does the new one just over-ride it. Bev (Pommette) told me to edit it all and look to see if the cause was there...and there were lots of the TICKER posts.....I haven't deleted one since I started!...perhaps that's why mine is full to overflowing...but shows nothing on the page in print!?:eek:

I used to delete mine because it would take up too much space, maybe that's the reason? you could try!
Well I've just deleted all of mine,,,so we'll see what happens when this posts....posts!! x

Well have found out the hard way...must delete past tickers before putting the new one on!!...seem to have lost some awards, but perhaps theyll appear later...am SUCH a numpty! ...sigh xx
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Well I've just deleted all of mine,,,so we'll see what happens when this posts....posts!! x

Well have found out the hard way...must delete past tickers before putting the new one on!!...seem to have lost some awards, but perhaps theyll appear later...am SUCH a numpty! ...sigh xx

yay! x
LOL...got there, only 1 award missing now is my SOTM....sigh...never mind. xx
Well I've just deleted all of mine,,,so we'll see what happens when this posts....posts!! x

Well have found out the hard way...must delete past tickers before putting the new one on!!...seem to have lost some awards, but perhaps theyll appear later...am SUCH a numpty! ...sigh xx
Errr - you don't have to do anything to your ticker in your sig on Minis.
Once you've inserted it it just takes care of itself.
If you just update the ticker on the tickerfactory site, it automatically updates your sig here.
Looks as though when you update it you've been adding multiple versions every time. Minis is weird and won't show the same ticker more than once even if you've added it.

PS your sig now looks fine!!!!!!! But there are still a few weirdies. I'll send you a pm.

If you start getting error messages in the future about the size of your sig - this is because you are only allowed a certain number of character (can't remember how many though). What lots of people do then is just put their latest weight award in it together with their SotW, SotM etc as well. Each weight award that you put in takes up over 100 characters. Your 1/2 stone award looks like this in "real gobbledook code"
<img src="http://group.slimmingworld.com/images/features/my-awards/awards/S7.jpg" border="0" alt="" />
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wHEN i LOOKED AT THE BIT YOU TOLD ME TO bEV...THERE MUST HAVE BEEN oops sorry not shouting....at least a dozen lines of text saying the ticker factory.
When you go to the ticker site, and you Copy the new weight ticker....you have to paste it in don't you...it obviously does the update automatically...so don't know what happened with mine.
My awards were all in line...then some went missing. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING SOMETIMES

OH! forgot to say on my PM...got out my elec cig...I always vowed if they went over £6 pk,AARRGGHH!! I would NEVER pay that...and I won't. Went to get mine this morning...and they've shot up....so bought 10 instead...and now using my leccy one...so going to try really hard. If it slows me down, so be it...I know i can't do both 100% all at once, but going to have a bluddy good go!! When I started this ridiculous habit...more years ago than I want to think about, they were 25p a pack! OMILGOD!

WAHAAY!! got it....3.5 stone award...YES!!
Thanks everyone for your good wishes xx
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WAHAAY!! got it....3.5 stone award...YES!!
Thanks everyone for your good wishes xx

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - bleddy well done chica!
New sig on it's way back to you! It was a mess! But now all sorted, beautiful and pristine.
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50 lbs lost...I'm more surprised than anyone, I'm so chuffed!! Thanks everyone.

Bev just got your Pms...it's darts night so only just got home. When I updated the ticker today...I left the other one...and guess what happened, the new one appeared twice, so had to go in again and cut one out. Just going to follow your instructions, thanks everso much xx
BEV!!!!!!! .....................aaarrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!...............it's all text!!
Good luck then Patty, shame though because the specials start on Thursday and then Sunday, so if you wanted something off the specials list (not the fruit and veg, they're always there) you'd have a job to get anything. It's like they say, "when it's gone it's gone" and they sell out REALLY quickly. All the foods will be there though, let us know how you get on xx
Hi Polly
I have been reading your thread for a while and every time make me smile. well done on losing the weight .
I started slimming world two weeks a go and I lost 7lb , hoping to lose three stone by next year.
Hi there, not very interesting reading as I don't do a diary daily ...just like to chat really. Well done on your loss......you're little aren't you?.....my statistics say 5"3 but I'm 5"2...shrinking by the day.:) trouble is when you're small, it's just like your name says...lolol....I wouldn't be overweight if I was around 7.5 feet tall.
It took me 7 months, I haven't been perfect, but with my meals I've tried to always stick to plan if I can. Once you get into it you'll be fine. What plan are you following? I'm a bit lazy, can't be doing with weighing and measuring, so I always follow EE. Good luck, and hope to chat xx
Hi Polly
I follow EE .it's easier than the other two plan and also I can cook for the whole family without cooking separate meals for me and them.
I only have to cook for me, but I like EE too. My WI is in the morning...not holding out much hope for a loss at all...had a bad weekend, still
and I got straight back on plan...it's just my scales not showing anything good. x