Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Yeah you're right x I think it is too early for a proper pattern - seems quite random at the moment. It's definitely different now she's kicking!! Before I felt kicks, I always thought "once I'd feel kicks, I'd never worry" but it's had the opposite effect! I'm so used to baby's movements now that if I don't feel anything it's like Ahhhhh is she ok?!

Got scan in 2 days...hope everything is ok xx
Everything is FINE... Stop worrying
Everything is FINE... Stop worrying

I know x I wasn't nervous at all but now it's approaching it's a bit like eeeek! Will be interesting to go through all the different body parts though :) x
I know x I wasn't nervous at all but now it's approaching it's a bit like eeeek! Will be interesting to go through all the different body parts though :) x

I know.. I'll be the same in a week n half so you can return the favour.. LOL
I think it's way too early to feel all her movements, they still have plenty of space at 20 weeks and she probably is moving around but probably kicking in to fluid rather than against you so you wont feel it every time. I've only just started noticing movements (still no definite kicks) and yesterday baby was doing all kinds of crazy stuff after breakfast but i didn't feel anything apart from a weird sensation quite low down after lunch and then nothing at all last night. I ate breakfast this morning and felt the fluttering feelings again but nothing since. I assume baby is either kicking in to the placenta or just kicking in to the fluid and space.

I completely understand the anxiety with the build up to the scan - mine is tomorrow and today i am paranoid and willing it to move so i can feel it. I may even ask my mum to listen in tonight just for a little bit of reassurance! I am sure our babies are all doing just fine and are just making the most of all the space they have at the moment.....soon enough we'll be feeling kicks up in our ribs and into our bladders as they run out of room so lets enjoy them having space while we can :)
oh and by the way my sister said she really enjoyed her 20 week scan as they take their time looking at everything and normally try to point everything out to you, so although i am nervous i am looking forward to seeing all of baby's bits (apart from his/her private bits...we don't want to be viewing them lol) and knowing everything is hopefully developing as it should! :)
I can go ages without feeling baby, there doesn't seem to be any kind of pattern. I think a lot of mine though is because of my placenta. Some days I get loads of morning kicks and others nothing. And I've found the more active he/she is during the day the less active they are at night. Some nights I've all on getting a wriggle let alone a kick. My clothes seem to affect how much I feel it too. If I wear my jeans, because they're quite fitted around my tummy, I feel it far more than in my work trousers which are baggy. Xx
Yeah I think maybe it's too early... x I think there's no need to worry about not feeling movements until your baby is big enough so that you literally feel EVERY movement. xx

I spoke to soon anyway... I can feel little wriggles down below lol xx

Hi ladies x

Little question for you about baby's kicks x

I'm not worried, but I just wanted your opinion/advice/experience etc.

Yesterday morning, baby was kicking loads whilst I was at work. This was unusual in terms of her pattern (to be fair I'm only 20 weeks so might not really have a pattern yet anyway) but I figured maybe it's because I was at work, rather than sitting at home. There would have been more noises, more movement from me etc. x

Had a bit of bladder kicking on the way home from work at 5:30pm x but last night (when normally she's really active) I barely felt her?

And today, I don't think I've felt anything so far?

I've just felt some pressure quite low down but I don't know if that's movement, or just the weight of uterus etc. She's just been a bit quiet today.

Has anyone else experienced days with lots of movement, and then had a quiet day or two? xx

Funny enough - this is what I was about to post again. The whole movement monitoring thing is freaking/stressing me out I must admit.

I have days with lots of movement and then days of hardly any movement. When I do feel the movement it can also be at any time and Im not really picking up any pattern (which the midwife said on monday that I 'should' be starting to...)

So I really dont know what to think and it is really starting to stress me out when baby is less active to the point of wondering if I should be ringing MLU but then wondering if its just my anxiety. What is usually stopping me is I end up feeling the tiniest single movement from baby and then sit there wondering...was that actually classed as a movement or was it gas?? Im constantly second guessing/doubting myself you have mentioned...i also thought i would freak out less when I start feeling kicks, but that hasnt happened :(
I dont know whether movement im feeling seem to be feint sometimes because of my placenta or what....arghh

I said to midwife 'how long do i leave it before i should be ringing MLU to be checked?' and she essentially said if the baby is doing something different from its normal pattern etc etc BUT I DONT RECOGNISE ONE!!! ARGHH. I think it quite frustrated me and she said to try to figure out a pattern and we'll talk about it again at 28 weeks appointment.

I mean today for example...I 'felt' baby at 5.30am and again at 12.30pm which isnt really that much so far and it wasnt was the tiniest, slightest singular movement each time. I just dont know what to think. If I cant pick up a pattern how am i supposed to know if anything is wrong???

Then again - however many years ago women werent even told to monitor movements and didnt have all the information we now have about i think to myself, just let what will and dont even think about it

Wow - thats turned into quite a rant... sorry :(
Just got off the phone to VHI Midwife there.. As I've mentioned before they call every now n then to check up on the pregnancy, give little tips and answer any Q's I might have..
My point is... She asked if I was feeling any movements yet as it should start around now/in the coming weeks..I said yea I've been feeling it now for a couple of weeks and its getting more regular n slightly stronger etc... So she said.. When you're feeling regular movement make sure to monitor it and you should feel on average 10 movements per 12 hour day... Hope the helps you ladies out (and not causes more stress)
Just got off the phone to VHI Midwife there.. As I've mentioned before they call every now n then to check up on the pregnancy, give little tips and answer any Q's I might have..
My point is... She asked if I was feeling any movements yet as it should start around now/in the coming weeks..I said yea I've been feeling it now for a couple of weeks and its getting more regular n slightly stronger etc... So she said.. When you're feeling regular movement make sure to monitor it and you should feel on average 10 movements per 12 hour day... Hope the helps you ladies out (and not causes more stress) NOT getting 10 movements per 12 hour day. So far today if we go from my first movement (5.30am) Ive had 3 movements with only 2 hours to go until the 12 hours is over.

This is what i midwife said you have to figure out what is 'normal' for your own baby as some babies are generally active and others are generally very quiet so you wont get the 'average 10 movements' if your baby is a quiet one. URGH ITS SO HARD!!! :( NOT getting 10 movements per 12 hour day. So far today if we go from my first movement (5.30am) Ive had 3 movements with only 2 hours to go until the 12 hours is over.

This is what i midwife said you have to figure out what is 'normal' for your own baby as some babies are generally active and others are generally very quiet so you wont get the 'average 10 movements' if your baby is a quiet one. URGH ITS SO HARD!!! :(
Have you been moving around allot??
I find, when i'm at my desk I get 10 movements in 2 hours.. Less even!! When I go home I might 2 r 3 movements all evening... IF that.. (it was like baby knew I was taking about him/her coz he just gave me 2 swift kicks one after the other :D)
Have you been moving around allot??
I find, when i'm at my desk I get 10 movements in 2 hours.. Less even!! When I go home I might 2 r 3 movements all evening... IF that.. (it was like baby knew I was taking about him/her coz he just gave me 2 swift kicks one after the other :D)

Awwwww the kicks are the best :D

Nah i dont move around a lot tbh...mostly always at home relaxing so maybe thats why relatively bored so a lot more focused on waiting for/expecting movement

I think its just all really playing on my anxieties at the moment...think im gunna have to try not to think about it too much. Im trying to just think that if ive felt baby once in morning, once in afternoon and once in the evening then its ok
Yesterday I rang the hospital and went onto the monitor.
They gave me a button to press for when I felt baby move - I seriously had hardly felt any movements in 24 hrs but as soon as I had this button...I felt summat! I was on for 30 mins give or take and had 9 movements

As soon as i was out on the monitor the nurse said she could hear him moving about with the wooshing sounds. Maybe use yr machine for a listen?? X
Thanks for the welcome :) who knows we might end up with valentines babies we're all so close! :)

By the way just wanted to share what happened with my half way scan I had earlier in the week (as it looks like some of you have got yours coming up...)

Everything was fine but because of baby's position (head at the bottom and spine was causing a shadow) I have to come back in 2-3 weeks to be re-scanned becasue she couldn't get a picture of the heart properly (it was dark and blurry). Not wanting to scare anyone (because apparently it's common to be re-scanned) I never knew this though and it definitely didn't mention anything in any of my books or at my midwife appointments so I was a bit worried because I was unprepared to have to go back. Luckily she got all the rest of the organs done last time but it was a bit of a struggle (and almost didn't even get the face!) Oh well have to think positive and it means we get to see the baby again! x
Did u see rouge traders last night?
They had a car seat, baby bouncer (from mother care), teether toy and other non-baby related bits which had all been recalled! I was frantically checking all mine but I'm lucky none of them are in my house
Aw that's a shame about the buggy.. BUT.. On the upside its been caught now and will be fixed.. So if you leave it a couple of months to pick it up you'll get one from a new batch which should be ok???

Didn't see that last night but one lady did post about a toy thing on my thread the other that contains a colour dye that causes cancer :eek:
You just never know do you?! I mean... Buying such things you'd assume with all the checks n tests they have to go through they'd be safe getting to the shelves.. Never mind recalls
Changing the subject a bit but when will you all be washing baby's clothes/blankets etc ready for when they are here? And will you be using the non bio stuff? Haven't got a clue when to do it. Don't wanna do it too soon so I need to do it again but don't want to leave it too late. Will have to do it after the nursery is done in November so I can put it all away properly but other than that I've no idea.
Changing the subject a bit but when will you all be washing baby's clothes/blankets etc ready for when they are here? And will you be using the non bio stuff? Haven't got a clue when to do it. Don't wanna do it too soon so I need to do it again but don't want to leave it too late. Will have to do it after the nursery is done in November so I can put it all away properly but other than that I've no idea.

I did wash all mine at the end of August - my mum questioned why I was doing it. I tried to explain that people pick over bits and I wanted fresh clothes but she still didn't understand very well!! Lol.
I heard that areal is not great for new babies...and not using it anyway wasn't a prob for us x