Pregnancy and Slimming World

This week I've been trying to be a bit more healthy so snacks today are:
Couple of cereal bars
Some WM bread with peanut butter
Apple (lack of money this week - will be more inventive with fruit next week!)
Carrot sticks

Just been reading up on iron rich snacks - dried fruit is really good (and a HEXB) so that would be good if you have a sweet craving.
Snacks? On a good day fruit, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, yoghurts (esp for calcium) sugar snap peas, cottage cheese on ryvita, baby corn, boiled eggs rolled in some cold meat.

On a bad day its anything I can get my hands on.

Sarah I found the breathlessness has gone and I can take my stair in a oney now (I'm on the third floor of a tenement) but I can still hear my blood pounding in my ears by the time I'm 2/3 up. Nothing you can do about it other than mention to midwife and keep going really.

The tiredness and fatigue in the first trimester was horrible. I saw myself sleeping 16 hours a day a couple of days, which if you're working is nigh impossible, esp if you have other kids or anything. Week 14 the tiredness wore off.

I still have the odd day where I go for a wee nap, but it is a nap for maybe 30 - 60 minutes, its not "Oh I'll go for a lie down and it's dinner time" like it was before.

I've still not really had a craving. Although maybe I have? I'll get a notion that I want something, but then I don't have it in and can't be bothered to go get it. But it's been stuff like pears on top of watercress, rocket and spinach salad bags. Or beans on toast. Or cottage cheese. It's not been anything horrendously wierd like ice cream and pilchards..
I taped the 'breast is best' one (umm... impossible for me to stay up past 9pm!)
I've been watching the 'I didn't know I was pregnant' programmes on DMAX... now they're interesting!

I wondered the same about cravings Lexie - how do you know if it's a craving or just something you fancy, like you would have done before pregnancy. I know at the start for me everything had to have cheese with it, but haven't really had anything since. And is that just me fancying cheese because I like cheese... who knows!
I would LOVE to have a wierd craving (something edible of course - not soil or coal or anything wierd!!) but somehow I don't think it's going to happen...
Lexie_dog said:
I have a question for the people who are close to or have had babies. Do they tell you how heavy baby is likely to be? When do they tell you? How do they know?

From what I remember with jacob on ur green notes when they start to measure bump there will be a chart as u grow. More towards the later appointments. And they may note down the guessed weight. So they don't really tell u but it may be in ur notes. Must admit Jacob measured up to be 8lb something and was 7lb 10 and 1/2 born. There were points my bump didn't grow and midwife worried me about it. But was all fine n now he is an annoying hyper 4 yr old lad! Xx hope that helps a bit!

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 12lb loss: 9lb
33 days to go till I will be trying to conceive :) have started a fertility chart on my iPhone to monitor signs!!!!! Just so I kno really! Also do the ovulation sticks work? Only as I have come off cerazette and worried incase my ovulation doesn't start back up for a while.

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 12lb loss: 9lb
Hi hun, I was on cerazette and although it took 6 weeks for my periods to start again, we conceived on my 4th cycle so don't listen to all the horror stories. Good idea to start monitoring the 'signs' and days now - I didn't have a clue when we started and tbh that's probably the main reason it took 4 months as on the month we conceived was the month we really started monitoring.

Didn't use ov sticks so can't help you there sorry x
I didn't use ov sticks either as with PCOS you can get false results, I know ClearBlue say their digi ov monitor may not be suitable fro PCOS'ers for that reason.

Must say I'm a fan of the "every couple of days" method when you are keeping sperm quality fresh/turned over and you can usually "catch" when you ovulate.
Hey everyone hope all your pregnancys are going well! well my period was due yesterday and i have still not come on! took a test this morning and it was negative! thing is i have had major sore boobs and wierd cramps in my belly and my lower back is hurting!!?? this ttc is making me loose it!! just want to come on now so i get on with the fun part again :)
I think Im out this month surely it would have shown on a test!! hope your pregnancy is are you feeling with it?
Not necessarily- i got a very very faint line the day af was due...i did tests after that & the lines were still very faint (bit darker each day but faint) Which tests are you using?

I'm just about getting my head around everything- i've known for a week now but it's all new & scary still! I'm really excited but feel a bit alone. It's a weird feeling...i know when the baby is born i can share the responsibility with my OH but all the time i'm carrying the little sprogglette it's my responsibility- eeek!
x.squiggy.x said:
I think Im out this month surely it would have shown on a test!! hope your pregnancy is are you feeling with it?

Hi squiggy, I showed up negative for two days after my period was due, so you're still in with a chance
O i do hope just using morrisons own brand..grumble there is not even a faint line! i will see what happens the next couple of days! sproglette! i love that!
Urrrgh morrisons were terrible for me! I took one i had spare 2 days ago and it was super faint! I took one when i got a faint line with an internet cheapie & there was nothing at all there. on the morrisons one. I know it sounds weird but go to the pound shop & get some cheapie ones i found cheapies were more sensitive :)
Your keeping it fresh but if you do it like the clappers then you will be getting more semen than sperm cells so it's best to find a happy balance between fresh and stale :eek:

That's why every couple of days. The advice is usually sex 3 times a week, which roughly is every couple of days. :)

The Great Sperm Race - Features - Fertility Tips for Men - Channel 4

Links can be found for further reading:
How Frequently Should I Have Sex If I Am Trying To Get Pregnant?
How to get Pregnant Faster - Top Ten Tips
Q&A: Timing sex to get pregnant? - Getting Pregnant - Fertility and Ovulation -

Also for you TTC ladies "The Great Sperm Race" as shown on channel 4 last year was really interesting.

You can watch it here I'd highly recommend watching it, it really is amazing!:

The Great Sperm Race - Channel 4

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