Question fir the long termers?


Full Member
Hi I'm on day 4 ATM of what I've worked put to be nearly 200 hundred days!!! Eeek! Ive worked it out that I should be at my goal weight by august which coincides with the date that I finally qualify as a mental health nurse! I say finally, I'm so excited LOVE the practical side it's just I'm dyslexic so really struggle with the essays etc so it has been the hardest 3 years of my life!!!!
Anyway I'm considering august as a new start. I'm 22 so it's like the start of my adulthood life then in a way :p
So my question is to people out there who have stayed on for the long term does it ever get to appoint where it's normal? And you get use to it ? Or is it always a bit of a chore? Any advice for the next 7 months would be much appreciated please :) x
I think it becomes less of a chore the further you go, I did 3 months solid and then it started to lose the magic, but I think that was partly due to me feeling more content with how I looked.
Ive seen people having planned breaks too
Hello from a fellow dyslexic. Although I'm new to this I do identify with the essay writing. I did law at university and the essays but moreso the enormous amount of reading made it so difficult. But I got there as you will too. Best of luck for your studies and your s&s journey. Xx

I waited 5 months before I took a planned break and I must say that after a while you really do get used to it and it becomes the normal way of eating. Its slightly addictive too seeing the weight come off time and time again, when you are full of motivation the first slog def is the easiest bit imo. Its become a chore for me now because I have reached a comfortable weight and that makes me play all sorts of mind games with myself also diet fatigue has set in, but its taken several months to get to this stage so I wouldn't worry. My advice would be to stay 100% and if you need a break make sure its a planned one and not a random out of control kind but even if this happens imagine what you will feel like come august and get back right on it.

I am sure you will do great! will be awesome not only achieving your dreams professionally at such an age but also your personal goals too :)
Definitely echo planning a break. For me it was a very timely reminder of why I'm doing this, I felt terrible eating carbs again, and it really helped me identify foods that don't like me - and to think about why I like them so much. It was really an education in understanding my diet choices and why food is just so darn important to me. Now I'm back on the plan, it's amazing how different I feel, and yes, it does become just what you do, it's not a chore at all.

I'm very impressed with your professional goal acheivements - thats really something else! My mum has just recently retired from a lifetime career as a mental health nurse, it's an incredibly rewarding profession. I'm sure you're already aware, but just to share in case you're not, have you got a coloured screen cover on your laptop/pc? My apprentice at work is dyslexic, we've just sorted a filter out for her and it's made a massive difference to her :)
I do have a planned break in about 13 weeks I have two weeks off and in the first week im going to Venice possibly with my boyfriend.... I am worried that I won't get back on plan after that as you said I might be content with my weight loss :/ yes I have the coloured over lays for reading to :) fair play I thought nursing was a struggle but law now that's something else :) I've just handed in an literature review which involved months of reading so I'm with you on that ! Thanks for all your replies :) x