Possible gallstones :(

Hi just curious as to wether this was sorted as I've been having the exact same pains it's horrendous and def worth than labour/childbirth. Spent last night crying constantly and driving my poor husband mad with all my (involountary) moans and groans. Have been having the pains on and off for about 4 months now and they're horrendous lasting anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 days. The Dr keeps fobbing me off with all sorts of rubbish, last time he said you need to drink lucozade to get your salt levels back up and this time he said it could be an over production of acid which he's given me omeprazole for or it could be a urine/kidney infection which i have anti b's for but I'm not convinced specially as gallstones run in my family.

Anyway I'll stop waffling now and go back to crying :p!

Emma xXx

Didn't realise I hadn't updated this. I had my ultrasound on Dec 23rd and they confirmed that I have a lot of gallstones. They're sending the results to my doctor, so I'll make an appointment shortly to discuss options.

I haven't had any pain since, so I'mnot keen to go through the op at the moment. If it happens again though, I'll be VERY keen as it really is the worst pain I am able to imagine (ok boiled in oil, and eaten by a shark might be worse but at least with those, you know it'll only happen once!).

Anyway *hugs* I hope you can get some better answers from your doc, hon. xx
The Dr keeps fobbing me off with all sorts of rubbish,

Next time get someone to take you to A&E. Gallbladder problems can lead so something very serious. At least you'll know they'll check it out properly :hug99:

it really is the worst pain I am able to imagine (ok boiled in oil, and eaten by a shark might be worse but at least with those, you know it'll only happen once!).

Yep. Good description there :D They are horrendous, and I found them worse than childbirth.

You will need an op. I put it off for ages hoping each attack would be the last one....but it wasn't :( and they just became more and more frequent.

Then my head nurse friend told me that the last attack will be the one before the op, and only then.

So pleased I had them out (1 year today :clap:)
I describe it as being like that scene in American Werewolf in London, where he first changes into the werewolf. Except it lasts 3 and a half hours lol.

I reckon I will need it out, but don't want to do it until I am finished this diet, or until it happens again (as long as it doesn't happen again, I feel I can wait - but when it happens again I will of course feel more than a twinge of regret ;) )
I think the best thing about LL is the fact I've not had an attack in months now! Not even during my Xmas/NYE lapses. Which was lucky!

I was able to control it will diet before LL, but occassionally when I had a binge I'd get hit hard.

Hoping when I start back on real food with a proper diet I will be able to control it with diet full time. If not, I guess it's the operating table for me too!

But THAT is a last resort.

B x
Interested to read this thread.

After completing RTM last year I experienced pain so severe that I was hospitalised for 24 hours! Having had 2 children I can guarantee that the pain is worse than CB!!

However when I was scanned a week later my gall bladder was inflammed but no stones!! The consultant thought it was likely that the pain was caused by the stone passing through the gall bladder and on its merry way! I subsequently had an endoscopy which showed no problems in the gut which was good.

Whether it has anything to do with having done LL is anyone's guess! I had eaten a fatty meal the night previously and it was the first time since doing LL that I had done that so there is probably a link to that meal.

I hope you are OK now. It really is a horrible experience!
I had another one today - not as severe as before but severe enough that I had someone take me to a&e in case it became crippling again. 2 minutes from a&e the pain vanished.

It lasted about 75 minutes - the shortest yet by far and not as severe (bad enough I couldn't be at work).

I have my dr appt tonight to get my results and discuss options. If removal is on the table, I think I'll take it. I can't be coming and going from work too often, so now it's happened during the day, it is a bit more pressing.

Of course he may still say it's not gallstones that are the problem but I'd much prefer it to be that and know I have solutions in hand.
Hope you feel better Andy

Have you been lapsing?
Reading posts by people who fell off the wagon over Christmas big time it sounds like the pain is excrutiating if your digestive system has got used to the packs only.
And do you drink enough water?
Constipation can be extremely painful too.
I'm sure you have considered these things, but like Sally says that kind of pain can be related to making your insides suffer.
Good luck with the GP.
Keep forgetting this - no, never lapse. I know that should I lapse I can probably kiss goodbye to doing the diet at all. I do not lapse well.

The GP has confirmed loads of gallstones, he took bloods and has referred me to a surgeon. It'll likely take a few months though!
Having another attack. Not bad enough for a and e but enough that I wish I'd remembered to fill my prescription. :( in some ways this is worse cause I'm waiting to see if it will be a bad one.
Oh hunnie huge huge hugs and I really hope it goes soon, I wish I was closer so I could come give you a hug.

Thank you Emma believe me a hug from you would have been gratefully received. The pain is now gone. It lasted over 4 hours this time. Trying to get some sleep before I call in sick.
Well at least it's gone now hun, just try to relax for a bit and as soon as you feel a bit better go get that prescription :p and thats an order :p

I also have gallstones which seemed to be okish whilst on the food packs, but since finishing and eating (human food) the pain has been unbearable I suffer with it mainly in my back. I have an appointment in February to discuss removing them :-(.
Good luck x
Thank you, both.

I'll be doing my best to have them out before I finish the packs I think - but may not manage that. I don't think I can control it with my diet
So sorry you are suffering

Poor you Andy. Everyone says it's an excrutiating pain.
I hope you get your appointment soon.:wave_cry:
Oooh! I got the letter for the appt this morning! I have an appt on Feb 2nd.

I don't know how long after that before they want to cut me open but hopefully not the 6 months I worry about!
Thats fab hun, hope it's sooner rather than later :) xXx
Oh Andy, big *hugs* and if you want to chat you know where I am..

Great news about your appointment! Woop woop! Hopefully when they realise how severe your attacks are they will schedule it for asap.