Pregnancy and Slimming World

Oh my god it's your flipping diary if she doesn't like it then tough luck. You keep jotting down your thoughts its YOUR diary you talk about what you need to. You don't force people to subscribe, don't feel down. Everyone has a moan on here. Keep doing what your doing, block her and ignore anyone else who winges!!
PS. Hope your little one makes an appearance soon xx

I don't know how to block anyone :(
It's make me cry and that made me cross :( ugh anyhow nevermind hey x

Oh hunni :-( try to smile and think about baby. Any time you want a chat we are here for you you have had it tough and its been hard but youve come through it and your so much stronger than you think xxx
Thats so wrong, dont cancel your account because of someones foolish behaviour, you have every right to put down your feeling on here, on your diary or anywhere on minimins. The sad person that pm'd should get a life and mind their own business.
Oh hunni :-( try to smile and think about baby. Any time you want a chat we are here for you you have had it tough and its been hard but youve come through it and your so much stronger than you think xxx

Isobel is moving like crazy and it's hurting!! Not contractions yet but hell this is nuts!! X
I could scream at someone today hormonal is not the word! What a crap couple if weeks! My diet has gone right out if the weekend, my SW consultant is useless so I'm doing it from home! I begrudge the fact that we only 6weeks for illness/holidays same as everyone else so i am doing SW myself! Just got to get really tough with myself now that no one is weighing me!

Spent a few hours in hospital last night so it has been detected that my blood pressure is on the rise and swollen ankles are getting worse! So I have to eat healthy and reduce salt intake!
I could scream at someone today hormonal is not the word! What a crap couple if weeks! My diet has gone right out if the weekend, my SW consultant is useless so I'm doing it from home! I begrudge the fact that we only 6weeks for illness/holidays same as everyone else so i am doing SW myself! Just got to get really tough with myself now that no one is weighing me!

Spent a few hours in hospital last night so it has been detected that my blood pressure is on the rise and swollen ankles are getting worse! So I have to eat healthy and reduce salt intake!

Ill buddy up with you from tomorrow if you like?? Keep falling off the wagon and need to keep to it :)
Sorry you're unwell hopefully they will look after you well x
Ill buddy up with you from tomorrow if you like?? Keep falling off the wagon and need to keep to it :)
Sorry you're unwell hopefully they will look after you well x

Oh yes that would be brilliant! I've just wrote a shopping list of good healthy foods! So I'm going shopping on the morning! I'm off work now till after the baby arrives so I can be on here much more than before to help keep us both on track :) x
Well... Another minimin member left me in tears. I hot a message saying leaving my diary cause cannot cope with all my moaning and that I affected their depression :( I'm so sad I feel like a horrible person

OMG this is awful, sorry I'm just catching up with posts! This forum is for us pregnant ladies to discuss anything pregnancy and SW related so if people don't like what you put then they can read someone else's posts, there is no need to message you! I would never pm someone and be so rude! Freedoms of speech and all that jazz! Take no notice everyone has their own opinion and that's fine we cant get along and be liked by everyone but seriously rise above it! :)
Oh yes that would be brilliant! I've just wrote a shopping list of good healthy foods! So I'm going shopping on the morning! I'm off work now till after the baby arrives so I can be on here much more than before to help keep us both on track :) x

Super lets do this... If I go AWOL I've sloped off to have the baby :) x
OMG this is awful, sorry I'm just catching up with posts! This forum is for us pregnant ladies to discuss anything pregnancy and SW related so if people don't like what you put then they can read someone else's posts, there is no need to message you! I would never pm someone and be so rude! Freedoms of speech and all that jazz! Take no notice everyone has their own opinion and that's fine we cant get along and be liked by everyone but seriously rise above it! :)

It was cause of things I said on my diary not this thread but either way hurt me x
Yeah that's understandable! I will let you off! Have you had a show yet? In guessing you are really close I've got about 9 weeks left I think!

No show as of yet but didn't with my little girl I was due on Monday :) ready to pop !! 9 weeks not too bad x
I thought I should be honest as I have been on here talking about my healthy food & exercise. Well my sts peed me off that much on Monday night that I have eaten crap since then. I don't care, I need a blow out. I'm loaded with the cold & was trying to syn cough bottle etc so this week is just off plan then I'll deal with the scales on Monday night.

Anyways, I just thought it was fair to post the bad as well as the good.

Hope everyone else is doing well & those due get their wee bundles soon xo
I thought I should be honest as I have been on here talking about my healthy food & exercise. Well my sts peed me off that much on Monday night that I have eaten crap since then. I don't care, I need a blow out. I'm loaded with the cold & was trying to syn cough bottle etc so this week is just off plan then I'll deal with the scales on Monday night.

Anyways, I just thought it was fair to post the bad as well as the good.

Hope everyone else is doing well & those due get their wee bundles soon xo

Aw mama me too I just went off the rails completely :( x
Well... Another minimin member left me in tears. I hot a message saying leaving my diary cause cannot cope with all my moaning and that I affected their depression :( I'm so sad I feel like a horrible person

Wow what a dork. U have nothing to be sorry about and dont close down your account. If she doesn't want to read your thoughts/feelings she didn't have to be so rude about it. Its your space to put whatever u want so carry on doing so x