Pregnancy and Slimming World

Mornin ladies, hope yer all doin ok!

I'm feelin kinda smug wif myself cos it was WI 4 me this morning - I tipped the scales at 9st 7lb so that's exactly 1st I'v gained so far n I think that's quite good 4 26wks! :) It'l all b ruined 2nite tho cos Hubby's takin me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat. I'm lookin 4ward 2 it so much I can almost taste it already! lol! :D
Mornin ladies, hope yer all doin ok!

I'm feelin kinda smug wif myself cos it was WI 4 me this morning - I tipped the scales at 9st 7lb so that's exactly 1st I'v gained so far n I think that's quite good 4 26wks! :) It'l all b ruined 2nite tho cos Hubby's takin me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat. I'm lookin 4ward 2 it so much I can almost taste it already! lol! :D

Thats great hun! Well done :)

Enjoy your Indian tonigt. I made a yummy curry last night....unfortunately my whole house now stinks!

Thats great hun! Well done :)

Enjoy your Indian tonigt. I made a yummy curry last night....unfortunately my whole house now stinks!


Thanks hun!

I bet it doesn't stink really, I bet it just smells delicious! lol! :)
Mornin ladies, hope yer all doin ok!

I'm feelin kinda smug wif myself cos it was WI 4 me this morning - I tipped the scales at 9st 7lb so that's exactly 1st I'v gained so far n I think that's quite good 4 26wks! :) It'l all b ruined 2nite tho cos Hubby's takin me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat. I'm lookin 4ward 2 it so much I can almost taste it already! lol! :D

Yum love curry but my hubster given me so much in the hopes his girl will come out early its driving me to distraction!! I think 4-5 times last week x
Mornin ladies, hope yer all doin ok!

I'm feelin kinda smug wif myself cos it was WI 4 me this morning - I tipped the scales at 9st 7lb so that's exactly 1st I'v gained so far n I think that's quite good 4 26wks! :) It'l all b ruined 2nite tho cos Hubby's takin me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat. I'm lookin 4ward 2 it so much I can almost taste it already! lol! :D

Well done & happy birthday xo

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Yum love curry but my hubster given me so much in the hopes his girl will come out early its driving me to distraction!! I think 4-5 times last week x

I love curry so much I wud happily eat it everyday! lol! :D
Yum love curry but my hubster given me so much in the hopes his girl will come out early its driving me to distraction!! I think 4-5 times last week x

No luck with the curry helping then

I had to laugh at OH last night on about my "reasons behind eating curry" i hadnt even thought about it!
How it going today then? So far so good for me diet wise!!! But sore ankles still killing me but hey HO! I had a full SW friendly grill up for breaki and just had pasta in sauce with steamed veg! I seriously need to go shopping though! Hope your ok :)
OMG people can b such @sses!! I just bumped in2 an old work colleague in Tesco who virtually accused me of child abuse 4 not "eatin 4 2" cos I don't ave a huge bump! B1tch had the cheek 2 lecture me on how I must b "deprivin my baby" cos I'm "obviously not eatin enuf". I did attempt 2 explain how I was tryin 2 follow a healthy diet of home cooked meals wif plenty of fruit n veg (which we all kno is wat Slimming World IS! lol!) but it fell of deaf ears. In the end I just made an excuse 2 walk away.

I'm most annoyed that she's managed 2 ruin the gr8 mood I started the day wif!! :mad:
OMG people can b such @sses!! I just bumped in2 an old work colleague in Tesco who virtually accused me of child abuse 4 not "eatin 4 2" cos I don't ave a huge bump! B1tch had the cheek 2 lecture me on how I must b "deprivin my baby" cos I'm "obviously not eatin enuf". I did attempt 2 explain how I was tryin 2 follow a healthy diet of home cooked meals wif plenty of fruit n veg (which we all kno is wat Slimming World IS! lol!) but it fell of deaf ears. In the end I just made an excuse 2 walk away.

I'm most annoyed that she's managed 2 ruin the gr8 mood I started the day wif!! :mad:

You don't have to explain yourself to anyone is of told her to do one!
You don't have to explain yourself to anyone is of told her to do one!

Thanx hun! I kno it's best just 2 ignore ignorant people like her but it really P'd me off!
Thanx hun! I kno it's best just 2 ignore ignorant people like her but it really P'd me off!

I'm not surprised! I'm being told the opposite because I'm carrying quite large but it's only because I stuffed my face up to 6 months! Now I'm regretting it I'm too heavy for my height with all these new aches and pains! Wish if of got my head into healthy eating earlier! But I'm really trying now so fingers crossed my sproggy will just get bigger now and my backside stay the same or shrink lol :)

It's not going great... Eeep we were out and the only place I could grab something quick was McDonald's which trust me I detest looked up syns after well let's not even go there :( x
I'm not surprised! I'm being told the opposite because I'm carrying quite large but it's only because I stuffed my face up to 6 months! Now I'm regretting it I'm too heavy for my height with all these new aches and pains! Wish if of got my head into healthy eating earlier! But I'm really trying now so fingers crossed my sproggy will just get bigger now and my backside stay the same or shrink lol :)

I'm sure that at this stage it's baby weight yer gainin hun. The way I look at it pregnancy isn't a time 2 worry bout losin weight but just 2 try 2 b as healthy as poss 4 ourselves n r babies xx
It's not going great... Eeep we were out and the only place I could grab something quick was McDonald's which trust me I detest looked up syns after well let's not even go there :( x

Ew! I'd hate the thot of avin 2 resort 2 McDonald's - u musta been desperate! lol! I kno it's sum people's idea of heaven but I can't stand the place so u ave my deepest sympathies hun! x
It's not going great... Eeep we were out and the only place I could grab something quick was McDonald's which trust me I detest looked up syns after well let's not even go there :( x

I used to love McDonald's but I just find I get really hungry about an hour afterwards so gave up buying them! Just keep plodding on