Pregnancy and Slimming World

Well today i am knackered, we were meant to go to brighton after my weigh in but at the last min my husband took decided to go to whipsinade zoo when i pointed the sign out to him as were not sure if it was going to be warm enough in brigton. I have spent nearly 5 hours walking around and oh boy do my muscles feel it! Also i didnt prep any lunch as i thought we will have fish and chips in brighton so had to eat the food at the zoo and it was nasty but atleast the children loved seeing all the animals and thankfully it was really warm. Just want to get into the shower to ease the pain in my muscles now but son just doesnt want to sleep today as he had plenty of naps in the car!
Well today i am knackered, we were meant to go to brighton after my weigh in but at the last min my husband took decided to go to whipsinade zoo when i pointed the sign out to him as were not sure if it was going to be warm enough in brigton. I have spent nearly 5 hours walking around and oh boy do my muscles feel it! Also i didnt prep any lunch as i thought we will have fish and chips in brighton so had to eat the food at the zoo and it was nasty but atleast the children loved seeing all the animals and thankfully it was really warm. Just want to get into the shower to ease the pain in my muscles now but son just doesnt want to sleep today as he had plenty of naps in the car!

Sounds like a good day (apart from being knackered now). Our zoo has horrible food too so it always requires a picnic. I've to make one for tomorrow but boy am I tired tonight. Have stuffed myself silly today. My son is still awake upstairs & has now woken my daughter too. Kids!lol
Lol more like boys, my son is currently using me as a footstool, no sign of sleep here and his bedtime was at 7! I really wish i had done a picnic even if it wasnt a sw friendly one because the food was rank and such a waste of money. I think baby is sitting on my stomach because it doesnt take a lot to fill me up now even my husband is surprised lol as he would usually be seeing me eating all the time x
Lol more like boys, my son is currently using me as a footstool, no sign of sleep here and his bedtime was at 7! I really wish i had done a picnic even if it wasnt a sw friendly one because the food was rank and such a waste of money. I think baby is sitting on my stomach because it doesnt take a lot to fill me up now even my husband is surprised lol as he would usually be seeing me eating all the time x

I doubt my picnic will be SW friendly cause I've not been on plan all week :(
I have really stuffed myself & still can't stop. My son is only 2, he keeps asking me if the baby is sleeping in my tummy -it's so cute. I still haven't felt kicks yet though so I haven't a clue.
My son is 15 months old so doesnt have much interest in baby but his sisters who are 3 and 4 are always asking about her. I think there will be a lot of jealousy though once his sister is here because he loves to be centre of attention and wont like his sister stealing the limelight from him! I'm on and off the plan, i have a couple of good days usually because of my nausea and than a couple of bad days like today and i have a feeling it wont improve tomorrow. You going anywhere nice on a picnic tomorrow x
My son is 15 months old so doesnt have much interest in baby but his sisters who are 3 and 4 are always asking about her. I think there will be a lot of jealousy though once his sister is here because he loves to be centre of attention and wont like his sister stealing the limelight from him! I'm on and off the plan, i have a couple of good days usually because of my nausea and than a couple of bad days like today and i have a feeling it wont improve tomorrow. You going anywhere nice on a picnic tomorrow x

They are all so lovely & close in age. I'd have liked this one closer in age to the others. When asked what she'd like DD replied 'a sister'; DS answered 'strawberries' lol!
I'm driving up to a bigger playpark with the kids; meeting a few friends & there kids. Hopefully the weather will be dry so they can all run about.

I didn't have picnics when I was wee or family holidays so I'm trying really hard to do these things for my kids. I even ordered a picnic blanket :)
They are all so lovely & close in age. I'd have liked this one closer in age to the others. When asked what she'd like DD replied 'a sister'; DS answered 'strawberries' lol!
I'm driving up to a bigger playpark with the kids; meeting a few friends & there kids. Hopefully the weather will be dry so they can all run about.

I didn't have picnics when I was wee or family holidays so I'm trying really hard to do these things for my kids. I even ordered a picnic blanket :)

Lol when i asked my daughters what they wanted they said as they already had a baby brother they wanted a baby sister but they wanted another baby brother after their sister (they can keep dreaming)!

Ooo the playpark sounds exciting, i'm like you i like to do things that i have missed out when i was smaller with the children. I'm also happy that is was only me and my family and that i didnt make the mistake like previously of inviting my mum, brother or sisters as instead of nearly 5 hours of enjoyment at the zoo it would have been 5 mins of moaning and of we need to go back home now! This happened last time when we took the children to the safari park so didnt enjoy it. Lol i think my husband enjoyed it more than the children though! x
Lol when i asked my daughters what they wanted they said as they already had a baby brother they wanted a baby sister but they wanted another baby brother after their sister (they can keep dreaming)!

Ooo the playpark sounds exciting, i'm like you i like to do things that i have missed out when i was smaller with the children. I'm also happy that is was only me and my family and that i didnt make the mistake like previously of inviting my mum, brother or sisters as instead of nearly 5 hours of enjoyment at the zoo it would have been 5 mins of moaning and of we need to go back home now! This happened last time when we took the children to the safari park so didnt enjoy it. Lol i think my husband enjoyed it more than the children though! x

My OH went to Disney 4 times in America etc so he had the 'childhood' with boy scouts etc. I think he sometimes finds it strange when I get excited over a picnic,lol!

I'm glad you had a nice day. Sometimes we need to just do things with our own wee families. You never know regarding the girls getting their daughter has asked, begged & pleaded for a baby for a while & we always said no. Now she thinks she got her way,lol. I'd never tell the kids this was a surprise! As far as they are concerned it's just another wee addition to the family.

I'm so sleepy now...wish I could climb in to bed. Think I need to log off at least.

Night xo
My OH went to Disney 4 times in America etc so he had the 'childhood' with boy scouts etc. I think he sometimes finds it strange when I get excited over a picnic,lol!

I'm glad you had a nice day. Sometimes we need to just do things with our own wee families. You never know regarding the girls getting their daughter has asked, begged & pleaded for a baby for a while & we always said no. Now she thinks she got her way,lol. I'd never tell the kids this was a surprise! As far as they are concerned it's just another wee addition to the family.

I'm so sleepy now...wish I could climb in to bed. Think I need to log off at least.

Night xo
Night x I'm off to bed too sooo tired and have atlast got my shower so painfree x
Well that's 4 days to myself my OH has gone to benidorm on a stag do, hope they all survive! Ha this is his second stag do in 4 months! And me, what holidays have I had this year............. NONE! I love being pregnant but must say sometimes I get annoyed that the fellas don't have to give up anything life doesn't really change for them, they can walk away but us women it bloody does! Still the thought if her being here in a few weeks keeps me going! Rant over ha
Well that's 4 days to myself my OH has gone to benidorm on a stag do, hope they all survive! Ha this is his second stag do in 4 months! And me, what holidays have I had this year............. NONE! I love being pregnant but must say sometimes I get annoyed that the fellas don't have to give up anything life doesn't really change for them, they can walk away but us women it bloody does! Still the thought if her being here in a few weeks keeps me going! Rant over ha

Tell me about it....the only thing they have to deal with is hearing the moaning....hence why i do alot of it and dont feel guilty for doing so. That's the role they play....sympathy giver lol think they got off lightly ;-) x
So this is the official due date list (unless any changes in the next couple of weeks for scans)

Yikes scary that i am second eeeeek!!!!!!

Nikki - 30th May
Laura - 30th June
Slinky son around 5th July (will have confirmation next fri)
Allimack - 10th August
Mama - 17th Oct (don't actually have my date so this can change in 3 weeks at my scan)
Bunny - 29th october
3 weeks today i am finishing work and a free woman....well only 3 days a week (because of Molly) and of course until little one arrives and when the hard work kicks in! X
3 weeks today i am finishing work and a free woman....well only 3 days a week (because of Molly) and of course until little one arrives and when the hard work kicks in! X

Eeek Im on mat leave from my teaching job but still doing my other job as its easy and casual! Doctors orders that I have to rest otherwise id of worked upto the end of May/early June :) still it's nice to have some time to yourself! I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself all weekend feel like my left arm is missing!lol x
Nikki - 30th May
Laura - 30th June
Slinky son around 5th July (will have confirmation next fri)
Safia - 16th July
Allimack - 10th August
Mama - 17th Oct (don't actually have my date so this can change in 3 weeks at my scan)
Bunny - 29th october
Well that's 4 days to myself my OH has gone to benidorm on a stag do, hope they all survive! Ha this is his second stag do in 4 months! And me, what holidays have I had this year............. NONE! I love being pregnant but must say sometimes I get annoyed that the fellas don't have to give up anything life doesn't really change for them, they can walk away but us women it bloody does! Still the thought if her being here in a few weeks keeps me going! Rant over ha

Men can be so selfish sometimes but you can get your back when baby's here and put him on night time duty for a day that will make him appreciate what you have to go through. It must be selfish man day because i have spent the whole day and some of my evening cleaning the house top to bottom while my husband sat on his backside :mad:. He took a week off work to help me but lets just say he has been more of a hinderance and today he was meant to help me so i went mad at the end and made him feel really bad:D In guilt he made the childrens dinner and fed them and made me some too x
Well I don't think baby likes porridge yikes! I used to love porridge but haven't had nausea like this since the first trimester :/ got a full day if clients too! Bloody great, just what I need the weathers pants I'm going to be drenched and grumpy :( boo
Well I don't think baby likes porridge yikes! I used to love porridge but haven't had nausea like this since the first trimester :/ got a full day if clients too! Bloody great, just what I need the weathers pants I'm going to be drenched and grumpy :( boo

Snap. I used to eat porridge with strawberries/grapes almost daily before and i haven't since being pregnant. The thought of it makes me sick :-(

Had an episode in the supermarket fruit and Veg aisle in the first 12 weeks too where it made me that bad i just managed to get hone before being sick blugh!

Good luck today x
Well that's 4 days to myself my OH has gone to benidorm on a stag do, hope they all survive! Ha this is his second stag do in 4 months! And me, what holidays have I had this year............. NONE! I love being pregnant but must say sometimes I get annoyed that the fellas don't have to give up anything life doesn't really change for them, they can walk away but us women it bloody does! Still the thought if her being here in a few weeks keeps me going! Rant over ha

I'm constantly tryin 2 keep doin everythin as if I'm not pregnant 2 maintain sum kinda normality but poor hubby just doesn't get it! I'm gutted that I'v finally had 2 stop horse ridin now I'm over 28wks but since he hasn't had 2 do a single thing differently (n doesn't share my horse madness! lol) he doesn't understand how hard it is givin stuff up!