Pregnancy and Slimming World

Thanks Tamkat. Yes I will find out the gender with the Harmony scan. I have a 7yo DS and he is very keen to have a little brother. We won't be sharing with our family the gender of the baby. We only wanted to find out in order to prepare our DS in case this baby is a girl.

Well, I weighed myself this morning and I have put on 1stone :eek: I blame the steroids as I'm permanently hungry :(
well 3 months into pregnancy & on steroids too I don't think you have done too bad with a stone! Will be nice to for your son to have a brother :) I have a daughter & 2 sons so a girl would def even things out for me,scan on fri but still unsure whether to have a surprise or not x

Well I had my 12 week scan (the NHS one) and my midwife booking in appointment. Scan went well but I do not have the results for the down syndrome risk as it's a combined blood test. Hopefully I will get the results in 2 days (same day as my private 12 week scan & harmony results). Fingers crossed, if it's all well then we will tell the rest of my family and my DS about the pregnancy :)

Well the midwife weighed me and my BMI is 37! I am so shocked! She said not to diet but to start exercising once I reach 14 weeks (have to wait due to my recurrent miscarriages). I have to go back in 2 weeks to have my glucose tolerance test.

Best of luck with your scan on Friday and in deciding whether to find out the sex of the baby.
Hiya everyone, Can I join in here? I'm not new to SW or minimins at all! I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my second and I'm feeling fat, tired and lethargic! I'm desperate to get back to healthy eating! I'm struggling much more with this pregnancy and I'm convinced my weight and lifestyle is not helping. I'm 12 and a half stone right now. I got to 14 and a half stone while pregnant with my son (he was a 9lbs baby to be fair!), so I'm trying to keep my weight gain to 14 and a half again.
Hiya everyone, Can I join in here? I'm not new to SW or minimins at all! I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my second and I'm feeling fat, tired and lethargic! I'm desperate to get back to healthy eating! I'm struggling much more with this pregnancy and I'm convinced my weight and lifestyle is not helping. I'm 12 and a half stone right now. I got to 14 and a half stone while pregnant with my son (he was a 9lbs baby to be fair!), so I'm trying to keep my weight gain to 14 and a half again.

Congratulations x
Thanks super trooper :) my son was high risk for downs syndrome got the call the same day :/ nuchal fold was 3.4mm did you see what yours measured? didn't have any further amnio tests because of fear of miscarriage but waited for delivery & he was fine was worrying all the way through though.This pregnancy nuchal fold 1.9mm & low risk so its been a lot easier.What do harmony test for is it chromosones? Hopefully when you start exercising you can maintain weight there was a woman on my other thread who started sw with her midwifes consent & lost 5lb in her first week :)
Hi mrs cc & congrats :) 12 and half stone im jealous lol Im sure you wont go over 14 and half as you are nearly 3 months in already x
Yes the harmony was testing for Down syndrome, Edwards and one other chromosomal abnormality. Luckily it came back with a low risk so I'm happy :)

I'm having my 16 week apt with the midwife in a few weeks so I'll ask her about slimming world. I'm hoping to join the gym sometime this week. I really need to as my weight just keep going up and up :(

Also, I have my glucose tolerance test next week. Let's hope that I'm OK & do not gestational diabetes..... but I think I will have it as I'm so much heavier in this pregnancy.
Good news on the test results :) I have a glucose test at 28 weeks hopefully be ok.Had my scan & its a boy!! so shocked lol x
no this is my 4th! daughter is 12 followed by 3 boys :) congrats on your daughter will be lovely to have one of each x
5 yrs wow that is a long time to wait! She will be a very much loved little princess by the sounds of it :)
Yes most definitely. It took us 5 years & 3 heartbreaking miscarriages to get to this stage. Let's hope they Bunny can hang on till 24 weeks (when she becomes viable).
Know what you mean Ive had one miscarriage which is bad enough & bled at 5 & 6 weeks this time too so was a relief getting to 24 weeks yest x
How you all getting on ladies? x
I totally forgot about this thread and haven't been following slimming world AT ALL! Ooops! I've gained around 2st but it's mostly bump thank god. Nearly 33 weeks and so ready to have this baby out. Lol
How're you all doing now? Hope you all had nice restful Christmases? X
Hi all may I join :) about 8 week now and still going to class I only joined SW in August and been doing really well so hoping I do not gain extra weight only what baby needs bonus would love to be lighter after having baby than when I started LOL
Hi all may I join :) about 8 week now and still going to class I only joined SW in August and been doing really well so hoping I do not gain extra weight only what baby needs bonus would love to be lighter after having baby than when I started LOL

Of course. Congrats x

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