Purple Hugs - Babe in arms!!

So glad everything went well with the move and he settled into his new home OK :)
Your MW will kill you coz you just know baby is going to make her apearance when she has her Chrimble shopping to finish lol:D
glad everything is sorted now and you can relax and i really hope things happen soon ,how exciting :D
Well baby Catrin Beth arrived at 1.26am this morning! weighing 6lb 8.5oz.
After a short labour including a second stage of 16 minutes!!! lol literally 3 pushes and she was in my arms.
Called MW at 10pm after my tightenings stepped up an hour before then shifted to 2 mins apart within a 20 min period. lol
Dh was fantastic for support / massage etc. And we both felt it was a calm and natural birth. :D Hypno birthing definately helped keep my head in the right place.

She is a tiny bit blotchy from the quick birth but doing well - sleeping soundly at the moment. :)

Gas and air only (for 2nd stage only), home birth, with only a graze! :)

Both my girls are smitten (as dh and I are of course) and were able to be there as soon as Catrin was born (I was literally still stood with her in my arms cord attached to me etc. Allowed cord to stop pulsing before eldest and DH cut it. 3rd stage was 1 hour as tried to let it happen naturally but had injection in the end in case it went on too long and led to my being transferred in.
MW's were fantastic!

Catrin has Breast fed after skin to skin, but is sleepy now so have struggled to get her to feed when latched on.. fingers x'd she wakes better later - MW is coming so will sort things out then.
aw huge congratulations well done you ,sounds a fab birht awwwwwwwwww so pleased x
Lol this was a shock to see!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!! absolutely made up all went to plan and baby is healthy and beautiful!

Well done u, 16 minutes has got to be a record!

loads of love to all of you, hope you have a magical first christmas all together!

Can't wait to see piccies!!

Congratulations Jane :) So pleased you got the birth you wanted! Sounds like a really positive experience.
oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!! just saw this and squealed, bless you, I couldn't be happier that you've got your baby girl now and the labour you wanted. Ooooooh it's all so exciting! fabulous, fabulous news =)
Well done Jane huge congratulations to you all! Can't wait to see pics!

Click to enlarge :)

Sorry a lot of them involved bare skin and well err muck! lol

Angie - all I can say is Hypno birthing.. keep your mind on breathing and visualising / zoning out - works a TREAT!

I'm saying it's 5 hours in total but MW recorded it as 3 - from her arrival! lol Amazing stuff. :)
And yes Lauren I was shocked when she said the 2nd stage was 16 mins!! lol Literally just 3 pushes as I was having huge urges to push - it's not really hypno birthing way to push but i couldn't stop it.. first one they 'saw' her then 2nd she was head out - then third she was fully out. lol
Again the video's i've watched helped me.. I knew what would happen and visualised it as I did it. :)
She came out with a hand by her face and loves that hand up by her face bless her! lol

She's very very sleepy today - not BF well so looking for tips on that, but mw is supportive of waiting and keep trying. :) She fed well after birth so it'll come no doubt.
I feel fab today and not nearly as sore as I was with Erin. lol not surprising really.

Might take her for a walk to school tomorrow (round the corner) so Adele and Erin can show her off! lol
Awww Congrats hunni!! What did I tell ya, I said you'd probably have her sooner rather than later! :D She is a wee beauty. Congratulations to you and your family xxxxx :D:D:D
What a gorgeous little thing!

So so happy for you, LO's adn hubbies faces are the best! Smitten doesnt even come into it!

Congratulations again! and enjoy showing her off at school!

oh honey that's wonderful!! and she's so beautiful. i logged on specifically in case something had happened with one of you guys but still couldn't quite believe it when it had :D

well done :D

abz xx