Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

You'll be fine just get him sat as upright as possible, smear a bit on his lips and let him lick it and he should start to Open his mouth like a little sparrow if he's ready :) also get ready for lots of spit ups I have more washing than ever now x
I don't think anyone likes it lol
Disposable and wipeable bibs are a must Katie, took me a while and a new stain remover to realise this lol my next purchase might be one with sleeves!
Haha thanks girls
I've just sent hubby out for some more absorbent bibs as the ones we have soak thru to his clothes so a bit pointless!
I have tons of washing now, so I'm prepared!!
Taking him swimming this morning and then starting him on baby rice after his lunchtime bottle (HV's advice)
Will make sure I'm wearing some old clothes too!!
Baby rice isn't too bad it's when everything is orange! Enjoy swimming and feeding, I have decided weaning is one of life's greatest pleasures!
Girls when does this 4 month sleep regression end?
Ben was up every hour in the night for nothing just wriggling about, having a chat etc after about the millionth get up I fed him at 4.45.
He is 5 months now and I'm missing my boy that sleeps through...... I'm blinking knackered
Baby rice isn't too bad it's when everything is orange! Enjoy swimming and feeding, I have decided weaning is one of life's greatest pleasures! Xx

I LOVE weaning!! Cole makes a really cute 'yommm' noise when he likes something, it's brilliant :) xx

Girls when does this 4 month sleep regression end? Ben was up every hour in the night for nothing just wriggling about, having a chat etc after about the millionth get up I fed him at 4.45. He is 5 months now and I'm missing my boy that sleeps through...... I'm blinking knackered Xx

Reflux and sleep regression hit us at the same time so I don't know which caused what. Cole started sleeping through (10-12 hours) towards the end of the first week of June and he was 5 months on 31st May so hopefully soon. He went from not sleeping through at all to just going all night xx
Baby rice isn't too bad it's when everything is orange! Enjoy swimming and feeding, I have decided weaning is one of life's greatest pleasures! Xx

Aww that's a nice way to look at it :)
I HATE orange though lol even with my new stain remover some things need washing more than once.
Girls when does this 4 month sleep regression end? Ben was up every hour in the night for nothing just wriggling about, having a chat etc after about the millionth get up I fed him at 4.45. He is 5 months now and I'm missing my boy that sleeps through...... I'm blinking knackered Xx

Sadly I'm not help. 7 months down and I'm still really waiting for some proper sleep at night :(
:( I hope you get some really soon xx
The perfect labour lol :) so jealous lol xx

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I'm ordering this labour for my next! Xx

Tink I had NO signs... I was grand going to bed.. read my book a while.. Got up to go pee before going to sleep n waters went.. But not a gush or not so it was obvious that they'd gone.. just felt warmer than a normal pee (sorry!!).. Then a few mins later another bit leaked but again was on the toilet so wasn't obvious so I put on a maternity pad and it soaked by time I got back to bed so I knew... Then within an hour I was full on proper contractions.. An hour after that I was in established labour.. And 5 hours after that I was holding my munchkin... So quite quick for me :)[/QUOT

Il have this one ha ha

Thanks for your replies guess il just have to wait and see no one seems to be the same. Hurry up baba ha ha x
Ha ha... Certainly made wanting number 2 sooner allot easier..
Me too!! Wouldn't mind your pregnancy too, Frances ;) x
Yes Sarah.. I really did get away very easy with my whole pregnancy.. I had a little SPD but that really only affected me with the Christmas shopping as I did allot of trawling through the shops.. Other than that I got away scot free...
I think we've also got away pretty lightly with the baby we got... Apart from a few bad night she's slept thru pretty much from the get go...
I bet our next baby will be a terror to make up for how good Éabha is.. lol
Just to update everyone...
HV has said to start Oliver on baby rice and see what happens...
She's warned me that not many babies like it!
I'm so scared... :-/
I never gave Éabha baby rice.. I started her on Sunshine Orange as recommended by my friend and PHN.. It has a bit of a better taste to it :)
Good luck :)
I don't think anyone likes it lol
Disposable and wipeable bibs are a must Katie, took me a while and a new stain remover to realise this lol my next purchase might be one with sleeves!
We got the wipeable bibs with sleeves in Ikea the weekend.. She has one for Nana's house, and one for home.. Best investment ever!! And only something like €3 for the 2!!
Oh will have to get H to get them on his next Ikea run!
Thanks for all the tips ladies :)

Oliver loves swimming!
He had a fab time wriggling about and smiling lots, laughing too...
Now that he can sit up he wants to do it in the pool and actually keep trying to put himself face first into the pool!!!
Little monkey!
Got home and he was asleep in his car seat and I've transferred him to his cot (which is normally a disaster as he wakes up and gets really ratty!) and he's zonked out!

On the weaning front, I have got some banana porridge as a friend recommended it so if he really hates a baby rice I'll give that a go!
Just waiting for him to wake from his nap and then it's bottle and first taste of food :eek:!
Well Oliver had his bottle but fell straight back to sleep so I've put him back in his cot and he's sound :)
I've yet to try him on food but I don't want to leave it too late (HV said it can cause tummy upsets and that would mean an unsettled evening) but I also don't want to wake him as he gets so ratty! And he doesn't sleep a lot during the day usually... Any advice?
Hopefully he won't sleep too long and then you can try him.
Hope you have your camera ready :) x
I would try tomorrow the swimming has probably worn him out, like you said it can upset their tummies x
Well Oliver had his bottle but fell straight back to sleep so I've put him back in his cot and he's sound :) I've yet to try him on food but I don't want to leave it too late (HV said it can cause tummy upsets and that would mean an unsettled evening) but I also don't want to wake him as he gets so ratty! And he doesn't sleep a lot during the day usually... Any advice?

Personally id let him sleep. If he doesn't wake til late then just leave the rice til tomorrow. That's what I would do anyway x
Not long after I posted he woke up screaming- a bit of wind it seems, checked nappy, all fine... Still screaming so he's having another bottle!!
Of which he's just guzzled down 4oz (after a 9oz less than 2 hours ago!) and is looking sleepy.
Think I'll leave the rice for today- tomorrow he's with his Nana so I think we'll leave it until Sunday...
I could try him soon but he's so sleepy...