Pregnancy and Slimming World

capricorn- that looks beautifully fab and totally something i'd have had for Penny- BUT you may find that it wont last you the full year and actually a moses basket has served us well, for 30squid or so Penny was in it untill 3.5 months (she began rolling) .. and then when we cosleep - she goes in her cotbed and then comes in with us most nights when she wakes at 4/5 for her feed - i push the moses basket up against my side of the bed and rest a pillow up against it, then if some how Penny did manage to roll to the edge, though very unlikely as i sleep with my arm cradeling her, and shes a proper snuggler lol no chance of any space.. she would have to roll up the pillow and into the moses basket. So we are getting our moneys worth.. also moses baskets can seem space consuming as it is when your not used to something invading the bedroom space.. me thinks this will be ever bigger!!!

also, if your thinking of baby wearing, i bought a sling from the victoria sling lady (google) she is really popular and very cheap while you decide if a sling is for you, you wear baby upright so is totally safe. Penny practically lived in ours untill she was around 5 weeks old.. then we started using the pram a little more so daddy could get involved. xx
Cas3, doing the nursery up is the best bit!!! It was my sanctuary during pregnancy, i was instantly calm when i was in there, it was perfect. for me, it was very important.. even though she was ofc in with us to begin with x
Hun all you need is a basic moses basket get a stand second hand to save you bit cash, I wasn't refering to expensive crib there was one for 30 quid on there too. I agree with you its not something I would buy for my baby I don't think you wud get much wear out of it especially once baby is moving around.
I read ur other post a little while ago just write a list out the important stuff that needs to be done and don't forget you don't need to do up a nursery or anything as baby will probably be sleeping in ur room for first few mths so you can always wait till baby is born then you won't need to choose neutral colours. If you gain this wk its a good thing as you had such bad time wiv the sickness so don't worry xx

Well i've decided the garden can go on hold because i'm not due till the end of august the weather will soon turn horrible for winter being in wales an all so we may aswell wait until next spring before we start worrying about the garden. We just need to get a new fence up because our dog cybi cant run around out there incase he tries to escape!

I've just seen a girl on facebook selling a moses basket (minus a mattress or any of the covers and stuff) and a stand for £7, i'm really tempted to buy it but i cant find like a moses basket bail anywhere! i mean the cover that goes over the hood of the basket and around the edges, anyone seen them for sale anywhere? If i can find that and discover a price then i will know if it is worth it or not!

Its worth buying just for stand not sure about the bale cos it depends on the size of moses basket you cud offer her money just for stand, most stands fits all moses baskets and then buy moses basket I think find ur it hard to find the bale sold by its self, you can get mattress anywhere, smyths website had moses basket for 26.99 wiv bedding and mattress dont know if they still got them. The stand I got was given to me when I had my lo just brought new moses basket going do the same again it saved me 20 quid x
Evening all

MissSlinky -don't worry about not having a nursery ready -Im due in about 8 weeks and Im not even bothering yet, we moved back to the UK in October -I whipped through decorating and carpeting (had no choice as the tennant had wrecked the place :mad:) -we moved in here in December and there are lots of things I'd "like" to do BUT they can wait a while.... Charliebump will be in with us for at least 6 months (well thats the plan so far) -so I can't see the point of making up a lovely room to stand and get seems a lot of expense AND far to much hassle after decorating right through allready ;). I figure it gives me chance to decide what I need slow time -and I can keep an eye out for great sales :sign0151:. As yet the big room that should be his has access to the attic bedroom and the bathroom so we have to sort out paneling it into a seperate room and possibly putting the bathroom in there and turning the big bathroom into the nursery so I don't want to rush a decision.
I have to agree that the ambynature nest I want isn't what I would call pretty -frilly moses baskets n cribs are much nicer to look at but Im just going for Practical and comfy (gawd Im growing up :p) - If I get that bed then I don't need a travel cot and I can soon put it in the car if we go anywhere. To be honest Im trying to get as much stuff as possible that is dual purpose or just longer lasting to hopefully save money in the long run. Thats one of the other reasons Im going for the re-usable nappies -the initial outlay is about £200 but then they are to last until he is dry, so in the long run it should save quite a bit, Im hoping I can breast feed him and then that means no nappies and no bottles so the plan is to split his family allowance in 2 -1 lot to save for when he is 18 and the other half to put away for buying bigger things as and when he needs them -things like school trips, etc

Fern -Im hoping that even if it only lasts him 6 months it will earn its keep -It was mainly reading about it helping colicy babies and them sleeping better that sold it to me -and even if he gets to heavy for it you can buy a stronger spring ;). It won't matter about it taking up much space as we have plenty of room and it will also be light enough to slide around if its in the way. The idea is that he will go from that into a cot bed in his own room... although as we know ...he may well have other ideas :p

I think I will mainly use a baby carrier for when Im pottering about n about whilst hubby is at work -Im not bothering driving much and want to get out for plenty of exercise n fresh air for both of us- we have loads of lovely walks around us -trust me Im going to have to fight hubby to get hold of baby when he is home :p -he actually looked perplexed when I mentioned a baby monitor so we could keep an ear on him when he goes to bed !!! Hubby declared there was no need as when baby goes down for the night hubby is happy to lie on the bed and keep an eye on him *awwww*
Capricorn I have an amby natures nest, yes expensive but when your finished with it it should sell well 2nd hand (well they looked like they did when I last looked which was a ages ago)
However I would still get a Moses basket, I for a 2nd hand one on ebay (bought a new mattress) and used it for day time sleeps downstairs. It isn't practical to move the natures nest - the frame is huge and it quite fiddly to put up and down.

Miss Slinky - buy aa much as u can from eBay, look now every week and search by location so u can collect. Last time I got the following bargains (i give them away after tho):

Baby bath and top & tail pit - £2
Moses basket & rocking stand - £10
Bouncer chair - £5
Play mat - £5
Mama & papa drawers with changing table - £70
Toddler bed / cot with sheets, blankets, duvet and pillows plus cases - £45

I got more than that too but not sure what I paid
Pressed send to early, there are loads of bargains to be had - clothes are good esp new born size, some.ppl only have put their baby im them grow so fast! Now I.know am having a boy that's what am looking at next :)
Only things I would def want new is a car seat (unless u know the seller and trust they wouldn't have had an accident) and mattress because that's essential (and when u see what a 6 month old does to the mattress u realise why)
Hey miss slinky, I would wait till the boot sale season starts, you will get great things there 2nd hand. You will be able to see exactly what your getting and ask the owner what they thought about it. Plus it will be a fraction if the price of the shops or eBay which can get quite expensive when you add postage

Now for a bit of a rant if you'll let me. Sorry if i offend anyone as I haven't been in the situation myself. It's about my 19 year old cousin, who constantly feels the need to post statuses on a subject that makes me want to punch her in the face (could be hormones) for example this mornings one;
"3 years ago at 6.30 the worst day of my life started
You was a part of me, though not for very long
To me you are the lightest star in the sky as you didn't get the chance to grow"

Ok I'll explain, this was about when she was pregnant 3 years ago. Now don't get me wrong I'm sure losing a baby is difficult , but this is a girl who had an abortion in the first trimester, a few months after another cousin of hers lost and buried her baby at 25 weeks. It bugs me how insensitive she can be, she decided to kill the baby, so I can't see why she is acting like she had a miscarriage to everyone. The death of baby Mary-anne hit me really hard and made me a nervous wreck in this and my previous pregnancy. I don't see abortion as anything to broadcast on a regular basis on Facebook, she decided to take that pill and kill her child, so stop flaunting it in front of people who have lost theirs naturally.
Please if people think I'm out of order let me know, it really upsets me and I don't understand it

*sorry for the long and probably inappropriate rant on here xx
Im new here and about to join slimming world thurs hoes everyone been doing or finding it (im 21 wks)

Hi mummy clark i ubderstand your feelings in regard to it.

But i had 2 abortions. One at 16 and one at 18. Both affected me and not a day goes by that i dont thint bout what i did. Especiaky when i have little ones now it hurts more. You do weird things like remember the day you done it and work out their birthdays. But they wouldnt of had a quality of life. So i ubderstand how she feels too. Just because it was in our hands, doesnt mean we dobt think bout it or regret it, the hardrst part to deal with is never seeing them (i had an abortion at 16 at 13 weeks) which would have been baby shaped and at 18 they "accidently" showed me the scan. So it can hurt n after..

But still see how u feel hun plus yes crazy preggy hormones lol xx

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
It must have been awful to lose the baby at 25 weeks but it doesn't mean someone else's pain is any less so.

I had a miscarriage, I thought I was 8 weeks but the scan showed baby at 4. It hurt a lot, I never realised before how much it could hurt. I have Amy already but this miscarriage was the cycle before o got pregnant this time. Until then I knew it was sad but didn't understand why ppl were so affected when it was so early (before baby was really formed). I was devastated.

My friend had a miscarriage a year ago on Sat, she is still very upset by it. Doesn't feel ready to try again and has been anxious and stressed over it.

I know these are miscarriages but perhaps she didn't really want abortion but felt it was the right thing to do at the time. Some ppl don't regret it til after and it's too late. If it hadn't meant a lot to her she might just see it as any other day (and wouldn't have posted it).

On eBay - If.u filter by distance u get the ones.near you. It shows u within 5 miles. That's what I do. Postage.these days is so expensive as think ppl try to up their profit that way!
Leeanne how are u getting on with SW? U struggling with dieting and breastfeeding or managing ok?
Thanks Leanne, was hoping someone would be able to shed light on it. I understand remembering them, but would you put it on Facebook at least once a month? It's a sad thing she decided to do it, I just hate that for people that didn't know it was an abortion, she is making out that it was a miscarriage, which I'm sure you could agree is on a different level x
Hi ladies

Just a quick note to tell u that Charlie arrived on valentines day, 10 days over due lazy boy, wasn't so lazy when he decided it was time to come out, 2 hours in labour and 8 mins of pushing! He is a boobie monster and just gorge!

Will b back ASAP to get back to our chats hope u r all well and to any first timers it is not as bad as u fear! xxx
Hi ladies

Just a quick note to tell u that Charlie arrived on valentines day, 10 days over due lazy boy, wasn't so lazy when he decided it was time to come out, 2 hours in labour and 8 mins of pushing! He is a boobie monster and just gorge!

Will b back ASAP to get back to our chats hope u r all well and to any first timers it is not as bad as u fear! xxx

Congratulations on your new arrival :flowers:.... My bumpy is a Charlie too :D ....

BUDHA -welcome and congratulations :D, Im doing slimming world although not as strictly as I should, but so far Im about 4.5lbs lighter than when I found out I was expecting and Im nearly 32 weeks. I don't know if you have been told but you can do EE BUT have to heA + 2heBs :D

GeordieLass -I don't like moses baskets but luckily the carry cot comes off his pram/pushchair chassis so he can nipnapnoo in that to start with when he is downstairs although I fully intend getting a nap when he does when I need one so I will probably take him upstairs and we can snore together :p

Right off for some more X-stitching and then I will get a bit more sorting done.... have a lovely day everyone

Wow congratulations I thought you'd gone quiet but I didn't realise it had been a week. Hope your both doing well xx
The main thing i'm really worried about is getting central heating installed because that is a deffinate must do before bubs arrives. At the moment me and Rob have been surviving only on the coal fire which powers all of the radiators but not very well and after the fire goes out it gets very cold at night we have an all night use blanket to help keep us warm but central heating needs to be sorted. I was hoping we would qualify for working tax credits after my birthday so we could apply for a grant to get the central heating done as they give you around £3000 if your heating is supplied solely by solid fuel but we didnt qualify so no grant!

I'm going to reapply for working tax credits in the new tax year as i know our income for this tax year is a lot lower than last year and then hopefully the process will be fast enough so that i can get the grant and get it installed. If not i will have to take up my mums offer of her paying for the central heating but i will feel guilty taking over £3000 from her when she's trying to pay for my sisters wedding :(

I'm not overly worried about the cost of baby things - I already have a silver cross pram and buggy, 2 stair gates, car seat, breast pump, disposable breast pads and 2 packs of storage milk pots (those 4 were bought from for sale or swap on facebook all brand new for £20 - i checked on boots, from there would have been £50!) my mum has been off excitedly being a nainy to be in mothercare and gave me the cutest little clothes, booties and a white ski suit that was (£35!!) I also already have a baby monitor although it wont be needed until after 6 months when my nanna was basically on her death bed my mum bought it so she could hear my nanna sleeping- just incase. So we will be having that!

I'm seen on facebook last night the exact moses basket i wanted with a stand and all the covers and stuff for £25 so i've sent her a message offering £20 as i would need to go pick it up 15 miles away and buy a new mattress so will see what she says. Also a lady is selling a glider chair on there and i really want one of those. It has a horrible covering on the cusions and footstool but my mum is a gifted seamstress so she can easily recover it for me. In the shops its £175, this lady is asking £40 so i've messaged her about buying that aswell lol.

on scan day we went into a few charity shops and bought some baby clothes (as they are barely worn by the previous owner and babies grow so fast anyway!) I got a Disney shop winnie the poo furry bear all in one with a christmas scene on it, its 3 - 6 months so perfect in time for christmas for my baba - £3.50 :D also bought a brand new still with the tags yellow ducky 3 piece set which is so cute!

My mum started knitting the minute i told her and all my nanna's old friends from the church have all got there knitting needles out now lol so bubs will have loads of original knit stuff like bonets, booties, blankets, cardigans becuase they are like a little army they are so cute!

Were off to Ikea in april, i've actually seen a really nice nursery furniture set there wardrobe, cot and changing unit. It totals under £200 so were going to go and see it, if it is sturdy and good quality for the price we will buy that i think. Also ikea have loads of baby stuff really cheap so we will probably get a lot of stuff there!

Sorry this has been a mammoth message. You may have all noticed i'm a bit of a stress head and i'm super organised! I dont know how my husband copes with me sometimes :character00100:
I understand how ur feeling mummyclark really don't think facebook is the place to post personal issues I know abortion must been a tough decision for ur cousin or anyone else to go through but I've seen how hard it is when someone loses a much wanted baby in pregnancy it happened to someone very close to me she lost 2 babies and had to go through giving birth and the second baby she lost was just a few days before I had my little girl I felt so guilty that I had my baby and she lost hers and if things were different our little girls wud of grown up together.

A big congratulations to mrss 2010 I wondered if you had ur baby, I think Charlie is a lovely name for a little boy, hope your both doing well when u feel up to it give us an update x

Capricorn it sounds like ur ready for charliebump much more organised than me, bet you can't wait for the nest to arrive so exciting when getting baby's first bed ready x

Miss slinky, thats a shame about the grant for heating it wud of helped you out, you may be entiltled to working tax when baby arrives but know you want to get it done before then its lovely that ur mum wants to help you out you shouldn't feel bad accepting it x
Afternoon all

Well thats our bedroom fettled :D - everything is put away, charliebumps nappies etc are in the drawers (just need to press his clothes tomorrow.... if I can remember how to use an iron :p)

I even vacuumed and wanted to do down here but I will get a rollocking if I carry the vac down stairs :giggle: -so it will wait until hubby gets back on Friday..luckily only this room has carpet the front is laminate so I can sweep n mop that ;).

Cas3 -Im about as organised as Im going to get for now :p -just his bed to order and a couple of small bits, then Im done for now... Im so relaxed its crazy - Im sure there are plenty more things I will want to get him -but Im waiting until he is here -knowing my luck I would buy loads of little clothes and give birth to a baby sumo :D, plus as I have managed to fend off my family going bonkers and buying loads of stuff Im expecting a deluge of cute baby things once he arrives ;).
Mum has been knitting though and he has the cutest ickle white jacket with a pixie hood *awww* and she has done a couple more first sizes but I have told her not to do too many as we won't get the wear out of them.....

MissSlinky - core blimey thats one heck of a list of goodies you have :D
Can I ask who supply your gas/electricity? only we swapped to british gas a few weeks ago and when they came to take out the meters (tenant had card meteres put in :mad:) -they were saying that they were offering customers free loft insulation and cavity wall insulation -guess who has single brick walls and an attic bedroom :rolleyes:. you could always look into it and it may even be worth swapping over if the offer is still on. I know you still need central heating but "every little helps"

Well I have taken some breast of lamb stew out of my stash I made the other week -so thats in the remoska for a nice easy dinner -so Im off to lie on the sofa with my blanky and watch maternity ward :D
Have a lovely evening all...