Pregnancy and Slimming World

Hey hun, hope yer feelin a bit better that the other day!

Hey hun, I'm not too bad thanks. I've not done any exercise dvds or been on the treadmill & I'm finally starting to not hurt so much. My mood has been picked up by finally getting my own wee car so trips out, appointments etc are all gonna be a lot easier :)
Hey hun, I'm not too bad thanks. I've not done any exercise dvds or been on the treadmill & I'm finally starting to not hurt so much. My mood has been picked up by finally getting my own wee car so trips out, appointments etc are all gonna be a lot easier :)

I'm sure that'l make everythin a whole lot easier 4 u! Wat kinda car did u get? I'v been kinda slack on my exercise this last few days 2 but I'v been doin lots of diy so I reckon I can count that instead! I'v only managed my 20mins mornin pilates sessions b4 work really, altho I did 30mins 2day! lol!
I've not managed much in the way of exercise :( 40 weeks tomorrow I'm finally accepting I need to relax x

I think u shud prob take every opportunity u can get 2 relax at this stage hun cos any day now u'l get 2 meet Isobel! It must b SOOOO excitin 4 u! :)
I think u shud prob take every opportunity u can get 2 relax at this stage hun cos any day now u'l get 2 meet Isobel! It must b SOOOO excitin 4 u! :)

Tony sent me and Imogen to bed for 2 hour nap and he made me a lovely chicken roll for lunch while I just sat on my bum!! Tomorrow we are taking imi to a farm for alone time with her x
I had a bit of a bad day. Ended up crying in frustration as i feel like i can't breathe properly as she's so high, my legs back ache, heartburn, constipation and so tired. My husband sent me to bed and i slept for 3 hours??!! Must of needed it x
I'm sure that'l make everythin a whole lot easier 4 u! Wat kinda car did u get? I'v been kinda slack on my exercise this last few days 2 but I'v been doin lots of diy so I reckon I can count that instead! I'v only managed my 20mins mornin pilates sessions b4 work really, altho I did 30mins 2day! lol!

I got a meriva & it's so roomy compared to our fiesta :) I was ordered to rest so seeing as I feel better I think I'll slowly tackle the treadmill again then work up to the yoga or pilates. I think your doing well to do that before work

I've not managed much in the way of exercise :( 40 weeks tomorrow I'm finally accepting I need to relax x

No I'd say you've earnt a rest now :)

I had a bit of a bad day. Ended up crying in frustration as i feel like i can't breathe properly as she's so high, my legs back ache, heartburn, constipation and so tired. My husband sent me to bed and i slept for 3 hours??!! Must of needed it x

Aww huni I hope tomorrow is a better day for you xo
Well hubby works in Belfast so I'm up early every mornin 2 leave him 2 the train which works out quite well 4 me really cos I ave a chance 2 do watever prep is need 4 r T n get my pilates session done 2! :)
I had a bit of a bad day. Ended up crying in frustration as i feel like i can't breathe properly as she's so high, my legs back ache, heartburn, constipation and so tired. My husband sent me to bed and i slept for 3 hours??!! Must of needed it x

Aw Laura, I feel for you, I'm getting wild braxton hicks that are literally making me feel winded heartburn I fall asleep with rennies waking up in night for more and tmi but bloody piles wtf are they all about??? Sob sob :( x
Well hubby works in Belfast so I'm up early every mornin 2 leave him 2 the train which works out quite well 4 me really cos I ave a chance 2 do watever prep is need 4 r T n get my pilates session done 2! :)

Sometimes that early start is welcome other times not!! X
Well hubby works in Belfast so I'm up early every mornin 2 leave him 2 the train which works out quite well 4 me really cos I ave a chance 2 do watever prep is need 4 r T n get my pilates session done 2! :)

My OH works in Belfast too but sometimes he's up at 5am or he's not home till midnight depending on shifts. This morning I've been awake since 5am (while he's sleeping) but I cat get up or the kids will waken. My ds hates been in his room & will scream the house down then everyone is knackered by lunch time.
When I was pregnant with my first I'd get up at 5am, make us both breakfast then I'd clean for a few hours & head back to bed for a nap,lol. :)

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My OH works in Belfast too but sometimes he's up at 5am or he's not home till midnight depending on shifts. This morning I've been awake since 5am (while he's sleeping) but I cat get up or the kids will waken. My ds hates been in his room & will scream the house down then everyone is knackered by lunch time.
When I was pregnant with my first I'd get up at 5am, make us both breakfast then I'd clean for a few hours & head back to bed for a nap,lol. :)

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I ain't THAT good that I'd b doin cleanin in the mornin - I'm much more selfish than that n sort out grub n my feel-good exercise! lol! :)
My head is thumping & I'm all snuffly - I think it's my hayfever cause my ears are stuffy too :(

Was pram shopping today but finding it hard to make a choice. Was much easier with my other two.
Aw Laura, I feel for you, I'm getting wild braxton hicks that are literally making me feel winded heartburn I fall asleep with rennies waking up in night for more and tmi but bloody piles wtf are they all about??? Sob sob :( x

I had a great night sleep Sunday night but knew it wouldnt last....last night was in bed for 9pm but still up tossing and turning after midnight with damn restless leg syndrome....its a bloody nightmare! Grr! I was ready to scream lol

We go on holiday on Saturday to north wales for a week and when we get back will be 33 weeks and a few weeks off from finishing work. Then at least the end is in sight.

Piles....ouch! I am major constipation at the moment so on the lactoslose daily x
Absolutely loaded with the cold -sore neck, back, hips, throat, head, watery eyes, runny nose....:-( Feeling a bit miserable. On paracetamol with a cup of lemon & ginger tea. Really hoping it leaves me alone cause I didn't sleep well at all. I've also been rather wheezy but with no asthma problems in about 3 years I don't have inhalers on prescription any more.

Had a sts at sw last night which I was really gutted about after eating on plan & exercising. Everyone keeps saying 'but your pregnant' while others say there's no reason I shouldn't be losing at this stage. I came home & ate! Today I'm back on plan though. I shall carry on with walking & hopefully I'll see a loss soon.

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I'm 16 weeks tomorrow-the first 12 dragged by but now they are going a bit quicker xo

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I'm 26wks now n its just flown in - I hope the rest goes in as quick! lol!
The first 12 weeks is like pulling teeth lol! Glad to hear it speeds up. I'm 8 weeks now and it feels neverending :/

Saw the midwife today for booking appt which was pretty good actually, she was lovely and put my mind at rest a bit. She was very happy indeed with my weight loss and my BMI was 33 so I'm just short of high risk - yay! Got my 12 week scan booked in and I also threw up my breakfast for the first time this morning lol, eventful day! xxx
I'm 26wks now n its just flown in - I hope the rest goes in as quick! lol!

From what I remember the last bit is ever so long too but before you know the baby is 6 months old & your like wow, where did time go.

The first 12 weeks is like pulling teeth lol! Glad to hear it speeds up. I'm 8 weeks now and it feels neverending :/

Saw the midwife today for booking appt which was pretty good actually, she was lovely and put my mind at rest a bit. She was very happy indeed with my weight loss and my BMI was 33 so I'm just short of high risk - yay! Got my 12 week scan booked in and I also threw up my breakfast for the first time this morning lol, eventful day! xxx

Lol at the sick bit. It's all a good sign though xo

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