Pregnancy and Slimming World

Ok. Well I'm going to keep eating well and hope for the best. 12 weeks to go. I just don't want to gain 12 more pounds!!
mummyClark said:
Plus found out my sister in law is having a girl, and I think she is going to steal the name I had chosen for a girl(

Argh! I know exactly how you feel! I made the mistake of telling my sister in law the only name I wanted for a boy & she stole it! Frustrating!!!
Well my friend who was due 10th feb had her baby on 16th jan. my other friend who's baby due this coming Sunday her waters broke last night and she's been having regular contractions over night and I have another friend who was due this Monday just gone.

Jealous? Yup. X
Bella is a lovely name, I do agree with the other posts get in first and say if your having girl its going to be Bella. How many wks apart are you from your sister in law? You could always ask your husband to have a word with her and say how much the name means to you both.

We having a baby girl but we can't agree on any names for a girl its probably cos its going to be our third we already got Emily and Maisie so any suggestions!
Also is anyone finding it hard picking middle names?

Safia I hope your sweep is a success, for some it don't hurt but for me it really did. Im trying not to worry about weight gain as long as I only gain a stone then im ok im sure if you follow sw the best you can even if you do go over on syns your keep alot of the weight off.

Leeanne lovely pic of tristan-is he feeding better now and I know your back to pre pregnancy weight but have you lost any more x
Cas3, u must like the "ee" sound at the end. So do I as it works with my surname best.
My sis called her little girl Emily, mine is called Amy. It we have another girl I am favouring Zoe at the.moment.
I really like the name Bella, my friend has an Isabella but everyone calls her Bella too. I would def.get in first, my sis has and isn't even pregnant or trying.
Her husbands initials are JRI and she said if she had a boy she would have called him Jay or Jake. (its a family tradition for her husbands side that men have those initials) We knew we.were having a girl from 20weeks so never told her I would have called a boy James. In fact we had talked year ago and it was always going to be James David.

At xmas my sis was asking abt names (am convinced am having a boy) and I said I always liked James but am less keen now. She said pls don't pick James as too similar to her names. I think James is nothing like Jake but its important to her and am less keen on the name now (just as well haha).
Am moving towards Aiden lately.

Leeanne he looks gorgeous, did u have that tongue thing done? How is b/f going? It is very hard work, so if ur struggling its normal. I was lucky I had 3 days in hospital to establish feeding. Wouldn't have been able up do it without that
Hi bumps and ladies awwww I miss my pregnant self lol

Put on pre preg jeans today and laughed to myself lol was a bit of a cruella deville cackle lol day 6 and in pre preg jeans!!

Haven't lost any more weight since infact I gained a pound but with these boobs I'm not supeised lol

Boob feeding goin ok ish... Engorgement has passed now and have stacks of expressed milk cuz of it, midwife commented on how much i make. He takes to left side a treat now, right he is still funny with and it hurts and found he is a lazy boy and of an evening is lazy with ha latch n causes me some discomfort. But I have lasted 2 days longer than I did with Jacob :) so I'm pleased... Gonna plod on as his Tongue doent seem to be affecting me much but got midwife tomorrow and monday so might get it done if he still struggles with the right side.

Am so hungry and still crave sweet things?!! So i don't feel like i will be back on plan for a bit as it's grab and go at the mo.


Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
Amy, Isabella and zoe are lovely girl names. I don't think james and jake are that similar either so you could have it if you change your mind again I do like Aiden too.

With my youngest I liked the name Grace or Gracie but my cousin kept saying how much she liked those names if she had a girl but she's still not even planning on a baby yet and if she did she might not have a girl anyway so we ended up going with Maisie my daughter kept calling the bump Maisie and it did suit her.
Our names we like now are Hollie, Evie, Lily and Ava so I do like ee names. Don't think we will go with Lily cos my friends daughter is Lilly mae and my oh doesn't like Lily or Evie its really hard picking names.

Leeanne you done so well with your weight and bf your probably will lose weight while bf its meant to be normal to crave sweet things when feeding. Going try give BF a go with this baby. Are you managing ok with your partner going back to work or did he manage to get bit of time off work.
We are 3 weeks apart

Husband wants Isabella, but I wasn't as keen so we said bella was the one (thought it wrong to straight name her Belinda)
Other names I liked were Emma, summer, Zoe and annabel but the names not set in stone and besides it might not even be a girl yet

Jake and James are completely different names, I like both

Keep it up Leanne your doing great the first couple of months are the hardest, after that it's a breeze and something that will come naturally to both of you. I hated the engorged boobs, were at the worst when I went out for a night with my friends and left baby with my parents whrn she was about 6 weeks old, they were so uncomfortable, huge and rock hard, so not looking forward to that again.
Your doing great though xx
He went back Sunday doin nights so he been doin 6.30-630 12 hour shifts Sunday Monday last night tonight and Thursday night but he was upset this morning cuz he feels like he is missing all the time with Tristan. I am gonna talk to him bout asking for a week off soon so he has time with him while he is tiny. It has been so hard almost like doin it on my own. And it has played on my emotions and not able to rest in the day as I have things to do and then I need to makesure Jacobs ok... It feels like it is slowly getting there. Getting Tristan registered tomorrow :) and picking up the photos from our bump photoshoot today :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
Ah all the names are lovely.
Ours is Erin for a girl or Harrison for a boy.

My son is mikey ( Michael ) after my husband and all the first born boys on his side.

Maybe I am mean but if I had a family member or friend who I thought might choose a name I liked I would be slightly inclined to tell them I was picking something I really hated instead lol My first two were easy Lukas Andrew Mark Leigh (mummy was a bit of a speedway fanatic at the time and they were all speedway riders for our local team, was helpful that Andrew and Mark happen to be his dad and my dad's names and hubbys full name is Mark Lee so people assumed we named after family). Leo Ronan Ciaran Bradley (Leo was from tv show charmed, Ronan is after Ronan Keating my favourite singer, Ciaran was a character in coronation street I liked the unusual spelling and bradley was my great great grandmothers surname and thought it would be a nice tribute to her). The next two were really hard but we eventually went with Logan Angeleo Jaedyn Ben (Logan after wolverine, Angeleo is Angel Leo combined in honour of our angel baby actually got the idea from someone I used to work for who made me a custom made scrapbook kit as a birthday present to remember Leo, Jaedyn was another one I liked because of the unique spelling and Ben was because we let Lukas pick his last name so he named him after his favourite cartoon Ben 10 lol. Then finally we have the little princess Leia Lucia Aurora May (Leia from star wars, Lucia because it means light, Aurora after sleeping beauty and May was Mark's mum's middle name I just couldn't bring myself to give my baby the name Freda in tribute to her so middle name seemed a good compromise. Our miscarriage angels were Gaiebraille (was thinking of the angel gabriel and changed the spelling so it was unique and suitable for a boy or girl) and Ambrose (means always thought of) because we were not entirely sure of the sex.
Only 3 wks apart thats really close.

I do love Harrison too if we ever had a boy it would be Jack harrison but im not planning anymore.

Hope your partner is able to get a wk off work its such a shame his missing out on Tristan, you must be knackered having to take care of Jacob and a new baby especially if you got to do school runs. Im hoping mine is able to take off at least 2 weeks its going be hard when baby arrives getting Emily to school (school isn't close anymore) taking care of a 2 yr old as well as the newbaby I be ok once I recover from section x
Been to class tonight. I put on 2lbs. It's my own fault for eating so much rubbish but am gutted. I have actually put on 5.5lbs in 4 weeks. That's between 12 and 16 works so not like I should be putting on much! Really going to try hard this week and aiming for 1lb to 1.5lb loss next week.
Don't be hard on yourself Geordie lass, I'm 17 weeks nd found the weight is starting to pile of in the last 2 weeks x
I gained 3lb last week, weigh in on Friday I hope to lose but even a sts will make me happy. Just put it behind you and focus on next week :)
I have sts for at least a week so that's good but maaaaaan did I eat today!! Raisin bran. Yogurt. RICE PUDDING. Strawberries. Ww toast with peanut butter and honey. And cottage pie for dinner! I can't believe how many strawberries I ate!!! And the rice pudding....oh Lord. It was sw friendly but I ate a ton of it. And 2 bowls of raisin bran. Not just one! I prob ate the least of the cottage pie since I was so stuffed from everything else today. :( I don't even want to face the scale after today!!!! I was hoping to lose weight in this pregnancy so I could be healthy from the word go. But it doesn't seem that luck is in my favor!!'s to hoping I can bf and reap those benefits.
Ohhhh mno

I kno how much u want this but if your hungry u need to eat. I find that if I think bout being on plan I won't be on plan like it's too much pressure. Maybe ur stressing too much relax enjoy that food cuz doesn't sound that bad!! My craving was chocolate n sweet stuff n look at me... I only gained baby weight!! I'm sure u will be fine!!

Registering little man today!!!!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 40 weeks preg: 14s 13lb
Thanks everyone, am just going to be good this week. I don't mind indulging in my cravings but mine have been more out of greed I think.

Am normally the opposite. Thinking abt it keeps me on plan. Got healthy lunch and dinner planned so just got to curb my snacks!
Hi girls

I received my letter today for the downs syndrome test as Low risk.

I have an Age related risk (1:260) and an Individual risk (1:5800), i assume that i go by the Individual one?

It says on the letter that my individual risk is Low, i just wondered why they gave 2 results.
That's great news mia, I only had one on mine but I assume thats coz I'm only 23
They must just put age one on to show you a comparison of your results for someone your age, but yer go by the individual one as it takes all your measurement from blood and baby on scan into account

So excited I'm getting proper kicks now, been playing little one some music and they seem to enjoy Marvin Gaye lol
My daughter used to like gangster rap and club music

Got a doppler this morning and it is so good to be able to hear bubbas heartbeat itllbbe especially good for when I have one of my psycho 'o my god I can't feel it, it's dead' moments