Pregnancy and Slimming World

Longest feeling is when you go overdue!! Second time going over and I feel really crap and sorry for myself x

I remember that torture, 14 days over with the first & it took 2 days induction, long labour & finally an emergency section to shift her. Overdue with second then ended up with another section. This time I should be taken in for section at 39 weeks apparently. Hope it happens soon for you xo

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I remember that torture, 14 days over with the first & it took 2 days induction, long labour & finally an emergency section to shift her. Overdue with second then ended up with another section. This time I should be taken in for section at 39 weeks apparently. Hope it happens soon for you xo

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Ouch well first went over 12 days spontaneous labour day before induction!! Ugh this time I've been so poorly and all hurts so I'd rather just crack on and have her here with me :) x
Well i have just noticed the starting of stretch marks on my lefthand side. With first i didn't get anything any literally after giving birth i looked down to see what my belly was like and there were 5 really small thin white marks and thought phew!! Those have turned red now and longer :-( no point crying over it however i feel like doing so but it it what it is i suppose. I was smaller this time around at just over 10 stone but showed and gained quicker, properly full term Molly belly now at 31 weeks with second :-( and of course been creaming every day but we all know that's its just luck of the draw....your skin either stretches well or it dont.

So hope it goes back down after and white. Has anybody heard about post partum girdles/belly bands? Apparently a lot of celebrities use them abduction swear by them. Gist is u wear then day and night for at least 40 days and its meant to draw back ibm your uterus quickly x
Longest feeling is when you go overdue!! Second time going over and I feel really crap and sorry for myself x

Aw, bless you. x Hope you're not waiting too much longer for baby to show up! xxx
Aww Fiona i feel the pain, my first daughter was 10 days late and my second 8 days late, lol i was going mad and mistaking every little twinge as labour pain. My third my son was the on time but when the pains started the night before i thought it was a funny tummy until the contractions got regular!

Went to midwife yesterday and might atlast have a permanant midwife instead of seeing a different one each week. At 29 weeks i am measuring 32 weeks but not too worried about that as thats mostly my big belly. Also mentioned to midwife about my bits down below, they have been so sore more than usual and she thinks it may be thrush so has sent swabs off but in the meanwhile the doc has given me prescription for thrush so will start using that tonight. I really hope it works because it seriously hurts, its not itchy but very uncomfortable and bulgy!!! Also going back to my old sw group on thursday just not looking forward to the massive gain but will have to face it and get my eating back into control x
Thank you. How are you feeling after morning sickness. ? X

Funnily enough I've not felt too bad today once I got that out of the way, yesterday I had no energy at all but today has been a bit better. Still been a bit nauseous at times but I'm getting used to that now, it comes and goes all day! x
Aww Fiona i feel the pain, my first daughter was 10 days late and my second 8 days late, lol i was going mad and mistaking every little twinge as labour pain. My third my son was the on time but when the pains started the night before i thought it was a funny tummy until the contractions got regular!

Went to midwife yesterday and might atlast have a permanant midwife instead of seeing a different one each week. At 29 weeks i am measuring 32 weeks but not too worried about that as thats mostly my big belly. Also mentioned to midwife about my bits down below, they have been so sore more than usual and she thinks it may be thrush so has sent swabs off but in the meanwhile the doc has given me prescription for thrush so will start using that tonight. I really hope it works because it seriously hurts, its not itchy but very uncomfortable and bulgy!!! Also going back to my old sw group on thursday just not looking forward to the massive gain but will have to face it and get my eating back into control x

I was at midwife's 2day n I'm measurin small - I'm virtually 26wks but only measurin 21. My date's rite accordin 2 my scans so she said she'd just keep a closer eye on me 2 make sure baby is growin properly cos I cud just b "carryin small". I'm not 2 concerned at the mo cos I kno Mammy was small wif all her pregnancies n also I'm quite slightly built (since hittin my SW target anyway! lol!). I'l only start 2 worry properly if there's no increase in my bump size over the next few weeks, m/wife reckons a few xtra scans mite n needed 2 keep a chk on things. I can't decide if I shud start measurin bump at home 2 track progress or not - it'l either put my mind at rest or turn me in2 a proper psycho! lol! :D
I was at midwife's 2day n I'm measurin small - I'm virtually 26wks but only measurin 21. My date's rite accordin 2 my scans so she said she'd just keep a closer eye on me 2 make sure baby is growin properly cos I cud just b "carryin small". I'm not 2 concerned at the mo cos I kno Mammy was small wif all her pregnancies n also I'm quite slightly built (since hittin my SW target anyway! lol!). I'l only start 2 worry properly if there's no increase in my bump size over the next few weeks, m/wife reckons a few xtra scans mite n needed 2 keep a chk on things. I can't decide if I shud start measurin bump at home 2 track progress or not - it'l either put my mind at rest or turn me in2 a proper psycho! lol! :D

Don't do it, keep away from that measuring tape it will make you paranoid. In all my pregnancies i have weighed big and in my last one i was measuring massively over that i was referred for a growth scan and at the scan they than worried me saying baby was a bit on the small side! He was born 6lb9oz, my second was 6lb12oz and my first was 5lb12oz. Its most likely you are carrying small but if the small measurements continue the midwife will refer you for a growth scan, off the top of my head its usually 3cms either way from your pregnancy week that they treat normal otherwise they will have to eventually send you for a scan, Also i'm sure this is your first pregnancy so everything is still tight as i remember my bump was a lot smaller first time round compared to now lol x
Thanx hun I'l try 2 leave the measuring tape in the drawer! lol! Hopefully there'l b a proportional increase in size so no further xtra monitorin will b needed, altho TBH I wudn't turn down the chance of xtra scans cos it's nice 2 c baby as much as poss! lol! :)
Well... Another minimin member left me in tears. I hot a message saying leaving my diary cause cannot cope with all my moaning and that I affected their depression :( I'm so sad I feel like a horrible person
Omg seriously? X
Omg seriously? X

Yeah that's where I can jot down my thoughts as well as my food and I feel really sad that I'm being "blamed" for something like that (excuse the phrasing don't know quite how to put it) almost feel like I should cancel my account :(
Yeah that's where I can jot down my thoughts as well as my food and I feel really sad that I'm being "blamed" for something like that (excuse the phrasing don't know quite how to put it) almost feel like I should cancel my account :(

Dont cancel your account hun. Its your diary to write what you wish x
Dont cancel your account hun. Its your diary to write what you wish x

I shouldn't have to apologise but I've had really hard couple months but gran died slowly and none of the family could come from Africa so u did that alone plus various illnesses plus pregnancy woes and so what that I moaned a bit on my diary... Rather that than upsetting Imogen and tony by falling apart! I just don't see why the pm was necessary if I was being upsetting by "moaning" then just unsubscribe to my diary not make an issue!! Really really upset!!
Oh my god it's your flipping diary if she doesn't like it then tough luck. You keep jotting down your thoughts its YOUR diary you talk about what you need to. You don't force people to subscribe, don't feel down. Everyone has a moan on here. Keep doing what your doing, block her and ignore anyone else who winges!!
PS. Hope your little one makes an appearance soon xx
I shouldn't have to apologise but I've had really hard couple months but gran died slowly and none of the family could come from Africa so u did that alone plus various illnesses plus pregnancy woes and so what that I moaned a bit on my diary... Rather that than upsetting Imogen and tony by falling apart! I just don't see why the pm was necessary if I was being upsetting by "moaning" then just unsubscribe to my diary not make an issue!! Really really upset!!

U'v got nothing 2 feel bad bout hun, as Niki says it's yer diary! No1 was forced 2 read it or subscribe 2 it!!! I think u'v coped really well considerin all the things u'v had 2 deal wif so don't let this selfish un-reasonable person get u down! xxx