Pregnancy and Slimming World

Kimmy b said:
Just come back from hospital had bleed at tea time had bloods done and got scan on Thursday this is what it was like with my first so hoping it all ok x will know when we have scan x

Ohh I hope everything is ok hun :( how many weeks are u xxx

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
Kimmy - I hope everything goes ok with your scan hun.

Fern - it's normal and natural to feel scared and overwhelmed by everything - I remember worrying that I wouldn't love my baby when it arrived - yet no matter what he does to drive me up the wall I love him to pieces! So try not to worry or think too much about it hun - easier said than done I know - but if it starts to get you down then speak to your midwife about it.

Cheeky - how wonderful that you will be able to have a natural delivery rather than a section. I hope all works out well. Don't worry too much about the scan or size of baby as I've known them to say that baby will be small only for it to be quite a big baby when it actually arrives - the earlier scans are better at sizing and dating than the later ones. Am sure that everything will be fine with your new little one. You know that you will be the next one to be holding that new baby now. :) You'd better make sure all the stuff for both you and baby are ready to go hun - not long now :)

My bump was measuring small last time I was at the hosptial so they scanned me then but say that baby is measuring ok - am due back on Weds so will see what they say then. At WI tonight I put on 1.5lbs - which I'm ok with as the last couple of days my bump has been feeling like it's growing at a rate of knots!! I currently can't get comfy in any position at all - and my back has started aching on and off as well so all in all things are fine but really not comfortable at the moment. I don't remember feeling like this with my first but hey ho every pregnancy is different.

We've nearly finished the nursery now - need to find some sort of draw unit for it but am not too worried about it as we have a big wardrobe which should hold everything until we get something to use.

I hope everyone else is keeping well and that all mummy's and baby's to be are all doing really well.
Went for 4D scan yesterday and bubs looks like husband but with my nose. It's all very surreal. I know baby coming, I know baby's in there but it still doesn't feel real?

Not long to go now.
My first mw appointment went ok. Walked in to have her say "ohh I recognise ur face" I smiled! It's the same midwife I had through pregnancy with my son!

Nothing was said about my weight and I cam carry on sw if I want. I don't have an estimated date as I haven't had a period cuz of comin off pill. But roughly 15th jan (6 days before my sons birthday!)
Go bk in four weeks and then will be booked for scan.

Sooo I'm 4 weeks 1 day and my baby is the size of a poppy seed!
Already this pregnancy feels totaly different!

Was worried as was almost marked as high risk due to forcep delivery with son. But after speaking with midwife my birthstory I am low risk!!!

My son said today... Mommy I want u to have 2 babies in ur tummy a boy and girl! Hope to dear god it's not a sign lol as I remeber before I was preg a preschooler told me a baby was in my tum n they were right haha

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb

Glad your appointment went well x

Kimmy, hope all is okay hun
Well I went for my bra fitting and I've stayed the same size as I was when I was measured at 5 weeks - a 40 E
My bras were feeling uncomfortable underneath where they sit on my bump, but the lady explained that was probably the design as a bigger size would be huge on me.
Either that or they are fluctuating in size!!

So roll on bra shopping next week when I get paid as I've basically now been living in 2 bras!
Aw I know the feeling mine are so massive and sore, pfft! But just recently brought a load of bras, makes a huge difference especially being comfortable!!!
Great :( partner has been given a weeks notice from his job *cries* don't need this! Not with a 4 yr old, partners 2 yr old and one on the way :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
The company is a bit dodge if u ask me. They unlawfully deducted money out his wages for uniform. Didn't pay his sick pay. Witheld wages and then he met with them yeterday to tell them his rights as he has never been given a contract or their policies and procdures was told he was permanent straight away. And now cuz he has had a word with them about it all. They have gave him a letter saying dismissal as he is on probation andniant suited to the company which is washing cars when he was told last week by them that he works to good standards. If u ask
Me they are scared that he knows his rights and I know them and we checked directgov and acas and they don't like how he isn't a push over and spoke up...

Peed off :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
I am dreading my booking appointment with midwife tomorrow!!

Mostly as I have a bmi that is classed as obese althought I get told I am not obese by ppl and once a doctor who said no way I weigh that much a I don't look big.

Scared of what midwife will say when he weighs me.... How did anyone else in this situation get on x

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb

hi Lianne

MW didn't even weigh me, cos i asked her to sign my SW form for class she just asked for my weight, then said i was not obese and am classed as low risk so all midwife led, my age didn't seem to be a factor either (37 in June), sure you will be fine x
Aww Lianne, what a nightmare, everyone is right though get yourselves to citizens advise centre, fingers crossed for you.

Congratulations Kimmy!

Cheeky glad you got your wish for natural birth i'm sure baby will be fine especially as MW's don't seem concerned.

Sarah, i could probably do with being measured though as doing SW i do measure myself every now and then so checked yesterday, +3 inches on boobs :eek: saying that my bras don't feel small but think they were a little big in the cups from weight loss. Everywhere else has stayed the same. Lost 0.5lb on Monday weigh in which means in the 6 wks i've known i'm pg i've put 1lb on which i'm pleased about as i've not been totally on plan with 2 x weddings, 2 x all you can eat chinese buffet and easter as well as never feeling full! spoke to C on mon and we decided i should have the full 105 syns(only ever had 70) seem to craving ryvitas atm! with low fat spread on of course!;)

Anyway just ordered £350 worth of black pants from next to try on at home before sending them back and then passing order number on to my works for them to order from next and brand with company logo on! WTF? Its a nightmare, skirts already feel very tight so have undone button, mat uniform will take upto 8 wks to come........was going to buy some from asda to see me on for the next few wks but i won't be able to claim money back from wrong!!!!

sorry mad waffle x
Jojo it's weird u say that lol I'm only 4 weeks ish and I gone mad on ryvita with cheese cuecumber tomato and black pepper on. Infact black pepper on anything! Bit odd really lol

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
pmsl, i realise you mean trousers now.. i was like 350 quid on knickers? is she mad?! what does she think is gunna happen to all her panties?! LOL

Pmsl pants are trousers to me lol , mind you it wouldn't be too hard spending that much on knickers! Talking of underwear bargain at a wedding on fri ,lucky can still fit in dress i bought wks ago but needed to get some spanks or something similar............though you're not really suppose to wear them when pg, M&S £35 (ripoff) very similar in Primark £6.00 and does the job nicely Gok Wan would be proud!
Well even though I have been pretty good this week since finding out I was expecting in hope to shift some pounds in the first trimester. I gained half a pound. Bit disapointed insuppose especialy after all the veg fruit and salad I have eaten! Oh well if I continue maybe it won't be that bad!

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb