Project (Tiger)Lily :) 67 days of SS to go!

No problem.

I think families are toxic and I'm a strong advocate of setting and maintaining positive boundaries with people even if they do swamp you with guilt.

I did used to enjoy locking myself in the toilets of a pendilino sobbing only to be rudely disturbed by some horribly offensive Person needing a wee! Thank god those days are gone!

I have a good feeling about your life coach!
Just catching up on this diary, Lily.
Dear Lily and Jellibabe,

I'm convinced the disorganisation thing is closely related to our body clutter. I have found Flylady really helpful. She's an american who helps people sort or disorganisation by just starting where ever you are and using a timer so you just do what you can do in 5 minutes or if you can handle it 15 minutes. She starts by having you shine your sink> It may seem hokey but it really really works. And...she has procrastination Wednesdays! So she encourages her followers to spend just 15 mins on something we've been putting off. I love love love her. It's free as she funds it by selling products. I always buy her calendar now as it's really big enough to use. i also give them to lots of friends with kids too!

So dear friends and fellow procrasinators, google Flylady and take some baby steps. It will really suipport you. If you fall, dust yourself off and start again.

Thanks Ali x

Yes, I'm aware of FlyLady (and I know Mel is :D). I did once meticulously clean my sink but alas, did not follow through and wipe it over the next day. :rolleyes: But that's me all over - no follow through. Diet, exercise, taking vitamins, my approach to work - I can be brilliantly organised for a couple of days at a time, lurrve the feeling of control it gives me - but after 3 days (usually immediately after bragging to someone that this time I've cracked it - I'm a new woman!), I lapse in whatever nearly acquired habit I've acquired.

Some times I get through weeks before that happens, sometimes even months. But usually it's days. :sigh:

Still, I'm aware that's my MO. Could be worse - I could be in denial. And I'm going to see whether there are new tricks I can use to beat it!
That's Ok Lilly. We have years of behaviour that one day isn't going to change. So I too fall off the sink shining wagon regularly.

I'm much better now at picking myself up and starting again. The odd thing is the cumulative effect of doing that is encouraging. It's far from perfect but I do follow Flylady many more days than I don't now. The island table in our kitchen has no permanent junk on it today. It hasn't had permanent junk on it for a good few weeks now. That's a nice thing I'm enjoying today.

So sweet Lily, be kind and congratulate yourself when you do the things you want to do in the way you want, and be kinder to yourself when you don't.

I think that when families are toxic, it's even more important that we give ourselves our own tlc and acknowledgement.

Sending you and anyone else who needs them lots of tender thoughts for a good and kind day today,

Hi Lily,

As the Flylady says "Do not worry about catching up, just jump in..."
Do what you can do and if you do this each day it does get easier. My sink is almost always cleared, my laundry stays caught up, loos do not get too bad, food gets bought, meals get planned and cooked, kid gets to get activities and homework/piano practice gets done, appointments made, handbag sorted, --but there is loads of things that do not get done. However, I am working on it. BABY STEPS.

Have you had your meet with the life coach?
Dear Lily,

I'm sitting in MacDonalds (!) dinking my shake with a coffee and on the internet. It's a sunny morning and the light is flooding in. This is just to send you golden thoughts of support. Do let us know you are taking care of yourself.

with best wishes from sunny Somerset,

Morning Lily,

I hope that all is okay.
Hi Lily,

I'm going to stop asking you to ice skate with me - since I broke my wrist skating on Friday the 13th.

I hope you are well.