Pregnancy and Slimming World

Thanks I take paracemol, the midwife said is common to have headaches due to hormones, doh looks like it will be a common occurance as I am getting them frequently now. I heard the baby's heartbeat and we got it right when doing it at home, still sounds like a train coming through, lol. I am of to watch that pregnant programme :) My midwife gave me some vitamin D3 as they are researching the effects at present to see if there is a link to the vitamin and reducing the risk of premature labour :)
Thank you so much everyone! I think she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw but then again I am her mum lol.

Leeanne910, well done on quitting smoking! My dad was a smoker and it took him 15 years to finally quit so I can imagine how hard it must be. Well done!
Leanne- well done for giving up smoking! That's fantastic!

Lexie- it was hard to watch but i suppose it's nice to see people helping them (apart from the 20 a day girl who scarpered and refused to film again :mad: )
Honey you cant possibly be ready for no.2 ALREADY!!! LOL you crazy crazy lady!!

theres some pics of me at 20 weeks a few pages back.. will take some for my 22wk slot tomorrow and upload soon so you can see my bumpage!

awww a hols to perth! thats lush!!!

God, got to hate hormones, I was like this the other day, swing from being really hypo to seriously depressed!!!

Hormones are whizzing about today. Feeling really emotional, feel like I'm on a rollercoaster, baby is a fidgit bum so not even comfortable.

Sorry for moaning, the only good thing is I've not resorted to emotional eating yet lol
Hormones are whizzing about today. Feeling really emotional, feel like I'm on a rollercoaster, baby is a fidgit bum so not even comfortable.

Sorry for moaning, the only good thing is I've not resorted to emotional eating yet lol

It's good to have a moan! Get it all out! Well done for not emotional eating, you should give youself a pat on the back :hug99:
Honey - you have a beautiful baby who seems to be thriving on your milk - that is fab - best of luck with getting back to SW.

Leanne - congrats on giving up smoking, it can be very difficult as it is an addiction so you've done so well.

Cheeky - am so glad that you managed not to over eat - you've done amazingly so far and i'm sure it will last. :)

I hope everyone else is doing well and feeling fit - hope the headaches go really soon bunny - my first was a nightmare with headaches ao fingers crossed that your's settle down really soon.

I caved in and ended up eating an entire easter egg yesterday - with the mini egg bag inside it as well. Was just really wanting chocolate sooooo badly! But am trying to get back on plan again today. Went out and bought an outfit today as I'm at a wedding do next week. I'm usually a size 14 but today had to get size 10's!!! I nearly fell over, when they fitted and looked ok as well. They are maternity clothes so I'm quite sure that the strechyness is helping in that respect!

I caved to a whole mini egg easter egg - one of the biggish ones! ate it all last night.
Ia te about 4-5 slices of double pepperoni pizza when friends were round last night. And then 2 cakes they'd brought round. Paying for it this morning with an upset tum - hell mend me!

Plans for today are up in the air at the moment.

Bunny - hope you feel better soon. Esp at the weekend. I always feel more cheated when sick on days off

Cheeky - You feeling more chipper today?

Everyone else - have a good weekend!
Hiya! How's life?

Baby Thomas Rhys finaly appeared at 7.58am on Mothering Sunday! Contractions from Friday night onwards, midwife finally checked me on Saturday night and moved me to labour ward. Somehow managed on just gas and air and one jab of diamorphine! Never doing it again! Ha ha! Hope the pictures work.

He was 6lbs 6.5oz at birth, and my waters didn't break until his big head was on the way out, although due to having excess fluid, I had to have a ventflow in my hand incase I had to go to theatre. He'll be 2 weeks tomorrow. :)

It's tough coping with night feeds again, especialy with having a 2.5yr old who wants to play all the time and gets up at 6am! We're coping though.


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Congratulations - he's stunning x
Congrats Josie - all the best with juggling the two of them and I hope things settle down soon. I'll be joining you on the juggling in a couple of weeks time if all goes well.
Take care and try and get all the rest you can get.
Am having a stress at the moment trying to get ready for baby no 2. Room is done, cot is up etc. However DH is still treating no 1 son, who is nearly 3, like a baby and lifting and carrying him about. He never shouts at him when he's done anything wrong on when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing and let him get away with everything - which means I'm the big bad mummy all the time - so whenever anything goes wrong DS runs to daddy - when we're out and DS puts his hands up DH always lifts him up and carries him!
Am just so worried that once baby arrives that DS is going to get so jealous if DH has the baby for anything and then that he's going to resent the baby or try hurting it. He's got a bad temper on him at the best of times sometimes!
So am currently feeling like I'm running a losing battle - have tried to explain all this to DH who just says 'it'll be fine'.
My temper is rising by the day due to being tired and feeling fat and everything else!

Is it just me overreacting or do I have a valid point here?!
Any views would be appreciated!